


  英语书信是 英语写作 中的重要形式之一,他有多少种现在形式呢?下面我为大家带来英语书信现在格式 范文 ,希望对你有所帮助!

  更多精彩“英 语书 信写 作格 式范 文”(↓↓↓点击鉴赏↓↓↓)   ✿︶3︶✿☞英 语建 议信格 式范 文☜✿︶ε︶✿   ✿︶3︶✿☞英 语感 谢信格 式范 文☜✿︶ε︶✿   ✿︶3︶✿☞英 语申 请信格 式范 文☜✿︶ε︶✿   ✿︶3︶✿☞英 语投 诉信格 式范 文☜✿︶ε︶✿   ✿︶3︶✿☞英 语邀 请函格 式范 文☜✿︶ε︶✿   ✿︶3︶✿☞英 语描 述信与道 歉信格 式范 文☜✿︶ε︶✿   英语建议信格式范文

  21 June 2006

  Dear Mary,

  Thanks for your last letter. I'm so glad that you have been able (at last! ) to arrange a holiday in Australia. As I fear I won't be able to meet you at the airport when you arrive, nor will I be able to be home until later in the afternoon, so here are some instructions and suggestions.

  There is a bus from the airport to the city. It is much cheaper than a cab. Take the bus to the city and ask to get off at Town Hall railway station.

  To get to my place in the eastern suburbs you have three options. You can either take a cab, a bus or the train. I suggest you take the train, since the airport bus will leave you right at the station. Get off at Cliff Station. From there you can either walk to my place (about ten minutes) or take a taxi. Probably you should take a taxi as you will have luggage.

  When you arrive at my flat, ring the intercom for Flat 2. My friend Lillian will be at home and she will open the front door for you and let you into my flat.

  Presumably you will be tired and want to sleep. But if you feel like some exercise after that long flight, you could stroll down to Cooper Park, which is only ten minutes away ? you can see it from the window.

  Cheers and looking forward to seeing you.

  Yours sincerely,


  P.S. I will leave something for breakfast in the fridge. Help yourself to anything you want.


  Here are some instructions and suggestions.

  May I suggest that we meet at the gate of the university?

  I'd like to suggest you should visit London for at least two days on your way to Scotland.

  Considering your present situation, I propose that you should apply for the post.

  What I want to suggest is ...

  My suggestion is that. . .

  If you. .. , you had better. . .

  英语建议信写作 方法


  建议信属于应用文。建议信是向收信人就某事提出自己的建议或忠告,以便让对方接受自己的想法、主张并解决有关问题。建议信可以写给个人,就其遇到的某个问题提出自己的看法或观点;也可以写给某个组织或者机构,就改进其服务等提出建议或忠告。建议信要给出写信的原因,建议的内容,提出建议的理由,而且提出的理由要合情合理,语气一定要得当,既要委婉礼貌,又要有说服力。 ?笠 任务聚焦


  1. 娱乐休闲中心应该包括 乒乓球 室和 羽毛球 室。 2. 最好在学生的课余时间开放。 3. 尽量不要收费。 4. ……


  1. 信件的基本格式。 ① 信头 (heading),写信人的姓名和地址要写在右上角,收信人的姓名和地址要写在左上角。

  ② 称呼 (salutation),即对收信人的称呼,一般用Dear / My dear ...。 ③ 正文 (body),即信件的主要内容。 ④ 信尾客套语 (complimentary close),写信人在信的右(或左)下角,写上表示自己对收信人一种礼貌客气的谦称,一般有Sincerely yours, Yours sincerely, Yours truly, Yours等。

  ⑤ 信尾签名 (signature),在信末写上写信人的姓名,如:Li Hua。 2. 建议信的特点。简明扼要、目的明确、具有合理性和说服力。 3. 明确写作意图。简要陈述事由,简单介绍自己,注意语气。 4. 写作技巧。先肯定对方的优点,然后再就需要改进的地方或者针对具体情况提出善意的建议。

  5. 总结 建议。对自己提出的所有建议,简要地作个小结。

  >>>下一页更多精彩“英语 感谢信 写作范文”



  Dear zhuanghua ,

  It’s three months since I heard from you last time . Now I want to tell you an impressive story happening on my first lesson .

