与同学发生冲突英语作文 ,和好朋友打架的英语作文



fighting with classmate


作为老师如何处理学生之间的冲突 英语作文

  many students don't know more how to deal with some problems among their classmates now . because of it arguing and fighting occured from time to time . to reduce
  the ratio , here are a few suggestions: one, what is that saying? "If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow". so everyone should learn toleration anytime and anywhere. Two, after arguing or fighting occured and we think about
  the reason of what happened to us , we can give apology to each other .



A person over a lifetime can not be isolated, and human contact is bound to be, it is necessary to live in the dealings of human beings. Contacts with people, it is not possible as all of them as your parents, let your pet, give, there is always friction, collisions, in particular, many students are now more self-consciousness, in a sense I dominated drawcircle conflict inevitable. Therefore, students can not slightly unpleasant won on may not be wronged, and students no longer contact with their own closed.

Contradictions between students, often because of some life some trivial matters, and sometimes is a word, a look, a small bump, a small contact, or hearsay, or very often caused by misunderstanding.



many students don't know more how to deal with some problems among their classmates now . because of it arguing and fighting occured from time to time . to reduce
the ratio , here are a few suggestions: one, what is that saying? "If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow". so everyone should learn toleration anytime and anywhere. Two, after arguing or fighting occured and we think about
the reason of what happened to us , we can give apology to each other .


以上就是关于与同学发生冲突英语作文 ,和好朋友打架的英语作文的全部内容,以及与同学发生冲突英语作文 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2022年06月19日16时24分09秒
下一篇 2022年06月19日16时39分08秒


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