ropesavior 攻略,百战天虫好玩


Seabird的《Rescue》 歌词

专辑: Til We See The Shore
Seabird - Rescue
I'm pushing up daisies, I wish they were roses
I feel like I'm drowning but nobody knows it
I'm pushing up daisies, I wish they were roses
I feel like I'm dying, just want you to notice
somehow the grave has captured me
show me the man I used to be
just when I feel my breath is running out
the earth moves and you find me, alive but unworthy
broken and empty, but you don't care
cuz you are my rapture, you are my savior
when all my hope is gone, I reach for you
you are my rescue
you are my rescue
I'm swimming to safety, but even with my best
if I don't see that rope soon, this might be my last breath
somehow the grave has captured me
show me the man I used to be
just when I feel my breath is running out
the earth moves and you find me, alive but unworthy
broken and empty, but you don't care
because you are my rapture, you are my savior
when all my hope is gone, I reach for you
you are my rescue
don't let me drown
can you hear me
cuz I am
drawlin out
I'm underground
won't you pull me out
the earth moves and you find me, alive but unworthy
broken and empty, but you don't care
because you are my rapture, you are my savior
when all my hope is gone, I reach for you
you are my rescue
you are my rescue
yeah, you are my REScue
yeah! you are MY resCUE
I'm pushing up daisies, I wish they were roses
I feel like I'm dying, just want you to notice...

run to the rescue with love哪首歌

歌曲名:Rescued (By The Arms Of Love)
歌手:Glass Tiger
专辑:Air Time
Seabird - Rescue
I'm pushing up daisies, I wish they were roses
I feel like I'm drowning but nobody knows it
I'm pushing up daisies, I wish they were roses
I feel like I'm dying, just want you to notice
somehow the grave has captured me
show me the man I used to be
just when I feel my breath is running out
the earth moves and you find me, alive but unworthy
broken and empty, but you don't care
cuz you are my rapture, you are my savior
when all my hope is gone, I reach for you
you are my rescue
you are my rescue
I'm swimming to safety, but even with my best
if I don't see that rope soon, this might be my last breath
somehow the grave has captured me
show me the man I used to be
just when I feel my breath is running out
the earth moves and you find me, alive but unworthy
broken and empty, but you don't care
because you are my rapture, you are my savior
when all my hope is gone, I reach for you
you are my rescue
don't let me drown
can you hear me
cuz I am
drawlin out
I'm underground
won't you pull me out
the earth moves and you find me, alive but unworthy
broken and empty, but you don't care
because you are my rapture, you are my savior
when all my hope is gone, I reach for you
you are my rescue
you are my rescue
yeah, you are my REScue
yeah! you are MY resCUE
I'm pushing up daisies, I wish they were roses
I feel like I'm dying, just want you to notice...

Fontella Bass的《Rescue Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Rescue Me
歌手:Fontella Bass
专辑:'60S Soul #1'S
Seabird - Rescue
I'm pushing up daisies, I wish they were roses
I feel like I'm drowning but nobody knows it
I'm pushing up daisies, I wish they were roses
I feel like I'm dying, just want you to notice
somehow the grave has captured me
show me the man I used to be
just when I feel my breath is running out
the earth moves and you find me, alive but unworthy
broken and empty, but you don't care
cuz you are my rapture, you are my savior
when all my hope is gone, I reach for you
you are my rescue
you are my rescue
I'm swimming to safety, but even with my best
if I don't see that rope soon, this might be my last breath
somehow the grave has captured me
show me the man I used to be
just when I feel my breath is running out
the earth moves and you find me, alive but unworthy
broken and empty, but you don't care
because you are my rapture, you are my savior
when all my hope is gone, I reach for you
you are my rescue
don't let me drown
can you hear me
cuz I am
drawlin out
I'm underground
won't you pull me out
the earth moves and you find me, alive but unworthy
broken and empty, but you don't care
because you are my rapture, you are my savior
when all my hope is gone, I reach for you
you are my rescue
you are my rescue
yeah, you are my REScue
yeah! you are MY resCUE
I'm pushing up daisies, I wish they were roses
I feel like I'm dying, just want you to notice...

一个老游戏 DUEL SAVIOR JUSTICE-救世主养成 贴吧

前一阵子玩DUEL SAVIOR JUSTICE,刚把ベリオ通了,按照主站上的攻略***.com/htmldata/guide/274.html
可是接下去玩リリィ的TRUE END就怎么都玩不出来,我又试了未亚的,还是不行,难道非要按攻略上的一个一个接着玩カエデ才能继续玩后面的吗?

以上就是关于ropesavior 攻略,百战天虫好玩的全部内容,以及ropes 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2022年06月03日15时34分48秒
下一篇 2022年06月03日15时49分35秒


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