和朋友吵架的作文英语 ,和朋友产生误会而吵架的英语作文

说起和朋友吵架的作文英语 大家都想知道,那么,就有必要说一下了,以我和最好的朋友吵架了,我感到很不幸为内容写一篇80词的英语作文和一个人和他的朋友吵架了,让你提建议劝劝他。英语作文80字左右,三篇和朋友吵架的作文英语 的内容,让您更清楚知道和朋友产生误会而吵架的英语作文,接下来一起看看。

和朋友吵架的作文英语 :一个人和他的朋友吵架了

From my point of view,you should make an apology to your friend to stop this quarrel.There are some reasons for it .Every person has different opinions toward various things . You could not avooid the contraditions forever. In addition,quarrel results from yours problem that you neither believe each other.
Stop the argument as soon as possible,and your frendship will become more strong.


和朋友吵架的作文英语 :写一篇关于“我和朋友吵架了我该怎么办”为题的英语作文

Everyone has a friend.A friend is a person who will help you when you are in difficulty.But sometimes we have something unhappy between we and friends.Maybe we can quarrel with each other because of something.What should we do if we quarrel with our friends?Let me tell you.
Being a friend,you must understand your friend.If he has something different from you.You should respect your friend's idea and try your best deal with the things.But if you really can't get the same idea,even quarrel about it.I think you should applogize him or her when you get calm.Say "sorry" to him or her,and he or she will forgive you.You can get on well each other later.


和朋友吵架的作文英语 :学霸帮忙写一篇关于和朋友吵架的英语作文日记型的也行题目自拟

Everyone has a friend. A friend is a person who will help you when you are in difficulty. But sometimes we have something unhappy between we and friends. Maybe we can quarrel with each other because of something. What should we do if we quarrel with our friends? Let me tell you.
Being a friend, you must understand your friend. If he has something different from you. You should respect your friend's idea and try your best deal with the things. But if you really can't get the same idea, even quarrel about it. I think you should applogize him or her when you get calm. Say "sorry" to him or her, and he or she will forgive you. You can get on well each other later.


和朋友吵架的作文英语 :和朋友产生误会而吵架的英语作文

That day, I came to school early, see my desk is a mess, be indignant I was only seen in the classroom only you, and you quarrel, didn't you explain, two people quarrel.
Then I angrily sat down, just pick up the things on the desk, then the teacher found, told I was a teacher accidentally, the finishing time before, now know misunderstood you, I'm sorry, after a while, his courage to apologize, you said no; relationship, after all, is a misunderstanding, so civilized become friends for life.
Life will inevitably have a misunderstanding, as long as we have more exchanges, then the misunderstanding will dissolve.
..... 很高兴为您解答,还有疑问请继续追问,感谢您的及时采纳!谢谢!


以上就是关于和朋友吵架的作文英语 ,和朋友产生误会而吵架的英语作文的全部内容,以及和朋友吵架的作文英语 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2022年04月09日11时50分55秒
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