

  1. The book that I borrowed from the library is very interesting.

  2. The boy who is sitting next to me is my friend.

  3. The car which was parked outside was stolen last night.

  4. The teacher whom we met at the conference is very knowledgeable.

  5. The house whose roof is leaking needs to be repaired.

  6. The game that we played yesterday was very exciting.

  7. The woman who is wearing the red dress is my sister.

  8. The movie which won the Oscar award is worth watching.

  9. The restaurant where we had dinner last night was very expensive.

  10. The dog whose tail is wagging is very friendly.

  11. The girl who is singing on the stage is a famous singer.

  12. The computer that my father bought for me is very fast.

  13. The picture which hangs on the wall is very beautiful.

  14. The man whom I met at the party is a famous actor.

  15. The company whose products are popular is expanding rapidly.

  16. The book which is on the table belongs to my friend.

  17. The boy who is playing soccer is my nephew.

  18. The cake which my mother baked is delicious.

  19. The woman whom I saw in the park is a famous writer.

  20. The car whose engine is broken down needs to be repaired.

  21. The movie that we watched last night was very funny.

  22. The teacher who taught us English is very patient.

  23. The building which is under construction will be completed next year.

  24. The girl whom I met at the party is very beautiful.

  25. The park where we went for a walk is very beautiful.

  26. The restaurant which we visited last week was very crowded.

  27. The dog that is barking is very noisy.

  28. The house which we visited last weekend is very old.

  29. The man who is wearing a hat is my uncle.

  30. The book whose cover is torn needs to be replaced.

  31. The woman whom I talked to on the phone is my boss.

  32. The car that is parked in front of the house belongs to my neighbor.

  33. The girl who is reading a book is my cousin.

  34. The movie which we saw last week was very romantic.

  35. The teacher whom I asked for help is very knowledgeable.

  36. The company that I work for is very successful.

  37. The restaurant where we had lunch yesterday was very busy.

  38. The dog whose fur is white is very cute.

  39. The building which is being renovated will be a shopping mall.

  40. The man whom I met at the conference is a famous scientist.

  41. The park where we had a picnic is very beautiful.

  42. The book which is on the shelf is very interesting.

  43. The car whose color is red is very eye-catching.

  44. The girl who is playing the piano is very talented.

  45. The movie that we watched last night was very scary.

  46. The teacher whom I admire is very inspiring.

  47. The company whose headquarters is in New York is a multinational corporation.

  48. The restaurant which we went to last night was very expensive.

  49. The dog that is sleeping on the couch is very lazy.

  50. The house whose windows are broken needs to be repaired.

  51. The woman who is wearing a necklace is my aunt.

  52. The car that I rented for the weekend is very comfortable.

  53. The girl whom I met at the library is my classmate.

  54. The movie which was directed by Steven Spielberg is a masterpiece.

  55. The teacher who is retiring next year is very respected.

  56. The building whose design is unique is a landmark of the city.

  57. The company which specializes in software development is hiring.

  58. The restaurant where we had dinner last night was very romantic.

  59. The dog whose breed is Labrador is very loyal.

  60. The man who is holding a camera is a photographer.

  61. The park which is located in the city center is very popular.

  62. The book that I read last week was very informative.

  63. The car which is parked in the garage is very expensive.

  64. The girl who is playing basketball is very athletic.

  65. The movie that we watched last night was very touching.

  66. The teacher whom I respect is very knowledgeable.

  67. The company whose CEO is a woman is very progressive.

  68. The restaurant which we visited last night was very cozy.

  69. The dog that is chasing a cat is very naughty.

  70. The house whose garden is well-maintained is very beautiful.

  71. The woman whom I met at the airport is a flight attendant.

  72. The car that I bought last year is very reliable.

  73. The girl who is dancing is very graceful.

  74. The movie which was released last month is very popular.

  75. The teacher who is strict but fair is very effective.

  76. The building whose height is 500 meters is the tallest in the world.

  77. The company which is in the technology industry is very innovative.

  78. The restaurant where we had lunch was very casual.

  79. The dog whose name is Max is very friendly.

  80. The man whom I saw at the gym is a bodybuilder.

  81. The park which has a lake is very scenic.

  82. The book that I bought online is very cheap.

  83. The car which is parked on the street is very old.

  84. The girl who is playing the guitar is very talented.

  85. The movie that we watched last night was very inspiring.

  86. The teacher whom I learned a lot from is very experienced.

  87. The company whose shares are listed on the stock market is very profitable.

  88. The restaurant which we went to for breakfast was very busy.

  89. The dog that is wagging its tail is very happy.

  90. The house whose roof is red is very distinctive.

  91. The woman who is wearing glasses is my doctor.

  92. The car that I saw on the highway is very fast.

  93. The girl whom I met at the party is very friendly.

  94. The movie which won the Palme d'Or is very artistic.

  95. The teacher who is passionate about teaching is very inspiring.

  96. The building whose architecture is modern is very impressive.

  97. The company which is in the fashion industry is very trendy.

  98. The restaurant where we had brunch was very stylish.

  99. The dog whose owner is a celebrity is very famous.

  100. The man who is walking his dog is very friendly.


上一篇 2023年06月23日16时41分47秒
下一篇 2023年06月23日16时43分58秒


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