

  1. A piece of cake - 易如反掌
  2. Ace - 顶尖的人物
  3. All ears - 全神贯注
  4. Beat around the bush - 拐弯抹角
  5. Bite the bullet - 忍痛做某事
  6. Break a leg - 祝好运
  7. Butterflies in my stomach - 紧张不安
  8. Call it a day - 停止做某事
  9. Cool as a cucumber - 镇定自若
  10. Cut to the chase - 开门见山
  11. Dead as a doornail - 死透了
  12. Devil's advocate - 逆向思维者
  13. Don't count your chickens before they're hatched - 不要过早乐观
  14. Down to earth - 脚踏实地
  15. Drop a bombshell - 意外惊喜
  16. Eat your heart out - 羡慕嫉妒恨
  17. Give someone the cold shoulder - 冷落某人
  18. Go the extra mile - 不遗余力
  19. Head over heels - 爱得深沉
  20. Hit the nail on the head - 一针见血
  21. In the doghouse - 处于不利地位
  22. Jump the gun - 过早行动
  23. Keep your chin up - 振作起来
  24. Kill two birds with one stone - 一举两得
  25. Let the cat out of the bag - 泄露了秘密
  26. Long story short - 简言之
  27. Make a long story short - 原话简述
  28. Miss the boat - 错过良机
  29. No pain, no gain - 苦尽甘来
  30. Off the hook - 摆脱困境
  31. On the ball - 非常聪明
  32. On the same page - 意见一致
  33. Over the moon - 非常高兴
  34. Piece of work - 难缠的人
  35. Play it by ear - 跟着感觉走
  36. Pull someone's leg - 开玩笑
  37. Put all your eggs in one basket - 把所有希望寄托在一件事情上
  38. Put your foot in your mouth - 说错话
  39. Rain check - 下次再说
  40. Raining cats and dogs - 暴风雨
  41. Rub someone the wrong way - 惹恼某人
  42. Rule of thumb - 经验法则
  43. See eye to eye - 意见一致
  44. Shoot for the moon - 立志追求更高目标
  45. Sick as a dog - 感冒了
  46. Sit tight - 耐心等待
  47. Smell a rat - 察觉到不妥之处
  48. Speak of the devil - 提到某人就出现了
  49. Spill the beans - 泄露秘密
  50. Take a rain check - 下次再约
  51. Take it with a grain of salt - 对某事持怀疑态度
  52. The ball is in your court - 由你决定
  53. The best of both worlds - 兼顾两全
  54. The devil is in the details - 魔鬼藏在细节中
  55. The early bird catches the worm - 早起的鸟儿有虫吃
  56. The elephant in the room - 显而易见的问题
  57. The whole nine yards - 全套服务
  58. Throw in the towel - 放弃
  59. Time flies when you're having fun - 快乐时光总是短暂的
  60. To make a long story short - 言归正传
  61. Turn over a new leaf - 做出改变
  62. Under the weather - 身体不适
  63. Up in the air - 悬而未决
  64. Up to par - 达到标准
  65. When pigs fly - 永远不可能发生的事情
  66. Wild goose chase - 徒劳无功的追求
  67. You can't judge a book by its cover - 人不能貌相
  68. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours - 你帮我一把,我也会帮你一把
  69. Your guess is as good as mine - 我也不知道
  70. A dime a dozen - 非常普通
  71. A hot potato - 棘手问题
  72. A penny for your thoughts - 请讲讲你的想法
  73. Actions speak louder than words - 事实胜于雄辩
  74. Add insult to injury - 雪上加霜
  75. Back to the drawing board - 重新考虑
  76. Barking up the wrong tree - 找错了目标
  77. Beat a dead horse - 白费力气
  78. Bite off more than you can chew - 贪多嚼不烂
  79. Break the ice - 打破僵局
  80. Burn the midnight oil - 熬夜工作
  81. By the skin of your teeth - 险之又险
  82. Caught between a rock and a hard place - 进退维谷
  83. Close but no cigar - 差一点就成功了
  84. Cross that bridge when you come to it - 到那时再考虑
  85. Cry over spilled milk - 为已经发生的事情懊悔
  86. Cut corners - 走捷径
  87. Devil's in the details - 真相隐藏在细节中
  88. Don't cry over spilt milk - 不要为已经发生的事情哭泣
  89. Don't put all your eggs in one basket - 不要把所有的希望都寄托在一件事情上
  90. Every cloud has a silver lining - 山穷水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村
  91. Get a taste of your own medicine - 以牙还牙
