保护海洋生物英语海报 ,关于全球变暖的英语海报内容



全球变暖指的是在一段时间中,地球大气和海洋温度上升的现象,主要是指人为因素造成的温度上升。目前世界范围内认为主要原因很可能是因为由于温室气体(代表气体二氧化碳)排放过多造成。   近100多年来,全球平均气温经历了:冷→暖→冷→暖四次波动,总的看气温为上升趋势。进入八十年代后,全球气温明显上升。   全球大气层和地表这一系统就如同一个巨大的"玻璃温室",使地表始终维持着一定的温度,产生了适于人类和其他生物生存的环境。在这一系统中,大气既能让太阳辐射透过而达到地面,同时又能阻止地面辐射的散失,我们把大气对地面的这种保护作用称为大气的温室效应。造成温室效应的气体称为"温室气体",它们可以让太阳短波辐射自由通过,同时又能吸收地表发出的长波辐射。这些气体有二氧化碳、甲烷、氯氟化碳、臭氧、氮的氧化物和水蒸气等, 过去1000年来全球气温变化示意图
其中最主要的是二氧化碳。近百年来全球的气候正在逐渐变暖,与此同时,大气中的温室气体的含量也在急剧增加。许多科学家都认为,温室气体的大量排放所造成温室效应的加剧是全球变暖的基本原因。 人类燃烧煤、油、天然气和树木,产生大量二氧化碳和甲烷进入大气层后使地球升温,使碳循环失衡,改变了地球生物圈的能量转换形式。自工业革命以来,大气中二氧化碳含量增加了 25%,远远超过科学家可能勘测出来的过去 16 万年的全部历史纪录,而且目前尚无减缓的迹象。   大气中二氧化碳排放量增加是造成地球气候变暖的根源。国际能源机构的一项调查结果表明,美国、中国、俄罗斯和日本的二氧化碳排放量几乎占全球总量的一半。调查表明,美国二氧化碳排放量居世界首位,年人均二氧化碳排放量约 20 吨,排放的二氧化碳占全球总量的 23.7%。中国年人均二氧化碳排放量约为 2.51 吨,约占全球总量的 13.9%。



Ocean refers to the protection of the marine environmental protection, including protection of marine resources and protection of the marine ecosystem.
Marine organisms, including sea water is an environmental and water-capacity solution and suspended solids, sediments and marine life, the complexity of the system. Rich in marine biological resources, mineral resources, chemical and power resources, such as human resources indispensable treasure trove of resources, human survival and development of the relationship is extremely close.
At present, the protection of the marine main objective is to protect the living marine resources, so that it will not be failure for the sustainable use of mankind. Special priority should be to protect those valuable and endangered marine life in danger. According to the survey departments of the United Nations, as a result of over-fishing, accidental killing of non-target to allow the killing marine life and coastal tidal flats of the project, the mangrove deforestation, pollution of the marine environment in general, at least 25 of the world's most valuable fisheries resources Exhausted, whales, sea turtles, manatees and other marine animals face extinction risk. With the expected expansion of the scale of ocean development, the possibility of living marine resources caused more damage.
First of all, the protection of the marine task to put an end to the living marine resources over-exploitation, to be followed to protect marine life habitat or habitat, particularly their migration and spawning, feeding, Dihai to avoid the coast, tidal flats, estuaries, coral reefs, it is necessary to The prevention of heavy metals, pesticides, oil, organic produce and easy eutrophication of nutrients such as marine pollution. To maintain living marine resources and renewable sources of natural water purification ability to maintain the ecological balance of oceans and the sea of humanity to ensure the continued development and use.



The protection of the marine environment
Boundless sea give people hope, give people beauty, give a person warm love.
The sea is like a poem, smart jump; like a painting, rich implication; like a symphony, the vast surge...... It is sometimes calm, like a mirror; sometimes rage, felt anoverwhelming, can sail boat overturned. In my mind, the sea is blue, is the cradle of life. Pregnant with many take one's ease of life. The sea is so mysterious, so charming!
now, the sea changed. Water is no longer clear, it becomes muddy, dirty. The sea washed up on the beach,left is no longer alive and kicking minnows, replace sb. Is the piles of rubbish, but also mixed with a lot of the tragic death of fish and shrimp, exudes the stench. This is why?This is because we humans. Some people in the seasidescenery, shoving the smelly rubbish into the sea. Also have a toilet drain pipe straight to the bottom of the sea inthe sea of people living. more abhorrent is waste water from factories in great jets to flow into the sea, the sea intoa strange color. To give birth to a lot of lack of the brain `low iq children, our next generation, bright eyes, sweet voice, face is red the next generation will never see the blue ocean is beautiful and charming.
Some people have done an experiment, he put a basin of water to the sea, put a drop of ink drops into the "sea".Suddenly, the ink slowly disperse, shallow, disappear,"water" is almost the same as the original clean; if the inkhas been dropping down, "the color of the sea will be more and more deep, finally turned into a basin of water. The 6000000000 population on the earth every day to produce large amounts of sewage and industrial pollution, like theink has been injected into the original clear seawater bysoon, now the sea has a pool of water.
For the sake of our human health, for our future generations to see the blue ocean is beautiful. Let us act now, love the sea like a love life, love the human commonblue home.



Let's protect marine life together.


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上一篇 2022年06月03日14时25分09秒
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