Rub Your Eyes When Your Hands Are Dirty的意思为
1. wring one’s hands 扭着手,搓着手。
wring one’s hands是指一个人squeeze and rub one hand with the other。当一个人对某人或某事担心、焦虑或感到失望、悲观的时候,他做出的表示就是紧握双手,互相搓摩,不知所措,只有无可奈何地等待事情的发展。
2. give someone some skin 热烈欢迎。
这是指两手同时与对方的手相接触,可以是一人的两手掌与另一人的两手掌拍在一起,也可以是两人的双手同时握在一起,上下、左右都行,以表示特别欢迎。当有人这样说的时候,近似于一种要求或命令。如:Bob hadn’t seen John for a long time, he said to John:“Hey John, give me some skin!”
3. slap someone on the back 拍某人的后背。
熟悉的朋友特别是年轻的男性朋友见面时,一个人会用手掌拍另一个人的后背。通常是表示亲切、友好。有时人们互拍后背表示祝贺。比如,球场上,一个队员得了分,其他队员可以拍他的后背。有时两人手掌碰拍一下,表示祝贺和鼓励。如:I slapped Jack on the back after he kicked a goal in the match.
4. I am very full. 我吃饱了。
美国人的做法是把一只手放到喉头,手心向下,手指伸开。有时还会说:“到这儿了。”(I am full up to here.)中国人一般是用一只手或两只手轻拍自己的肚子。
手指 The fingers
1. shake one’s finger at someone 朝某人晃手指。
2. cross one’s fingers 手指交叉。
意味着希望交好运。当然人们并不真相信这能为自己带来好运,只不过是告诉他人希望万事如意、心想事成的一种方式。如:你在找工作时,可以对家人或朋友说:“Keep your fingers crossed for me!”
3. give the OK sign 作OK的手势。
表示“好、行、对”等意思。有时可以把一只手的食指和拇指放在一起,形成一个O形,其他三指伸开,告诉别人一切顺利。如:You give the OK sign to signal that everything is very good or all right.
4. thumb one’s nose / make a long nose / bite one’s thumb 藐视。
把拇指搁在鼻端,其余四指伸开,有时也可扇动拇指,表示藐视、挑战的意思。如对一个人的话不以为然,或对某人的做法不屑一顾。bite one’s thumb表示藐视的时候,用at someone or something。
First half basin of water in the basin, and then put the dirty clothes into the out completely soaked, and then pour the right amount of detergent evenly, can by hand rub is. Clean coat, scrub your hands neckline, soon, the dirt on the neckline magic away. Then rub two cuff \ front, other places just rub, wash coat. Trousers mainly wash leg two boards and a bottom. After washing, rinse, has been thoroughly until there is no bubble. Dries clothes at last.
Wash your hands properly and often. Learn how to wash you hands properly, see a picture showing all the steps of proper handwashing, and get a printable handwashing poster. If you aren't near a sink, use an alcohol-based cleaner to wash your hands. Use enough alcohol-based cleaner to keep your hands wet for a minimum of 20 seconds. Rub your hands together as the cleaner dries. Make sure you rub the cleaner all over your hands. Don't forget to rub between your fingers, the backs of your hands and under your fingernails. Carry hand sanitizer with you and use it when you can’t wash your hands in a sink.
Cover your coughs and sneezes. Cough or sneeze into your sleeve, not your hand. If you cough up phlegm (mucus), spit it into a tissue, throw the tissue away, and wash your hands properly right away.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread that way. Stay at home if you are sick. If you have flu symptoms, follow this treatment advice for H1N1 flu. Use a regular household disinfectant to wash common surfaces every day. Make sure you wash: counters, taps and sinks in your bathroom and kitchen, bedside tables, children's toys, computer keyboards, desks and tabletops, Wipe surfaces with paper towels that can be thrown away or cloth towels that can be washed afterwards. Use soap and water to clean the toys and objects that young children may put in their mouths. Stay away from people who may be sick.Stay healthy: get enough sleep, eat healthy food and exercise.If you have a long-term lung disease like asthma or COPD, take extra steps to protect yourself.
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