  On hearing the bell students ran into the classroom as quickly as they could. But a boy ,LIMing , whose father died a month ago , was late for the class. He stood outside the classroom silently . I smiled to him and let him come in. After a while ,he cried on his desk . Then I walked to him and asked what had happened . He told me that his mother was ill and he had to take some medicine for her . At the same time ,he apologized to me for his lateness . Moved by his words , I praised him for his deeds and decided to sing a song named “mother” for the students . How time flies ! Class was over before I realized it .

  From the story I felt we should respect our parents and do our best to help them . Do you think so ? I’m looking forward to your reply .

  Yours truly ,

  Li Hong
  Dear Sir/Madam ,

  I’m lihua from class one ,senior two . I am wring to apply for the opportunity to help the students in chenxin Hope School with their English. Thus they can improve their English during the summer vacation . Meanwhile , I can learn how to get along well the students and benefit the whole school.

  I’m kind , easy-going and always ready to help others . I wash clothes and make beds by myself to develop independence . English is my favorite subject and I have won several prizes in English contests . So I think that I am qualified for the position.

  I plan to communicate with students first to know what they need . Besides ,I ‘ll try to get them more interested in English by telling stories , singing songs ,playing games and so on .

  I’d appreciate it if you could give me the opportunity .

  Yours Sincerely ,

  Li hua
  Dear Mr. Smith ,

  I am Lihua ,chairman of the student union , from chenguang high schoo. I am very pleased to learn that you are coming to visit our school on June 26. I am writing to tell you what we have arranged for you.

  In the morning , there will be a forum in the school auditorium , where visitors and students from our school communicate with each other ,talking about school life and cultural differences . At noon, you are invited to have lunch in our school cafeteria with students from our school. You can taste dumplings ,noodles and other Chinese foods .In the afternoon, the students in our school will show you around the HaiHe river .

  How do you like the arrangements ? I hope you will have a nice time in Tian jing

  Yours sincerely ,

  Li Hua

1. 用英语写信给朋友介绍大学生活

2. 给未来的我一封信英语版

3. 书信的英语作文带翻译3篇

4. 感谢朋友英语书信作文范文

5. 英语写信的范文



写信类 英语 作文 怎么写?有什么格式要求?作文是 英语学习 中的重点,我们一定要掌握各种类型的作文。下面是我为大家整理了英语作文写信格式及 范文 ,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢!




(1)月、日、年:如August 15,20__

(2)日、月、年:如15th August,20__



称呼指写信人对收信人的称呼,写在信头的.下方和信笺的左边。称呼一般用Dear…或My dear…开头,称呼后一般用逗号。


英语作文书信结尾的恭维话,相当于文中书信最后的“祝好”、“致礼”之类的话语。本课书信中的“Best wishes”(致以最好的祝愿)就是结束语。



英语作文写信必备 短语 、例句

1.How is it going?最近怎么样?

2.I am glad to receive your letter.很高兴收到你的来信。

3.I am looking forward to receiving your letter.我期待着你的来信。

4.Thank you in advance.提前谢谢你。

5.Please wirte to me as soon as possible.请尽快回信

6.Good luck |Best wishes.祝你好运

7.对…有害do harm to/be harmful to/be detrimental to

8.对…观点因人而异Views on…vary from person to person

9.把时间和精力放在…上focus time and energy on…

10.缓解压力/减轻负担relievestress/ burden


Dear Mercy,

How is everything going!

Last time you said you are anxious now because you find it hard to learn English well.Don’t worry.I think you have to improve your English step by step.And I will right behind you.In my view,you should develop you interest on English first.According to my experience,I think watching English movie,listen to some wonderful English songs and talk in English on the Internet would be helpful.Secondly,you have to prepare lessons before class that will help you understand what the teacher says in the class.I know you feel bored in the class,but you have force yourself to be concentrated.

A few days later you will feel it a little easy to learn English.The left steps I will tell next time.By the way,we have not seen each other since your family move to Hunan a year ago.Have you ever thought about going back to visit me and learn English together in the coming Summer vacation.Looking forward to your reply.





Beloved father and mother:

How do you do!

If you are the water, then I am the small fish in the water; if you are the blue sky, I am the little bird flying in the sky; if you are the sea, I am the coral reef in the sea.

