

  1. What is your name?
  2. How old are you?
  3. When is your birthday?
  4. Where are you from?
  5. Who is your best friend?
  6. Whose pencil is this?
  7. Which color do you like?
  8. Why do you like pizza?
  9. How many apples do you have?
  10. How much is this toy car?
  11. What is your favorite color?
  12. Where do you live?
  13. Who is your English teacher?
  14. Whose book is this?
  15. Which animal do you like best?
  16. Why are you happy?
  17. How many pencils do you have?
  18. How much is your school bag?
  19. What time is it now?
  20. Where do you go to school?
  21. Who is your math teacher?
  22. Whose ruler is this?
  23. Which subject do you like best?
  24. Why do you like playing soccer?
  25. How many brothers and sisters do you have?
  26. How much is your T-shirt?
  27. What is your favorite food?
  28. Where did you go yesterday?
  29. Who is your favorite singer?
  30. Whose eraser is this?
  31. Which season do you like best?
  32. Why do you like swimming?
  33. How many books do you have?
  34. How much is your bike?
  35. What is your favorite sport?
  36. Where are you going?
  37. Who is your favorite actor?
  38. Whose pencil case is this?
  39. Which fruit do you like best?
  40. Why do you like drawing?
  41. How many T-shirts do you have?
  42. How much is your watch?
  43. What is your favorite drink?
  44. Where are you from?
  45. Who is your Chinese teacher?
  46. Whose pen is this?
  47. Which country do you want to visit?
  48. Why do you like playing basketball?
  49. How many friends do you have?
  50. How much is your hat?
  51. What is your favorite animal?
  52. Where were you born?
  53. Who is your favorite actress?
  54. Whose bag is this?
  55. Which city do you want to visit?
  56. Why do you like reading books?
  57. How many toys do you have?
  58. How much is your jacket?
  59. What is your favorite song?
  60. Where do you want to go on vacation?
  61. Who is your music teacher?
  62. Whose notebook is this?
  63. Which flower do you like best?
  64. Why do you like playing computer games?
  65. How many shoes do you have?
  66. How much is your umbrella?
  67. What is your favorite movie?
  68. Where do you want to live when you grow up?
  69. Who is your history teacher?
  70. Whose bag is this?
  71. Which subject do you find difficult?
  72. Why do you like watching TV?
  73. How many pets do you have?
  74. How much is your coat?
  75. What is your favorite book?
  76. Where do you want to travel?
  77. Who is your geography teacher?
  78. Whose hat is this?
  79. Which sport do you find difficult?
  80. Why do you like playing with toys?
  81. How many cars do you have?
  82. How much is your backpack?
  83. What is your favorite hobby?
  84. Where do you want to go shopping?
  85. Who is your science teacher?
  86. Whose shoes are these?
  87. Which instrument do you want to learn?
  88. Why do you like playing with friends?
  89. How many bikes do you have?
  90. How much is your sweater?
  91. What is your favorite game?
  92. Where do you want to study abroad?
  93. Who is your art teacher?
  94. Whose socks are these?
  95. Which language do you want to learn?
  96. Why do you like playing outside?
  97. How many computers do you have?
  98. How much is your phone?
  99. What is your favorite place?
  100. Where do you want to go next weekend?


上一篇 2023年06月29日12时46分38秒
下一篇 2023年06月29日12时48分49秒


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