


  1. take part in
  2. make progress
  3. keep in touch
  4. look forward to
  5. by means of
  6. in search of
  7. in charge of
  8. on behalf of
  9. in honor of
  10. in memory of
  11. in terms of
  12. in the event of
  13. in spite of
  14. under the weather
  15. catch a cold
  16. break the ice
  17. make up one's mind
  18. keep one's fingers crossed
  19. play a role
  20. get on one's nerves
  21. a piece of cake
  22. a hot potato
  23. a blessing in disguise
  24. a dime a dozen
  25. a matter of fact
  26. a picture is worth a thousand words
  27. a shot in the dark
  28. all ears
  29. all thumbs
  30. back to the drawing board
  31. beat around the bush
  32. bite the bullet
  33. break a leg
  34. call it a day
  35. come rain or shine
  36. cut corners
  37. cut to the chase
  38. drop a line
  39. eat one's words
  40. feel under the weather
  41. get a grip
  42. get cold feet
  43. get the hang of
  44. go back to the drawing board
  45. go out on a limb
  46. hit the nail on the head
  47. hold one's breath
  48. in a nutshell
  49. in deep water
  50. in hot water
  51. in the same boat
  52. keep one's chin up
  53. keep one's cool
  54. kick the bucket
  55. let the cat out of the bag
  56. like a fish out of water
  57. make a long story short
  58. miss the boat
  59. on cloud nine
  60. on the ball
  61. on the same page
  62. out of the blue
  63. pull one's leg
  64. put oneself in someone else's shoes
  65. put up with
  66. rain cats and dogs
  67. read between the lines
  68. spill the beans
  69. take a rain check
  70. the ball is in one's court
  71. the best of both worlds
  72. the early bird catches the worm
  73. the icing on the cake
  74. the sky's the limit
  75. through thick and thin
  76. throw in the towel
  77. under the weather
  78. up in the air
  79. wear one's heart on one's sleeve
  80. when pigs fly
  81. with flying colors
  82. you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours


上一篇 2023年06月18日11时56分10秒
下一篇 2023年06月18日11时58分19秒


  • as引导的非限制性定语从句

    英语中的定语从句是指通过一个从句来修饰句子中的名词或代词。其中,限制性定语从句是指从句中的信息对于主句中的名词或代词来说是必不可少的,而非限制性定语从句则是对主句中的名词或代词进行补充说明或解释。 as引导的非限制性定语从句是其中一种比较常见的形式。这种从句通常使用as来引导,并且用逗号与主句隔开。它的作用是对主句中的名词或代词进行进一步的解释或补充。 以下是一些例句: My friend, as…

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  • 区分谓语和非谓语动词

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  • 非谓语是简单句吗

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  • 英语非谓语例句20个

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