初中英语介词专项训练 ,初中英语语法专题训练及详细答案








答案是:B D A
1,enter into,进入的意思,在句中表示“出现”的意思。句子翻译为;这个主意甚至从未在我脑海里出现过一次
3,on the team表示已经加入了该队并且成为该队中的一员



1.Last Saturday I was busy _with_____ my homework .
2.My teacher was very angry __with____ me because I was late __for____ school again.
3.Kathy prefers a hula hoop __to____ a book.
4.I will invite some friends ___to___ my eighteenth birthday party.
5.How long has he worked __as____ an inventor.
6.My uncle arrived ___at___ the airport __on____ the morning of May 3.
7.I will always help my friends when they are ___in___ trouble.
8.There is nothing ___without___ air ___in___ space.
9.I won't be back ___till___ June.
10. __At____ the age __of____ twenty, he had written two books.
11.Mary fell __off____ her bike and hurt her right leg.
12.He has been away __from____ China __since____ three years ago.
13.When I was __at/in____ school, I was ___on___ the school football team.
14.I think he will be __at____ two o'clock.
15.The teacher was given some flowers ___by___ his students.
16.Look, the birds are singing __in____ the tree.
17.He left the classroom ___with___ all the windows open.
18.My sister is ill today. She doesn't feel __like____ eating anything.
19.It's too dangerous. You must keep the children away ___from___ the fire.
20.My parents arrived ___on___ a cold night.
21.You should apologize __to____ her __for____ stepping on her foot.
22.The students are sitting ___at___ the table, reading the newspaper.
23.The city is famous __for____ its football, and people there are very proud __of____ their city football team.
24.We are doing better ___in___ English __with____ our teacher's help.
25.Don't worry __about____ me. Everything is going well __with____ me.
26.He was late __for____ school today, and she came late __for____school, too.
27. ------ Do you know what happened __to____ Peter yesterday?
------ He was hit __by____ a car.
28.I like clothes made ___of___ cotton.
29.He will go to Hangzhou __in____ his car tomorrow.
30_To_____ my surprise, the Englishman gave up halfway __in____the end.
31.I saw the great changes __with____ my own eyes.
32.You look tired. Instead __of____ working indoors you should be out __for____ a walk.
33.Wushu is becoming more and more popular __to____ foreigners.
34If you are able to get the tickets tomorrow, please tell me __on____ phone.
35.There is going to be a report __on/about____ Chinese history ___in___ our school this evening.
36.Before 1990 there was no airline __between____ the two cities.
37.She is dressed __with____ a white skirt __with____ red flowers.
38.It's bad __for____ you to go to work _without_____ breakfast.
39.It's very nice __of____ you to get me two tickets __to____ the World Cup.


以上就是关于初中英语介词专项训练 ,初中英语语法专题训练及详细答案的全部内容,以及初中英语介词专项训练 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2022年07月07日12时35分43秒
下一篇 2022年07月07日12时45分35秒


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