It is very early to tell you what I have said in my heart. I have never had a chance to tell you about it in the middle of the exam.

When I was born, you were afraid of money and sent me to the country's aunt's house. An aunt to me very well, when I get married daughter, I live very happily. At the age of nine, you sent me to the home of the great man in the city, where I had been suffering for three years because they did not see me as a man. Three years later, back to you, I think I will be very happy and happy, but you...

Because I'm not growing up with you, you don't trust me, you know how I want your understanding and trust!

Remember that year, one night, you know that I called the country's aunt, you gave me a meal, looked at the body of blood, I couldn't help crying, but you are screwing my ears, my heart is very painful, more painful. And let me kneel on the floor brick for two or three hours. You too did not understand me, they bear bitter hardships to bring me up, shouldn't I call them?

You know, how I hope to get your understanding!

On that day, the teacher asked to pay the book for twenty yuan. When I speak to you, your great response, Dad shouted to me: "tomorrow let your teacher to write a check up, is not really to pay!" your mother is saying: "I ask tomorrow!" you know, you hurt her pure heart ah! The second day, the teacher call you, after confirming you don't apologize to me, but that day for money!

You know how I want to get your trust!

It's the wind! You blow a little faster and wake up your mom and dad's brain! Let them wake up!

Small fish also need freedom, birds need to understand, and coral reefs need trust, isn't it?

Mom and Dad, just ask the wind to tell you what I think!



Your daughter:  ____


20 June 20__

Dear Mr. Seaton,

Thank you very much for taking me with you on that splendid outing to London. It was the first time that I had seen the Tower or any of the other famous sights. If Id gone alone, I couldnt have seen nearly as much, because I wouldnt have known my way about.

The weather was splendid on that day, which I thought was rare. I still remember some people told me that in Britain there was weather and no climate. During the same day, it might snow in the morning, rain at noon, shine in the afternoon and be windy before the night falls. So I think I was lucky.

Ithink the river trip was the best thing of all. London really came alive for me as we saw it from the Thames during that wonderful journey down to Greenwich. It was all tremendously exciting - a day that I shall never forget.

Thank you for giving me such a great birthday treat.

Yours sincerely,

Linda Chen


20 March 20__

Dear Sir,

Iwas very interested in your advertisement in todays edition of The Evening Post and I should like to apply to be a member of the Amazon Expedition team.

Iam twenty-three years old and have an honors degree in Botany from Bath University. Since leaving university I have been working in a research laboratory but my contract comes to an end in six weeks. I would particularly like to join the expedition for the opportunity it would give me to study the plant life of the area. I enjoy several outdoor activities including rowing and rock climbing and I consider myself to be both fit and healthy enough to undertake such an expedition.

If you would like me to attend an interview, I would be able to come at any time convenient to you, (J1) my employers have agreed to give me time off for the purpose.

Ilook forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Lily Ma


Dear Brown,

It is my pleasure to recommend Li Ming, my good friend, for his application to work in your company. Li Ming graduated from Beijing Industry University. His major is Computer Software. During the four yearsstudy he has done a good job. Every year he got the first grade scholarship. And he also has got the title of the Excel lent Graduate.

He is an enthusiastic and progressive young man with high potentiality. He is not only quick at learning but also good at solving difficult problems with logical mind. I am sure that it will benefit your company if he can work for your company. I strongly recommend him to your company.


Wang Lin


Dear Lily:

I think you had better feed a hamster,the trendiest kind of pet these days is the small hamster. People like them because they are quiet and clean. I have a hamster named Tom,its very cute and easy to take care of,and its cheaper than rabbits or cats,so I bought it. Shes my best company,because she reads books and listens to music with me every night.However,life with a hamster isnt always perfect,she sometimes noisy at night ,she love sleep all day,too. So,sometimes she is very boring! How do you think?








Dear He Jian,

My name is Wang Jiajia. I study in Xinqi School. I’m twelve years old. I like English very much, because my English teacher is very kind. My favourite fruit is apple, because it’s sweet and healthy. My favourite day is Tuesday, we have computer, P.E. and English. It’s a great day. Tell me about your school, please.

Your pen pal,







Dear Jim,

I‘d like to tell you that I‘ve been a senior high school student now.

