1. Ace
Ace是一种表示顶尖或者最好的东西的俚语。例如:If you are good at playing basketball, then you are an ace.
2. Beat around the bush
Beat around the bush是一种表示迂回或者拐弯抹角的说话方式的俚语。例如:Stop beating around the bush and tell me what you want to say.
3. Chill
Chill是一种表示放松或者休息的俚语。例如:I want to chill this weekend and watch some movies.
4. Hit the sack
Hit the sack是一种表示睡觉的俚语。例如:I am tired, I am going to hit the sack now.
5. Piece of cake
Piece of cake是一种表示非常容易的事情的俚语。例如:Don't worry, this test is a piece of cake.