
这篇文章列出了100个在形状上相似但含义不同的英语单词,如"accept / except","advice / advise"等,并鼓励读者通过对比它们的意思和用法来更好地理解和运用它们,以提高英语水平。


  1. accept / except
  2. advice / advise
  3. affect / effect
  4. allusion / illusion
  5. bare / bear
  6. beside / besides
  7. breath / breathe
  8. capital / capitol
  9. complement / compliment
  10. conscience / conscious


  1. council / counsel
  2. desert / dessert
  3. discreet / discrete
  4. dissent / decent
  5. dual / duel
  6. emigrate / immigrate
  7. fair / fare
  8. farther / further
  9. flammable / inflammable
  10. formally / formerly


  1. imply / infer
  2. insure / ensure
  3. lead / led
  4. loose / lose
  5. principle / principal
  6. quiet / quite
  7. sight / site
  8. stationary / stationery
  9. than / then
  10. their / there / they're


  1. to / too / two
  2. waist / waste
  3. weather / whether
  4. who's / whose
  5. acceptation / exception
  6. alumnus / alumni
  7. appraise / apprise
  8. ascent / assent
  9. censer / censor / sensor
  10. complemental / complimentary


  1. consignor / consignee
  2. councilor / counselor
  3. descent / dissent
  4. disinterested / uninterested
  5. elicit / illicit
  6. emigrant / immigrant
  7. envelop / envelope
  8. flout / flaunt
  9. hoard / horde
  10. humane / human


  1. immanent / imminent
  2. it's / its
  3. liable / libel
  4. loath / loathe
  5. misinterested / uninterested
  6. ordinance / ordnance
  7. palate / palette / pallet
  8. passed / past
  9. peak / peek / pique
  10. precede / proceed


  1. principal / principle
  2. quarts / quartz
  3. rain / reign / rein
  4. stationery / stationary
  5. statute / stature
  6. suit / suite
  7. tenant / tenet
  8. tortuous / torturous
  9. troop / troupe
  10. unexceptionable / unexceptional


  1. vial / vile
  2. waive / wave
  3. waistcoat / vest
  4. wary / weary
  5. waver / waiver
  6. wet / whet
  7. whole / hole
  8. wile / while
  9. wither / whither
  10. your / you're


  1. abase / abuse
  2. abate / debate
  3. abhor / adore
  4. abject / object
  5. abridge / bridge
  6. abrupt / corrupt
  7. abstain / obtain
  8. absolve / solve
  9. accent / ascent
  10. access / excess


  1. acclimate / climate
  2. acclimatize / criticize
  3. acoustics / statistics
  4. acrid / arid
  5. acrimonious / harmonious
  6. acrophobia / hydrophobia
  7. adieu / ado
  8. adulation / emulation
  9. advert / avert
  10. affectation / infection
上一篇 2024年01月06日10时58分42秒
下一篇 2024年01月06日11时09分05秒


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