

  • Never have I seen such a beautiful sunset.
  • Only after the rain stopped did we go out.
  • Rarely do I have time to watch TV.
  • Little did he realize how much trouble he was in.
  • Not until he left did she start to cry.
  • Seldom have I tasted such delicious food.
  • Only then did he notice the mistake he made.
  • Hardly had I arrived home when the phone rang.
  • Not only did he study hard, but he also participated in various activities.
  • No sooner had he finished speaking than the audience applauded.
  • Only in this way can we achieve our goal.
  • At no time did he show any signs of fear.
  • Under no circumstances should you give up.
  • On no account should you tell anyone about this.
  • Scarcely had he left the room when the phone rang.
  • Never in my life have I been so embarrassed.
  • Only when you try your best can you achieve success.
  • Not until you see it with your own eyes will you believe it.
  • Rarely have I heard such beautiful music.
  • No sooner had she arrived than she started working.
  • Only by working hard can you achieve your dreams.
  • Little did he know that he was about to become famous.
  • Only after studying for many years did he become a doctor.
  • Hardly had she finished her speech when the lights went out.
  • Not only did she win the race, but she also broke the record.
  • Never before have I seen such a beautiful painting.
  • Only after we had finished our work did we leave.
  • Rarely do I get up before 6am.
  • Little did she expect to find such a treasure.
  • Not until I read the book did I understand the meaning of life.
  • Seldom do I have a chance to travel abroad.
  • Only then did he realize the importance of family.
  • Hardly had he started the car when it broke down.
  • Not only did he write a book, but he also published it.
  • No sooner had we arrived at the airport than we realized we had forgotten our passports.
  • Only in this way can we reduce pollution.
  • At no time did he panic during the crisis.
  • Under no circumstances should you ignore safety rules.
  • On no account should you leave your luggage unattended.
  • Scarcely had he finished his sentence when the phone rang.
  • Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine this would happen.
  • Only when you face your fears can you overcome them.
  • Not until you apologize will she forgive you.
  • Rarely have I seen such a talented musician.
  • No sooner had he left the room than she started crying.
  • Only by working together can we achieve our goals.
  • Little did he know that the journey would be so difficult.
  • Only after he had retired did he start to travel.
  • Hardly had she started her new job when she got promoted.
  • Not only did she speak fluent English, but she also knew French and Spanish.
  • Never in my memory have I experienced such a hot summer.
  • Only after we had finished our meal did we realize we forgot to order dessert.
  • Rarely do I have a chance to meet famous people.
  • Little did he realize how much he had inspired others.
  • Not until I met him did I realize how kind he was.
  • Seldom have I seen such a beautiful sunset.
  • Only then did he understand the consequences of his actions.
  • Hardly had he left the party when the police arrived.
  • Not only did he graduate from college, but he also got a job offer.
  • No sooner had we left the house than it started raining.
  • Only in this way can we protect the environment.
  • At no time did she give up on her dream.
  • Under no circumstances should you cheat on the exam.
  • On no account should you drink and drive.
  • Scarcely had he finished his homework when his friends came over.
  • Never before have I tasted such delicious food.
  • Only when you face the truth can you move on.
  • Not until you experience it yourself will you truly understand.
  • Rarely have I met such a wise person.
  • No sooner had he finished his speech than he left the stage.
  • Only by working hard can you achieve your goals.
  • Little did she know that her life was about to change.
  • Only after he had traveled the world did he settle down.
  • Hardly had she started her presentation when the projector broke down.
  • Not only did she sing beautifully, but she also played the guitar.
  • Never in my life have I seen such a stunning view.
  • Only after we had arrived at the hotel did we realize it was fully booked.
  • Rarely do I have a chance to witness history in the making.
  • Little did he realize how much his words had hurt her.
  • Not until I read the article did I understand the complexity of the issue.
  • Seldom have I seen such a talented artist.
  • Only then did he realize the value of his friendship.
  • Hardly had he finished his coffee when he received a phone call.
  • Not only did he pass the exam, but he also got a scholarship.
  • No sooner had we started the movie than the power went out.
  • Only in this way can we improve our communication skills.
  • At no time did she lose her temper during the argument.
  • Under no circumstances should you give up on your dreams.
  • On no account should you break the law.
  • Scarcely had he arrived at the party when he realized he was underdressed.


上一篇 2023年07月04日10时43分58秒
下一篇 2023年07月04日10时46分12秒


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