seasons作文六年级 ,英语作文万能句子





My favorite season is spring. As the saying goes, a year's plan begins in spring.


Spring is the beginning of a year. In spring, birds sing, flowers bloom and trees turn green. From a cold winter, everything will show their vitality again.


People can take off their heavy clothes and exercise outdoors. People began to get busier and make plans for the year. A good plan will bring good results.


Spring is the most important season of the year, so I like it best.


the four seasons英语作文六年级

There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. I like them all for different reasons.
It's warm in spring. Spring, it's the season of new starts, it is a very comfortable season for me~In summer, its hot, usually the temperature will be between 20-30°C, i will go to swim, I love swimming, when my body is in the cool water, i won't feel hot anymore, and i will eat a lot of ice creams, that's one of the reasons i like summer. Autumn, its the season when we have windy days, leaves from the trees start to fall off, I love to see the leaves from maple trees, they are as red as fire, they are pretty. Last season, winter, its when i can play snow fights or make snow mem. If you look out of the window when its snowing outside, you will feel like you are in a white world, pretty like it isn't even real, it is another kind of beauty.
春天的天气很温暖。春天,是新的开始,我认为是一个很舒服的季节。 夏天很热,气温经常是20°到30°。我会去游泳。我喜欢游泳,当我的身体浸泡在凉爽的水里,我不会再感觉到热了。而且我还会吃很多冰欺凌,这也是我喜欢夏天的一个原因。 秋天,是一个会刮风的季节,树上的叶子都会飘落下来,我喜欢枫叶树上飘下的树叶,它们像火一样红,它们很漂亮。最后一个季节,冬天,是我可以打雪仗,堆雪人的时候。如果你在下雪的时候往窗外望,你会觉得自己在一个纯白的世界里,漂亮的不真实,这是另外一种美感



Spring, summer, autumn and winter, four seasons make a year.

Spring is a new season. Flowers are beautiful. Grass is green. Now, the birds are singing again, Today, I am going to the park. There is nice. Oh! I am so happy!

Summer usually very hot! But summer is a wonderful season. Do you know why? We can swim! There are no people on the street. Because they going to swimming. Look at the swimming-pool! I want to go there, too!

Now is autumn. The weather is very cool and windy! Leaver is brown. They are fall. They like butterflies very much! And, in the autumn, we can eat a lot of fruit! So, autumn is a good season!

Winter comes! Every thing is white! It has snow. So winter is beautiful! I can play with snow. I can play on the ice. I can make some snowman! Some animals sleep in the winter as well.

I like all seasons! They have nothing in common with each other! I remember a song. It’s “Hello spring! Now it is summer. Autumn is near. Winter is here. Four seasons make a year.”



My seasons
Spring,summer,autumn,winter are my seasons.
In spring,I fly a kite every day.Beacause I am happy to do it.
In summer,I always eat watermelons.It is sweet.I go swimming.
In autumn I play.It is very cool.
In winter,I make snowman,play snow.
I am so happy.
These are my seasons.They are busy!
I like autumn best.What about you,my dear friend?


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