00~200英语单词 ,从100到200所有数字用英语怎么表示





100:One hundred

101:One hundred and one

102:One hundred and two

103:One hundred and three

104:One hundred and four

105:One hundred and five

106:One hundred and six

107:One hundred and seven

108:One hundred and eight

109:One hundred and nine

110:One hundred and ten

111:One hundred and eleven

112:One hundred and twelve

113:One hundred and thirteen

114:One hundred and fourteen

115:One hundred and fifteen

116:One hundred and sixteen

117:One hundred and seventeen

118:One hundred and eighteen

119:One hundred and nineteen

120:One hundred and twenty

121:One hundred and twenty-one

122:One hundred and twenty-two

123:One hundred and twenty-three

124:One hundred and twenty-four

125:One hundred and twenty-five

126:One hundred and twenty-six

127:One hundred and twenty-seven

128:One hundred and twenty-eight

129:One hundred and twenty-nine

130:One hundred and thirty

131:One hundred and thirty-one

132:One hundred and thirty-two

133:One hundred and thirty-three

134:One hundred and thirty-four

135:One hundred and thirty-five

136:One hundred and thirty-six

137:One hundred and thirty-seven

138:One hundred and thirty-eight

139:One hundred and thirty-nine

140:One hundred and forty

141:One hundred and forty-one

142:One hundred and forty-two

143:One hundred and forty-three

144:One hundred and forty-four

145:One hundred and forty-five

146:One hundred and forty-six

147:One hundred and forty-seven

148:One hundred and forty-eight

149:One hundred and forty-nine

150:One hundred and fifty

151:One hundred and fifty-one

152:One hundred and fifty-two

153:One hundred and fifty-three

154:One hundred and fifty-four

155:One hundred and fifty-five

156:One hundred and fifty-six

157:One hundred and fifty-seven

158:One hundred and fifty-eight

159:One hundred and fifty-nine

160:One hundred and sixty

161:One hundred and sixty-one

162:One hundred and sixty-two

163:One hundred and sixty-three

164:One hundred and sixty-four

165:One hundred and sixty-five

166:One hundred and sixty-six

167:One hundred and sixty-seven

168:One hundred and sixty-eight

169:One hundred and sixty-nine

170:One hundred and seventy

171:One hundred and seventy-one

172:One hundred and seventy-two

173:One hundred and seventy-three

174:One hundred and seventy-four

175:One hundred and seventy-five

176:One hundred and seventy-six

177:One hundred and seventy-seven

178:One hundred and seventy-eight

179:One hundred and seventy-nine

180:One hundred and eighty

181:One hundred and eighty-one

182:One hundred and eighty-two

183:One hundred and eighty-three

184:One hundred and eighty-four

185:One hundred and eighty-five

186:One hundred and eighty-six

187:One hundred and eighty-seven

188:One hundred and eighty-eight

189:One hundred and eighty-nine

190:One hundred and ninety-one

192:One hundred and ninety-two

193:One hundred and ninety-three

194:One hundred and ninety-four

195:One hundred and ninety-five

196:One hundred and ninety-six

197:One hundred and ninety-seven

198:One hundred and ninety-eight

199:One hundred and ninety-nine

200:Two hundred

201:Two hundred and one




1 one
2 two
3 three
4 four
5 five
6 six
7 seven
8 eight
9 nine
10 ten
11 eleven
12 twelve
13 thirteen
14 fourteen
15 fifteen
16 sixteen
17 seventeen
18 eighteen
19 nineteen
20 twenty
30 thirty
40 forty
50 fifty
60 sixty
80 eighty
70 seventy
90 ninety
100 one hundred
101 one hundred and one 以后的以此类推
111one hundred and eleven
200 two hundred




规律是先要百位的单词,一百的英文是one hundred,再加上十位和个位的数字。

比如一百零一就是One hundred and one,十位和个位的数字是一体的。

一百零二就是One hundred and two,一百一十之前的数字以此类推。

一百一十一是one hundred and eleven,一百一十二就是one hundred and twelve,十到二十的数字放后面即可。


一百二十一到一百九十九的数字结构就是,one hundred and 整十的数字 再加上个位的数字。

比如一百二十:one hundred and twenty  一百二十一:one hundred and twenty-one。

一百三十:one hundred and thirty  一百三十一:one hundred and thirty-one。

到了两百就是two hundred,记得后面是不加s的。


100到200的英语是100 to 200


以上就是关于00~200英语单词 ,从100到200所有数字用英语怎么表示的全部内容,以及100~200英语单词 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2022年07月04日13时15分35秒
下一篇 2022年07月04日13时25分18秒


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