

  1. The book that I borrowed from the library is very interesting.
  2. The girl who is wearing a red dress is my sister.
  3. The man whom we met yesterday is my neighbor.
  4. The car which is parked outside is mine.
  5. The house that was built last year is now for sale.
  6. The teacher who taught us English is from Canada.
  7. The movie that we watched last night was very good.
  8. The person whom I am speaking to is my boss.
  9. The restaurant which serves Chinese food is my favorite.
  10. The cat that is sleeping on the sofa is mine.
  11. The doctor who treated my illness is very experienced.
  12. The game that we played last night was very exciting.
  13. The building which is under construction will be a shopping mall.
  14. The woman whom I saw at the party is my friend's girlfriend.
  15. The song that I am listening to is my favorite.
  16. The company that I work for is a multinational corporation.
  17. The dog who lives next door barks a lot.
  18. The book which I am reading is very long.
  19. The person whom I met at the airport is my cousin.
  20. The shirt that I bought yesterday is too small.
  21. The apartment which I am renting is very spacious.
  22. The artist who painted this masterpiece is famous.
  23. The vase that is on the table is very beautiful.
  24. The school where I studied English is in New York.
  25. The cake that my mom baked is delicious.
  26. The man whom I shook hands with is the CEO.
  27. The restaurant that we went to last night was expensive.
  28. The woman who is sitting next to me is my colleague.
  29. The car that I want to buy is a sports car.
  30. The actor who won the award is very talented.
  31. The movie which I watched yesterday was a comedy.
  32. The person whom I am waiting for is my friend.
  33. The dress that she is wearing is very fashionable.
  34. The city where I was born is in China.
  35. The computer which I am using is new.
  36. The house that I grew up in is in the countryside.
  37. The teacher whom we had last year was very strict.
  38. The book that I lost last week was my favorite.
  39. The person who is knocking on the door is the postman.
  40. The bottle which is on the shelf is empty.
  41. The woman whom I saw at the store is a famous actress.
  42. The movie that we saw last weekend was a horror film.
  43. The car which I rented is very expensive.
  44. The boy who is playing soccer is my nephew.
  45. The song that is playing on the radio is catchy.
  46. The computer that I bought last month is very fast.
  47. The building where my office is located is very tall.
  48. The man whom I saw on the street is a stranger.
  49. The book which I am writing is a novel.
  50. The dress that I bought online is too big.


上一篇 2023年06月08日16时42分51秒
下一篇 2023年06月08日16时45分06秒


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