输不起的人英文翻译,输不起的人 英文


输不起的人 英文

A sore loser, often is the one who can't win

输不起的人 英文


1. 求超能陆战队经典台词,英汉互译的,我们作业要用


Hello. I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion。


On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain?


There. There。


Oh. No。


I am not fast。


Tadashi is here。





1. Hello. I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion。

2. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain?

3. There. There。

4. Oh. No。

5. I am not fast。

6. Hairy baby!

7. Tadashi is here。

8. Balalalala

9. Who has the guts to step into|the ring with Little Yama?

10. That was my first fight.|I。 Can I try again?

11. No one likes a sore loser,|little boy.

12. Then what were you thinking,|Knucklehead?

13. You graduated high school|when you were 13,and this is what you're doing?

14. Hiro Ha mad a,a br illian t ro boti csp rodi gy1,finds hi msel f in the g rip o f2a cr imin alp lot t hat threa tens tod estro y the fastpace d,hi gh-t echc ity of Sa n Fr anso kyo.

15. Wi thth e he lp of his c omp anio n,a ro bot n ame d Ba yma x,Hi ro H ama da j oins for ces with a t eam of cr ime f ight ers o n am issio n to save thei r cit y

2. 超能陆战队英语影评7句句子

"Big Hero 6" is a movie that shows the best of both Disney and Marvel. It's funny, has exciting action scenes and has enjoyable characters.

Baymax, the inflatable huggable healthcare companion for Hiro was the best part of the movie. Baymax brings laughs in almost every scene he is in, has a lot of action scenes and you end up loving him.

The villain in this movie is good as well. Just goes about his job doing evil stuff in an evil manner and is threatening throughout.

Big Hero 6 entertained me a lot and will be fun for the entire family.

3. 超能陆战队英语作文50词句

rossing $604 million worldwide. The film is directed by Don Hall (co-director of Winnie the Pooh) and Chris Williams(co-director of Bolt), Canada and India by Disney, which The Walt Disney Company acquired in2009 and g**e special thanks to that company. It won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and was nominated for an Annie Award for Best Animated Feature and a Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film.

The film was relea**d on November 7.

It is the 54th film in the Disney Animated Canon and the sixth film in the Disney Revival era.[1]

The film received very positive reviews from audiences and critics and was a box office and commercial successBig Hero 6(即超能陆战队) is a 2014 computer animated comedy-superhero film created and pro**ced at Walt Disney Animation Studios and ba**d on the Marvel Comics superhero team of the same name by Man of Action.

Big Hero 6 was the first Disney animated feature film to star characters from Marvel Entertainment, 2014 in the US


4. 超能陆战队中的英文词

起来 Get up! Get up! 赢家诞生 完胜对手 The winner! By total annihilation. 催命阎王 Yama! 谁是下一个 谁还有胆量在赛场上一决雌雄 Who's next? Where's the guts to stop me in the ring? 挑战我的小阎王 With little Yama! 我能试试吗 Can I try? 我有个机器人 是我自己造的 I have a robot. I built it myself. 算了吧小子 这儿有规矩 交钱才能入场 Beat it kid! House Rules: You gotta pay to play. 这些够了吗 Oh, Is this enough? 你叫什么 小朋友 What's your name, little boy? 我叫小宏 滨田宏 Hiro, Hiro Hamada. 准备好你的机器人 小虫 Prepare your bot, Zero。

两方对垒 决一死战 Two bots enter。 One might leaves. 准备好了吗 Fighters ready? 开战 Fight! 这是我第一次参赛 能再试一次吗 That was my first fight. Can I try again? 没人喜欢输不起的人 小朋友 No one likes a sore loser little boy. 回家吧 Go home. 我还有钱 I've got more money。

准备好了吗 Fighters ready? 开战 Fight! 磁力神 Megabot! 灭了他 Destroy. - 再见了 小阎王 - 什么 - Not more "Little Yama". - But what? 这怎么可能 This is not possible! 我也没想到 也许是新手运气好吧 Hey, I'm as surprised as you are. Beginner's luck. 你还想再来一次吗 Do you wanna go again? 阎王 Yama?- No one hustles Yama! - Wooh! Hey! 给他点颜色看看 Teach him a lesson! 伙计们 有话好好说 Hey fellas. Let's talk about this. - 小宏 快上车 - 阿正 - Hiro, get on! - Tadashi! 来得真是时候 Ooh! Good timing. #NAME? - Are you okay? - Yeah. #NAME? - Are you hurt? - No! 那你在想什么 笨蛋 Then, what are you thinking, knuckle head! 你十三岁从高中毕业 就是为了干这个 You graduated high school and you're 13 and this is what you're doing? 抓紧了 Hold on! 机器人比赛是违法的 你会被抓进监狱的 Bot fighting is illegal. You're gonna get yourself arrested. 机器人比赛不违法 参与赌博才。才违法 Bot fighting is not illegal. Betting on bot fighting..thats..that's illegal. 但没人会注意到的 我势头可猛了 老哥 But, so who could heed. I'm on a roll, big brother. 谁也不能阻止我 And there is no stopping me! 哦不 Oh, no. 嗨 卡斯阿姨 Hi, Aunt Cass. 你们还好吗 快告诉我你们没事 Are you guys okay? Tell me you're okay。

