

  1. Subsequently - 然后,随后 例如:He failed his exam and subsequently decided to work harder.

  2. Conversely - 相反地,反之 例如:Some people believe that studying abroad is better, while others, conversely, think that studying in their own country is better.

  3. Nevertheless - 尽管如此,仍然 例如:The weather was bad. Nevertheless, we decided to go for a walk.

  4. Conversely - 相反地,反之 例如:Some people believe that studying abroad is better, while others, conversely, think that studying in their own country is better.

  5. Accordingly - 相应地,因此 例如:She studied hard for the exam, and accordingly, she got a good grade.

  6. Moreover - 此外,而且 例如:She is intelligent, and moreover, she is hardworking.

  7. Nonetheless - 然而,尽管如此 例如:The book was difficult to read. Nonetheless, I finished it.

  8. Furthermore - 此外,而且 例如:She is intelligent, and furthermore, she is also good at sports.


上一篇 2023年06月08日15时17分56秒
下一篇 2023年06月08日15时20分07秒


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