



1. What's your name?

My name is {你的名字}.

2. How old are you?

I am {你的年龄} years old.

3. Where are you from?

I am from {你的国家/城市}.

4. What do you do for a living?

I am {你的职业}.

5. What's your favorite hobby?

My favorite hobby is {你的兴趣爱好}.


6. What time is it?

It's {时间}.

7. When is your birthday?

My birthday is on {日期}.

8. What day is today?

Today is {星期几}.

9. What month is it?

It's {月份}.

10. What year is it?

It's {年份}.


11. Where is the nearest hospital?

The nearest hospital is {医院名称}.

12. Where is the nearest gas station?

The nearest gas station is {加油站名称}.

13. Where is the nearest supermarket?

The nearest supermarket is {超市名称}.

14. Where is the nearest restaurant?

The nearest restaurant is {餐厅名称}.

15. Where is the nearest post office?

The nearest post office is {邮局名称}.


16. What's this?

This is a {物品名称}.

17. What's that?

That is a {物品名称}.

18. What's in the bag?

There are {物品数量} {物品名称} in the bag.

19. What's on TV?

{电视节目名称} is on TV.

20. What's your favorite color?

My favorite color is {颜色名称}.


21. How many siblings do you have?

I have {兄弟姐妹数量} siblings.

22. How many languages do you speak?

I speak {语言数量} languages.

23. How much does it cost?

It costs {价格}.

24. How much time do you need?

I need {时间数量} time.

25. How long is the movie?

The movie is {电影时长} long.


26. Why are you late?

I am late because {原因}.

27. Why do you like this movie?

I like this movie because {原因}.

28. Why did you choose this university?

I chose this university because {原因}.

29. Why is the sky blue?

The sky is blue because {原因}.

30. Why do birds fly?

Birds fly because {原因}.


31. How do you get to work/school?

I {出行方式} to work/school.

32. How do you cook this dish?

I cook this dish by {烹饪方式}.

33. How do you say this word in English?

This word is {英文单词} in English.

34. How do you use this machine?

You can use this machine by {使用方式}.

35. How do you solve this problem?

I solve this problem by {解决方式}.


36. What do you think about this idea?

I think {意见} about this idea.

37. What's your opinion on this matter?

My opinion is {意见} on this matter.

38. Do you agree with me?

Yes, I agree with you.

39. Do you think this is a good idea?

Yes, I think this is a good idea.

40. Can you give me some advice?

Sure, my advice is {建议}.


41. Are you feeling okay?

Yes, I am feeling okay.

42. Do you need any help?

No, I don't need any help.

43. Did you enjoy the party?

Yes, I enjoyed the party.

44. Have you finished your homework?

Yes, I have finished my homework.

45. Are you busy?

Yes, I am busy.


46. Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?

I prefer {茶/咖啡}.

47. What's better, living in the city or the countryside?

It depends on {情况}.

48. Who's taller, you or your friend?

I am {身高}.

49. What's more important, money or happiness?

Happiness is more important.

50. Which is more difficult, English or Chinese?

It depends on {情况}.


上一篇 2023年06月09日17时18分03秒
下一篇 2023年06月09日17时20分14秒


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