  92. Get cold feet - 畏缩不前
  93. Get the ball rolling - 开始行动
  94. Give it a shot - 尝试一下
  95. Go out on a limb - 作出冒险的决定
  96. Go the whole nine yards - 全力以赴
  97. Hang in there - 坚持下去
  98. Have a blast - 玩得开心
  99. Have your cake and eat it too - 两全其美
  100. Hit the road - 出发
  101. Hold your horses - 别急
  102. In a nutshell - 简而言之
  103. It takes two to tango - 一个巴掌拍不响
  104. Keep your eyes peeled - 注意观察
  105. Leave no stone unturned - 不放过任何一个机会
  106. Let sleeping dogs lie - 不要惹麻烦
  107. Make a long story short - 简单来说
  108. Make ends meet - 勉强维持生计
  109. Mind your own business - 别管闲事
  110. Murphy's Law - 倒霉的事情总是在最不合时宜的时候发生
  111. No pain, no gain - 没有付出就没有回报
  112. On thin ice - 走钢丝
  113. Once in a blue moon - 千载难逢
  114. Penny pincher - 吝啬鬼
  115. Piece of cake - 轻而易举
  116. Pull yourself together - 振作起来
  117. Put a sock in it - 住口
  118. Put something on ice - 暂缓
  119. Put your money where your mouth is - 要有行动
  120. Raining cats and dogs - 大雨滂沱
  121. Read between the lines - 看出言外之意
  122. Save one's breath - 别浪费口舌
  123. Shoot the breeze - 闲聊
  124. Speak of the devil - 说曹操曹操就到
  125. Steal someone's thunder - 抢别人的风头
  126. Take a hike - 滚蛋
  127. Take it easy - 放轻松
  128. Take the bull by the horns - 勇敢面对问题
  129. The ball is in your court - 你做决定
  130. The early bird catches the worm - 捷足先登
  131. The grass is always greener on the other side - 隔墙有耳
  132. The whole ball of wax - 全部
  133. There's no place like home - 在家最舒适
  134. Throw in the towel - 放弃
  135. Time is money - 时间就是金钱
  136. To each his own - 各有所好
  137. Tongue in cheek - 半开玩笑
  138. Two heads are better than one - 三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮
  139. Two peas in a pod - 非常相似
  140. Under the weather - 身体不舒服
  141. Up in the air - 不确定
  142. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it - 到时再说
  143. When in Rome, do as the Romans do - 入乡随俗
  144. Where there's smoke, there's fire - 无风不起浪
  145. You can't have your cake and eat it too - 鱼和熊掌不可兼得
  146. You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs - 有失必有得
  147. You live and learn - 活到老,学到老
  148. A leopard can't change its spots - 本性难移
  149. A picture is worth a thousand words - 一图胜千言
  150. All that glitters is not gold - 闪光的未必都是金子
  151. An apple a day keeps the doctor away - 每天一苹果,医生远离我
  152. Beggars can't be choosers - 不劳则无获
  153. Better late than never - 迟到总比不到好
  154. Blood is thicker than water - 血浓于水
  155. By hook or by crook - 不择手段
  156. Don't bite the hand that feeds you - 不要恩将仇报
  157. Don't judge a book by its cover - 不要以貌取人
  158. Every dog has its day - 时来运转
  159. Fortune favors the bold - 机会青睐勇者
  160. Good things come to those who wait - 等待者事事皆好
  161. Haste makes waste - 欲速则不达
  162. Home is where the heart is - 家是人心所系
  163. If the shoe fits, wear it - 适合自己的就要去做
  164. It ain't over till it's over - 还没结束
  165. It's a small world - 世界真小
  166. It's raining cats and dogs - 下大雨了
  167. Kill time - 打发时间
  168. Kill two birds with one stone - 一石二鸟
  169. Let bygones be bygones - 往事不咎
  170. Life is a journey, not a destination - 人生只是一场旅程,不是一个目的地
  171. Like father, like son - 有其父必有其子
  172. Live and let live - 和平共处
  173. Money talks -
上一篇 2023年08月10日08时00分05秒
下一篇 2023年08月10日08时08分49秒


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