
非限制性定语从句是英语语法中的一个重要部分,用来描述一个名词或代词及其后面的补充信息。本文提供了50个非限制性定语从句的例句,如"My sister, who is a doctor, is coming over later.",帮助读者更好地理解和运用这一语法结构。

  1. My sister, who is a doctor, is coming over later.
  2. The book, which I read last night, was really interesting.
  3. Our neighbor, who is from France, has a lovely accent.
  4. The car, which was parked outside, was stolen.
  5. The movie, which won an award, was directed by a famous director.
  6. The dog, who was barking all night, kept us awake.
  7. The restaurant, which serves Italian food, is always busy.
  8. The singer, who is known for her beautiful voice, is performing tonight.
  9. The cat, who is very independent, doesn't like to be petted.
  10. The computer, which is brand new, is already broken.
  11. The flowers, which were given to me by my husband, are so beautiful.
  12. The man, who I met at the party, is a famous actor.
  13. The painting, which was created by a famous artist, is worth a lot of money.
  14. The girl, who I saw at the mall, was wearing a red dress.
  15. The house, which is located by the beach, has a great view.
  16. The cake, which was baked by my grandmother, was delicious.
  17. The teacher, who is very strict, gave us a lot of homework.
  18. The phone, which I dropped in the pool, doesn't work anymore.
  19. The dress, which I bought for the party, was too small.
  20. The city, which is famous for its museums, is a great place to visit.
  21. The shoes, which I ordered online, arrived yesterday.
  22. The man, who was sitting next to me on the plane, was really friendly.
  23. The bike, which was left outside, was stolen.
  24. The company, which is based in New York, is expanding.
  25. The boy, who I saw playing soccer, was very talented.
  26. The book, which is a bestseller, has been made into a movie.
  27. The tree, which was planted last year, is starting to grow.
  28. The woman, who is a famous singer, is giving a concert tonight.
  29. The bike, which I borrowed from my friend, needs to be returned.
  30. The pen, which I use for writing, is running out of ink.
  31. The beach, which is crowded during the summer, is empty now.
  32. The man, who I met at the gym, is a personal trainer.
  33. The shirt, which I bought on sale, was a great deal.
  34. The car, which is parked in the garage, needs to be fixed.
  35. The girl, who was singing in the choir, has a beautiful voice.
  36. The book, which was recommended to me, was really good.
  37. The phone, which I lost last week, has been found.
  38. The city, which is known for its nightlife, is very exciting.
  39. The dog, who was rescued from a shelter, is very grateful.
  40. The restaurant, which is expensive, has great food.
  41. The man, who I met at the coffee shop, is a writer.
  42. The jacket, which I bought for the winter, is very warm.
  43. The bike, which I use for exercise, needs some repairs.
  44. The girl, who I saw at the park, was walking her dog.
  45. The movie, which was based on a true story, was very emotional.
  46. The phone, which I use for work, is ringing.
  47. The city, which is located in the mountains, has beautiful scenery.
  48. The woman, who is a famous actress, is starring in a new movie.
  49. The book, which is a classic, has been read by many people.
  50. The car, which is owned by my friend, is very old.
上一篇 2023年12月30日11时45分29秒
下一篇 2023年12月30日11时55分56秒


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