At the sight of my new school,I found it so wonderful that I can‘t describe it with all my words.There are many trees,bright rooms,as well as a large playground.In addition,I‘ve met a lot of new friends,who are very friendly to me.Also,I‘ve taken my first English class in senior high school today.My teacher is not only knowledgeable but also a little interesting,which made me rather excited.

At the end of the day,I felt a little tired but more than happy,for I‘ve met so many interesting classmates.

Best wishes to you!




Dear David,

I'm glad you'll come to Beijing to learn Chinese. Chinese is very useful, and many foreigners are learning it now. It's difficult for you because it's quite different from English. You have to remember as many Chinese words as possible. It's also important to do some reading and writing. You can watch TV and listen to the radio to practise your listening. Do your best to talk with people in Chinese. You can learn Chinese not only from books but also from people around you. If you have any questions, please ask me. I'm sure you'll learn Chinese well.

Hope to see you soon in Beijing.


Wang Ming







Dear friend,


Hello, I'm your new friend. My name is Bob. I'm fifteen. I'm American. I live in New York.


I am a middle school student. I'm good at maths. It is very interesting. My favourite sport is basketball. And I am not only a basketball fan but also a good player. I like music. My friend and I often sing pop songs together.

我是一个初中生,我擅长数学,它很有趣。我最喜欢的运动是 篮球 ,我不仅仅是一个篮球迷,也是一个很好的选手。我喜欢音乐,我经常跟我的朋友一起唱流行歌曲。

After school, I am interested in getting on-line. I have known a lot about China from the Internet. Now I am learning Chinese. I hope I will visit your country one day.


Please write to me and tell me something about your life. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

请给我回信 说说 你的生活吧,我期待着你的来信。





英语作文写信格式及范文相关 文章 :

★ 英语作文写信格式及范文

★ 英语书信范文【10篇】

★ 英语书信格式范文大全及参考范文

★ 英语书信格式范文大全及参考范文

★ 英文给朋友写信范文10篇

★ 英语书信格式

★ 高考英语作文书信格式范文

★ 高中英语作文范文书信格式作文

★ 英文书信的格式及满分范文

★ 英语作文写信格式模板(3)

var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = "***/hm.js?fff14745aca9358ff875ff9aca1296b3"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();









Dear Mike,

I am glad to introduce my family to you. My family is a warm and happy family.There are 5 people in my family, my grandpa, my grandma, my father, my motherand I. 

My grandparents are both teachers, they are still teaching in a university.Grandpa is for maths, and Grandma is for English, sometimes their students eto our home to send their greetings to them. My father is working in an American factory,he is very busy. Every evening he is doing his work in the midnight. 

At weekend he alwaysgoes to factory for his work. My mother is a nurse. Her hospital is near my home. I am a student in Junior high school. I hope you will introduce your family to me。




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    本文目录 1.动名词的本质是动词还是名词 2.动名词是动词还是名词 3.动名词是动词还是名词 4.动名词属于什么词性 动名词的本质是动词还是名词 动名词兼有动词和名词的特征,但是它是非常特殊的动词和名词。例如动名词可以做名词用,可以做主语和宾语,因为她具有名词的特点,但它又不像名词那样有数和格的变化;动名词可以作为动词用,后面可以加宾语,但是她又不像动词那样有时态的变化。 关于动名词,语法书是这样说的 动名词是非谓动词的又一种形式。它在形式上与现在分词相同,都是在动词原形的词末加-ing。在现代语法中,这两种形式同视为"-ing形式"。 这两种形式的另一个相同之处是:它们都是由动词变化而成的,…

  • 叠的英语过去式 ,叠被子的英文单词怎么写

    本文目录 1.叠被子的英文单词怎么写 2.fold是什么意思 3.fold的过去式和过去分词是什么 4.你的裤子在床上用英语怎么说 叠被子的英文单词怎么写 make the bed是铺床 应该是made the bed fold是什么意思 v. 折叠,对折(纸、织物等);折小,叠平,可折小,可叠平(以便贮存或携带);包;裹 n. 褶;褶层;折叠部分;褶痕;褶缝;褶线;羊栏;羊圈 一、读音 :英 [fəʊld] , 美 [foʊld] 二、例句: fold your arms 双臂交叉在胸前 The table folds up when not in use. 这桌子不用时可以折叠起来。 三、…
