

  1. The girl who is wearing a red dress is my sister. 穿红色裙子的女孩是我的妹妹。 定语从句修饰girl,who为关系代词。

  2. The book that I read yesterday is very interesting. 我昨天读的那本书非常有趣。 定语从句修饰book,that为关系代词。

  3. The man whose car was stolen reported it to the police. 他的车被盗了,他报警了。 定语从句修饰man,whose为关系代词。

  4. The school where I study is very big. 我就读的学校非常大。 定语从句修饰school,where为关系副词。

  5. The teacher whom I respect is Mr. Smith. 我尊敬的老师是史密斯先生。 定语从句修饰teacher,whom为关系代词。

  6. The reason why he left the company is still unknown. 他离开公司的原因仍然未知。 定语从句修饰reason,why为关系副词。

  7. The film that we watched last night was very exciting. 我们昨晚看的电影非常精彩。 定语从句修饰film,that为关系代词。

  8. I have a friend whose father is a doctor. 我有个朋友,他的父亲是医生。 定语从句修饰friend,whose为关系代词。

  9. The person whom I met at the party is my old friend. 我在派对上遇见的人是我的老朋友。 定语从句修饰person,whom为关系代词。

  10. The place where we had dinner last night was very expensive. 我们昨晚吃饭的地方很贵。 定语从句修饰place,where为关系副词。

  11. The book which was written by Mark Twain is very famous. 马克·吐温写的那本书非常有名。 定语从句修饰book,which为关系代词。

  12. The girl whose hair is curly is my cousin. 头发卷曲的女孩是我的表妹。 定语从句修饰girl,whose为关系代词。

  13. The reason why he failed the exam is that he didn't study hard. 他考试不及格的原因是他没有好好学习。 定语从句修饰reason,why为关系副词。

  14. The place that we visited last week was very beautiful. 我们上周参观的地方非常美丽。 定语从句修饰place,that为关系代词。

  15. The man whom we met yesterday is a famous actor. 我们昨天遇见的那个人是一位著名的演员。 定语从句修饰man,whom为关系代词。

  16. The person whose car is parked over there is my neighbor. 停在那儿的车主是我的邻居。 定语从句修饰person,whose为关系代词。

  17. The reason why I came late is that I missed the bus. 我迟到的原因是我错过了公交车。 定语从句修饰reason,why为关系副词。

  18. The school that my sister goes to is very famous. 我妹妹所在的学校非常有名。 定语从句修饰school,that为关系代词。

  19. The teacher whom I asked for help is very kind. 我寻求帮助的老师非常友善。 定语从句修饰teacher,whom为关系代词。

  20. The place where we are going to visit tomorrow is very interesting. 我们明天要参观的地方非常有趣。 定语从句修饰place,where为关系副词。

  21. The book which I borrowed from the library is very boring. 我从图书馆借来的那本书非常无聊。 定语从句修饰book,which为关系代词。

  22. The girl whose father is a businessman is very smart. 父亲是商人的那个女孩非常聪明。 定语从句修饰girl,whose为关系代词。

  23. The reason why she didn't come to the party is that she was sick. 她没有来参加派对的原因是她生病了。 定语从句修饰reason,why为关系副词。

  24. The film that I watched last night was very scary. 我昨晚看的那部电影非常恐怖。 定语从句修饰film,that为关系代词。

  25. The man whom I saw in the park is a police officer. 我在公园里看到的那个人是一名警察。 定语从句修饰man,whom为关系代词。

  26. The person whose bag was stolen reported it to the police. 袋子被偷的那个人报了警。 定语从句修饰person,whose为关系代词。

  27. The reason why he is always late is that he doesn't have a car. 他总是迟到的原因是他没有车。 定语从句修饰reason,why为关系副词。

  28. The school where my brother studies is very strict. 我弟弟上学的那所学校非常严格。 定语从句修饰school,where为关系副词。

  29. The teacher whom I like most is Miss Lee. 我最喜欢的老师是李老师。 定语从句修饰teacher,whom为关系代词。

  30. The place where we had lunch yesterday is very crowded. 我们昨天吃午饭的地方非常拥挤。 定语从句修饰place,where为关系副词。

  31. The book which I bought last week is very informative. 我上周买的那本书非常有启发性。 定语从句修饰book,which为关系代词。

  32. The girl whose mother is a doctor is also studying medicine. 母亲是医生的那个女孩也在学习医学。 定语从句修饰girl,whose为关系代词。

  33. The reason why he is so successful is that he works hard. 他成功的原因是他工作非常努力。 定语从句修饰reason,why为关系副词。

  34. The film that we watched last week was very romantic. 我们上周看的那部电影非常浪漫。 定语从句修饰film,that为关系代词。

  35. The man whom I met on the train is a famous writer. 我在火车上遇见的那个人是一位著名的作家。 定语从句修饰man,whom为关系代词。

  36. The person whose phone was stolen reported it to the police. 手机被偷的那个人报了警。 定语从句修饰person,whose为关系代词。

  37. The reason why she is always tired is that she works too hard. 她总是很累的原因是她工作太努力了。 定语从句修饰reason,why为关系副词。

  38. The school that my cousin goes to is very good. 我表妹所在的学校非常好。 定语从句修饰school,that为关系代词。

  39. The teacher whom I learned a lot from is Mr. Johnson. 我从中学到很多的老师是约翰逊先生。 定语从句修饰teacher,whom为关系代词。

  40. The place where we are going to have dinner tonight is very famous. 我们今晚要去吃饭的地方非常有名。 定语从句修饰place,where为关系副词。

  41. The book which I recommend to you is very interesting. 我向你推荐的那本书非常有趣。 定语从句修饰book,which为关系代词。

  42. The girl whose brother is a musician is also very talented. 哥哥是音乐家的那个女孩也很有才华。 定语从句修饰girl,whose为关系代词。

  43. The reason why he is unhappy is that he failed the exam. 他不开心的原因是他考试失败了。 定语从句修饰reason,why为关系副词。

  44. The film that we watched yesterday was very funny. 我们昨天看的那部电影非常有趣。 定语从句修饰film,that为关系代词。

  45. The man whom I talked to at the party is my boss. 我在派对上跟那个人交谈的是我的老板。 定语从句修饰man,whom为关系代词。

  46. The person whose bag was found in the park is very lucky. 在公园里找到袋子的那个人非常幸运。 定语从句修饰person,whose为关系代词。

  47. The reason why she is so nervous is that she has an interview today. 她非常紧张的原因是她今天有面试。 定语从句修饰reason,why为关系副词。

  48. The school where my friend teaches is very famous. 我朋友所在的学校非常有名。 定语从句修饰school,where为关系副词。

  49. The teacher whom I admire the most is Mrs. Brown. 我最敬佩的老师是布朗夫人。 定语从句修饰teacher,whom为关系代词。

  50. The place where we spent our vacation last year is very beautiful. 我们去年度假的地方非常美丽。 定语从句修饰place,where为关系副词。

上一篇 2023年06月23日16时40分41秒
下一篇 2023年06月23日16时42分53秒


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