

  1. My friend and I (is/are) going to the beach.

  2. Neither the teacher nor the students (knows/know) the answer.

  3. Every student in the class (has/have) a textbook.

  4. The cat that chases mice (is/are) in the barn.

  5. Each of the boys (has/have) a bike.

  6. The committee (has/have) not yet made a decision.

  7. The team of players (is/are) wearing blue and white uniforms.

  8. The number of students in the class (is/are) decreasing.

  9. The news from the front (is/are) not good.

  10. The group of people (was/were) singing in the park.

  11. The book I am reading (is/are) very interesting.

  12. The movie that I saw last night (was/were) very scary.

  13. The box of chocolates (was/were) eaten by the children.

  14. The woman with the red hat (is/are) my neighbor.

  15. The flowers in the garden (need/needs) watering.

  16. The children in the park (seem/seems) to be having fun.

  17. The committee members (disagree/disagrees) on the issue.

  18. The news on the radio (is/are) depressing.

  19. The series of books (is/are) very popular.

  20. The couple in the restaurant (looks/look) very happy.

  21. The pair of shoes (fits/fit) me perfectly.

  22. The group of birds (flies/fly) south for the winter.

  23. The number of people in the park (is/are) increasing.

  24. The herd of sheep (was/were) grazing in the field.

  25. The list of ingredients (is/are) on the recipe card.

  26. The stack of papers on my desk (needs/need) to be sorted.

  27. The class of students (is/are) studying for the exam.

  28. The flock of geese (flies/fly) overhead.

  29. The jury (has/have) reached a verdict.

  30. The set of instructions (is/are) easy to follow.

  31. The pack of wolves (hunt/hunts) at night.

  32. The crowd of people (cheers/cheer) for their team.

  33. The family in the photograph (looks/look) happy.

  34. The group of musicians (play/plays) beautiful music.

  35. The collection of stamps (is/are) worth a lot of money.

  36. The pair of sunglasses (belongs/belong) to my sister.

  37. The number of cars on the road (is/are) increasing.

  38. The bunch of bananas (was/were) on the counter.

  39. The group of friends (enjoys/enjoy) spending time together.

  40. The army of soldiers (march/marches) in formation.

  41. The amount of money (is/are) more than I thought.

  42. The team of scientists (is/are) conducting an experiment.

  43. The series of lectures (is/are) very informative.

  44. The collection of paintings (is/are) on display at the museum.

  45. The number of books on the shelf (is/are) impressive.

  46. The group of hikers (climb/climbs) the mountain.

  47. The army of ants (moves/move) quickly.

  48. The set of tools (is/are) in the garage.

  49. The crowd of people (waits/wait) for the bus.

  50. The bunch of flowers (smells/smell) wonderful.

  51. The fleet of ships (sails/sail) across the ocean.

  52. The number of stars in the sky (is/are) countless.

  53. The series of movies (is/are) very entertaining.

  54. The team of engineers (design/designs) new products.

  55. The group of tourists (visits/visit) the museum.

  56. The pair of scissors (cuts/cut) through paper easily.

  57. The stack of books on my desk (needs/need) to be read.

  58. The number of miles (is/are) too far to walk.

  59. The bunch of grapes (is/are) on the kitchen table.

  60. The set of dishes (is/are) on the shelf.

  61. The fleet of cars (drives/drive) on the highway.

  62. The group of actors (performs/perform) on stage.

  63. The series of concerts (is/are) sold out.

  64. The team of chefs (creates/create) delicious meals.

  65. The collection of coins (is/are) valuable.

  66. The pair of socks (fits/fit) perfectly.

  67. The number of emails (is/are) overwhelming.

  68. The stack of dishes in the sink (needs/need) to be washed.

  69. The bunch of keys (opens/open) the door.

  70. The set of rules (is/are) in place.

  71. The fleet of planes (flies/fly) across the sky.

  72. The group of dancers (moves/move) gracefully.

  73. The series of novels (is/are) very suspenseful.

  74. The team of artists (creates/create) beautiful artwork.

  75. The collection of stamps (is/are) from all over the world.

  76. The pair of gloves (keeps/keep) my hands warm.

  77. The number of pages in the book (is/are) daunting.

  78. The stack of laundry (needs/need) to be folded.

  79. The bunch of carrots (is/are) in the refrigerator.

  80. The set of instructions (is/are) on the package.

  81. The fleet of buses (drives/drive) through the city.

  82. The group of athletes (compete/competes) in the Olympics.

  83. The series of plays (is/are) written by Shakespeare.

  84. The team of musicians (plays/play) jazz music.

  85. The collection of seashells (is/are) on the beach.

  86. The pair of shoes (looks/look) stylish.

  87. The number of days in the month (is/are) variable.

  88. The stack of pancakes (needs/need) syrup.

  89. The bunch of bananas (is/are) ripe.

  90. The set of goals (is/are) achievable.

  91. The fleet of trucks (carries/carry) goods across the country.

  92. The group of volunteers (help/helps) those in need.

  93. The series of events (is/are) organized by the committee.

  94. The team of actors (rehearses/rehearse) for the play.

  95. The collection of antiques (is/are) priceless.

  96. The pair of jeans (fits/fit) perfectly.

  97. The number of hours in the day (is/are) limited.

  98. The stack of bills (needs/need) to be paid.

  99. The bunch of flowers (is/are) a gift.

  100. The set of skills (is/are) essential.


上一篇 2023年06月16日14时57分30秒
下一篇 2023年06月16日14时59分42秒


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