

  1. My biggest fear is that I won't graduate on time.
  2. Her favorite hobby is reading books.
  3. The fact is that we are running out of time.
  4. The problem is that we don't have enough money.
  5. The good news is that we won the game.
  6. The bad news is that it's going to rain all week.
  7. The truth is that I didn't study for the exam.
  8. The reality is that we need to find a new job.
  9. The point is that we need to work together.
  10. The idea is that we should start a new project.
  11. The hope is that we will succeed.
  12. The goal is that we will finish the project on time.
  13. The plan is that we will meet at the restaurant.
  14. The promise is that I will always love you.
  15. The challenge is that we need to find a solution.
  16. The opportunity is that we can learn from our mistakes.
  17. The problem is that we can't find the key.
  18. The solution is that we need to search harder.
  19. The mistake is that I forgot to lock the door.
  20. The advantage is that we have more experience.
  21. The disadvantage is that we have less time.
  22. The benefit is that we will save money.
  23. The consequence is that we will be late.
  24. The risk is that we might fail.
  25. The reward is that we will be successful.
  26. The requirement is that we need to have a degree.
  27. The condition is that we need to meet the deadline.
  28. The exception is that we can't make any mistakes.
  29. The assumption is that we will be able to finish the project.
  30. The belief is that hard work pays off.
  31. The doubt is that we will be able to succeed.
  32. The fear is that we will lose everything.
  33. The hope is that we will achieve our dreams.
  34. The joy is that we will be able to celebrate together.
  35. The sadness is that we have to say goodbye.
  36. The surprise is that we won the lottery.
  37. The disappointment is that we didn't get the job.
  38. The excitement is that we are going on vacation.
  39. The frustration is that we can't find a solution.
  40. The anger is that we were treated unfairly.
  41. The confusion is that we don't understand the instructions.
  42. The curiosity is that we want to learn more.
  43. The satisfaction is that we completed the project.
  44. The regret is that we didn't take the opportunity.
  45. The relief is that we found the missing item.
  46. The surprise is that we met our favorite celebrity.
  47. The sympathy is that we feel sorry for their loss.
  48. The trust is that we believe in each other.
  49. The uncertainty is that we don't know what will happen.
  50. The wonder is that we are amazed by the beauty.


上一篇 2023年06月22日14时37分26秒
下一篇 2023年06月22日14时39分43秒


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