#NAME? - We're fine. - We're okay. 那就好 Oh good. 那你们两个小笨蛋在想什么 Then what were you two knuckle heads thinking?! 过去的十年 我含辛茹苦把你们拉扯大 For 10 years, I heed the best I could to raise you. 我十全十美吗 不 Have I been perfect? No! 我很会养小孩吗 不 Do I know anything about children? No! 我该找本育儿手册来看吗 也许吧 Should I pick a book on parenting? Probably? 我想说什么来着 我本来想说。 Where I was going with this? I had a point。

我也爱你 I love you too!因为你们俩 我不得不在节拍诗之夜早早收工 I had to close up early because of you two fellons on beat poetry night. 因为你们我都暴饮暴食了 过来 糯米 Stress eating because of you! Come on, Moty! 真的好好吃啊 This is really good! 你最好在卡斯阿姨吃光餐厅里的所有食物之前 You'd better make this up to Aunt Cass, 想办法补偿她 before she eats everything in the cafe. 那是自然 For sure. 我希望你能吸取教训 小子 And I hope you learn your lesson, bone head. 我会的 Absolutely. 你还要去参加机器人比赛 是吗 You're going fight boting, aren't you? 小镇那边还有一场比赛 There's a fight across town. 如果我现在预约 还能赶得上 If I book now, I could still make it. 你什么时候做事前能用用你那聪明的大脑瓜啊 When are you gonna start doing something with that big brain of yours? 干吗 像你一样去上大学 What? Go to college like you? 好让别人教我我早就知道的东西 So people can tell me stuff I already know? 你简直不可理喻 Unbelievable. 老妈老爸会怎么说啊 Ahh! What would Mom and Dad say? 我不知道 他们已经过世了 I don't know. They're gone. 我三岁时他们就死了 记得吗 They died when I was 3, remember? #NAME? - I'll take you. - Really? 我阻止不了你 但我不会让你自己去 I can't stop you from going, but I'm not gonna let you go on your own. 太棒了 Sweet! 我们来你的呆子学校做什么 What are we doing at your nerd school? 机器人比赛在那边 Bot fights that way! 我去拿点东西 Gotta grab something. 要用很长时间吗 Is this gonna take long? 淡定 我的大宝贝 拿完东西就走 Relax, you big baby, we will be in and out./link?url=VWLp_mD16AIP2mV5ee5br9k8M69WZCiMiJjplOOJ4zklSupnHvcqb8duWPrOr8Q5K188buQ7XKJTavYk1-T3WbxEd7dQmdT9QObtDQCrZRm。

5. 超能陆战队主要内容(最好加上英文翻译)

Big Hero 6 is a 2014 American 3D computer-animated superhero film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. Loosely based on the superhero team of the same name by Marvel Comics, the film is the 54th Disney animated feature film.Directed by Don Hall and Chris Williams, the film tells the story of Hiro Hamada, a young robotics prodigy who forms a superhero team to combat a masked villain. The film features the voices of Scott Adsit, Ryan Potter, Daniel Henney, T.J. Miller, Jamie Chung, Damon Wayans Jr., Genesis Rodriguez, Alan Tudyk, James Cromwell, and Maya Rudolph. Big Hero 6 is the first Disney animated film to feature Marvel Comics characters, whose parent company was acquired by The Walt Disney Company in 2009. Walt Disney Animation Studios created new software technology to produce the film's animated visuals.英文不太难,就不翻译了,Bighero6就是超能陆战队。

6. 超能陆战队,当中有什么经典台词



3、The only limitation is imagination. Life never goes we planed.


5、I'm satisfied with my care.





























7. 超能陆战队歌曲翻译




废柴 用英文:Loser

Loser 读法 英 ['luːzə(r)]     美 ['luːzər]    

n. 失败者;输家;遗失者


1、The loser sat slumped in dejection.

2、Disappointment was writ large on the face of the loser.


1、good loser 输了不生气的人

2、sore loser 输不起的人

3、bad loser 输了生气的人

4、come off a loser 损失

5、great loser 风格高的失败者


Loser 近义词 victim





1、The Victim 受害者

2、victim assistance 受害人救助

3、fire victim 火灾受害者

4、Victim dance 献祭的舞蹈

5、Direct victim 直接受害人

6、Victim Support 受害者支援会


loser los.er可数名词1 失败者,损失者,遗失者(←→ gainer)You shall not be the ~ by it.我不会让你因此而蒙受损失2 (竞赛的) 输者,败方; (赛马的) 输的马; 败者a good [bad, sore] ~输得起的 [输不起的] 人A ~ takes all.以退为进; 败中取胜; 失败为成功之母Losers are always in the wrong. (谚)胜者为王,败者为寇3 (俚)前科犯a three-time ~有三次前科者


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