



My English used to be a headache for me. I found it hard to remember the new vocabulary and grammar. It was also a closed book for me, because there were many exceptions to the rules I learned.

It almost made me crazy to say that my English was poor, but I persisted. Fortunately, I had a patient teacher, not scolding me. He kept on with his help and diligent encouragement It seems that my English is no longer improved.

In fact, English is now my strongest subject, which only shows that there is no substitute for hard work.





为什么我讨厌学英语 英语作文

The person I ever hated the most is called SB. We do not know what he really calls, yet we all call him SB for short and it is a good fucking habbit. We are very happy to refer him as a piece of shit, holy shit, and what a shit he is. I do not find any powerful words in English to describe him, what the fuck, I wonder if there is word stronger than fuck? Damn the goddamn son of bitch, oh no, it insults a bitch! What a disgusting bitch he is, and he is the most stupid motherfuckers I ever met in my life. He is damned. He really proved that he was a damn fucking disgusting and ugly, stupid son of motherfucker's damning bitch.


English grammar is really a headache

English grammar is really a headache for me. Because I learning chinese while Chinese and English grammar is not the same. So English is a big problem for me.


Such as, I still can not distinguish used to and be used to up to now. Every time to do exercise, I often mess up the o words. At the same time, I can not distinguish beeen Transitive and intransitive verbs.English grammar is too difficult for me.In a word, although I like allergic to learning English grammar, I still try to leran english grammar。



We study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency

以上就是关于讨厌英语语法的英语作文,关于英语语法令我头疼的作文的全部内容,以及讨厌英语语法的英语作文 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2023年02月03日13时03分35秒
下一篇 2023年02月03日13时10分17秒


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