

  1. I had finished my homework before I went to bed.
  2. They had already eaten dinner when we arrived.
  3. She had read the book twice before she wrote the report.
  4. He had been working for the company for ten years before he was promoted.
  5. They had visited the museum several times before they decided to become members.
  6. She had studied English for five years before she moved to the United States.
  7. He had met her once before, but he didn't remember her name.
  8. They had been waiting for the bus for half an hour before it finally arrived.
  9. She had taught at the university for twenty years before she retired.
  10. He had traveled to Europe many times before he decided to visit Asia.
  11. They had lived in the city for ten years before they moved to the countryside.
  12. She had been playing the piano since she was five years old before she gave her first concert.
  13. He had never been to the beach before he went on vacation to Hawaii.
  14. They had been friends since they were children before they had an argument.
  15. She had studied French for three years before she went to France.
  16. He had saved enough money to buy a car before he graduated from college.
  17. They had been planning the party for weeks before they sent out the invitations.
  18. She had been practicing yoga for years before she became a certified instructor.
  19. He had been working on the project for months before he presented it to his boss.
  20. They had been dating for a year before they decided to get married.
  21. She had been studying for the test for weeks before she finally passed.
  22. He had never tasted sushi before he went to Japan.
  23. They had been hiking for hours before they reached the summit.
  24. She had been writing the novel for years before it was published.
  25. He had been playing basketball since he was a kid before he joined the varsity team.
  26. They had been friends for a long time before they lost touch.
  27. She had been practicing her speech for days before she delivered it to the audience.
  28. He had been taking guitar lessons for months before he played his first song.
  29. They had been waiting in line for hours before they got tickets to the concert.
  30. She had been dreaming of traveling the world for years before she quit her job and started her journey.
上一篇 2023年11月29日14时07分25秒
下一篇 2023年11月29日14时18分05秒


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