介绍龙卷风的英语作文 ,关于龙卷风的英文介绍简短



ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- Waves of severe thunderstorms streaked through downtown Atlanta on Saturday, hours after a tornado left a trail of destruction through the heart of the city.
An Atlanta sidewalk is heaved up by an oak tree toppled in Friday night's storm.
1 of 2more photos » A swath of uprooted and broken trees, downed utility lines, peeled-off roofs and collapsed brick walls marked the path of the tornado that struck around 9:40 p.m. Friday.
"This was clearly a tornado," Lans Rothfusz of the National Weather Service's Peachtree City, Georgia, office said. He rated the storm an EF-2 on the Enhanced Fujita scale, meaning it packed top winds of 130 miles per hour.
Utility and cleanup crews worked Saturday to restore traffic lights, clear streets and remove tons of debris in the city's business district after Friday night's unusual urban storm.
Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin and Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue declared states of emergency.
Police in Atlanta were urging people to stay away from downtown, fearing shattered glass and hanging metal would continue to fall from buildings as new storms rolled through.
A heavy thunderstorm prompted another tornado warning as it plowed across Atlanta just south of downtown Saturday afternoon. More storms were seen forming in Alabama and heading toward Atlanta.
At least two people were killed Saturday afternoon as the same line of storms destroyed structures elsewhere in northern Georgia.
Trees blown down in Friday night's storm crushed a row of houses in the city's historic Cabbagetown district just east of downtown.
Initial estimates from the mayor's office said at least 20 of the historic homes were damaged or destroyed by the tornado.
Atlanta police Maj. Renee Propes urged people to stay away from Cabbagetown.



A tornado is a very strong storm, strong wind, destructive is extremely strong, very serious harm. About five o 'clock yesterday afternoon in fujian coastal village a tornado happened for more than forty minutes, wind speed is about one hundred and five meters per second, listen to the morning because the weather forecast, no casualties. But the loss of life, almost all of the house was destroyed, wire and telephone lines have been scraping off. Disaster the villagers are working to build their homes



Terrible tornado Tornadoes, we may have all heard, but everyone to the tornado familiar? Let me introduce! Tornadoes are vortex: air around the shaft spinning coil dragon, the dragon roll centre pneumatic extreme decrease attraction, near the ground dozen meters thick a thin layer of air inside, air is from all directions inhaled vortex bottoms. And immediately he turned around the axis of eddy current, the dragon roll up the wind always cyclones sex, the center of the air pressure can than surrounding low air pressure to 10 percent. Tornadoes power is strong, harmfulness is very big also. In 1995 in American Oklahoma adeimantus Moore city in a land tornadoes, heavy objects such as roof blown out of ten miles away. Most debris falls on land tornado channel of the left side, by weight ranged often have a well-defined landing zone. The lighter fragments could fly to more than 300 kilometers outside before landing. Dragon volumes of attack suddenly and violently, produce the wind is the strongest in the ground. In the United States, a tornado annually cause deaths after the thunder. It for building destruction is quite serious, often be devastating. In intense tornadoes, house roof as gliding like flying. Once the roof coiled left, other parts of the house will follow destruction. Therefore, building houses, if can strengthen the roof of the firm sex, will help to prevent tornadoes caused heavy loss during transit. When we encounter a tornado coming, we should take the following methods from a tornado attack: first, when a tornado coming, if we at home, you should immediately ran downstairs stair avoid tornados. Second, the United States is a tornado in most places, most foreign - 8pm, the time in had better not to travel to the USA. Three, tornado coming in driving bicycle should immediately discard all items, such as low into the subway of place. Fourth, in the wilderness meet tornado should find solid rock, and couldn't find words, should avoid a tornado in bridge. On the hillside should find a quick relatively big rocks from a tornado. Tornadoes which side, you should avoid in rock in the opposite direction, When a tornado after a rock, should immediately s*** direction to avoid it. Well, now you should have further understanding of tornado! When you're really in a tornado, they should take the above method to escape!
tornadoes A tornado was a mystery for a long time, it is precisely because of this reason, so it is necessary to understand it. Tornadoes suddenly and violently, produce the wind is the ground the strongest. Because of its occurrence and dispersed all extremely sudden, so it is difficult to it effectively observation. What is a tornado Tornadoes are vortex: air around the shaft spinning coil dragon, the dragon roll centre pneumatic extreme decrease attraction, near the ground dozen meters thick a thin layer of air inside, air is from all directions inhaled vortex bottoms. And immediately he turned around the axis of eddy current, the dragon roll up the wind always cyclones sex, the center of the air pressure can than surrounding low air pressure to 10 percent. The formation of a tornado Tornadoes are the product of thunderstorms in the clouds. Specifically, a tornado is a small part of thunderstorm enormous energy in small area concentration release of a form. Tornadoes formation can be divided into four stages: (1) atmospheric instability produces strong updraft, due to the biggest airflow passing through the rapids influence, it is further enhanced. (2) due in vertical direction and speed and direction are shear wind interaction, of the troposphere updraft in central to begin to spin, forming the mesoscale cyclone. (3) with the mesoscale cyclone to ground development and upward extend, itself tapers and strengthening. Meanwhile, a small area of the enhanced auxiliary close, namely born dragon coils in cyclone is formed within the same process, generate cyclones, forming a dragon roll core. (4) dragon roll core of rotating and cyclone the different, its strength enough to make dragon roll extends to the ground. When the development of the vortex arrive ground height, the earth pressure drop dramatically and the ground wind has risen sharply. Formation dragon volumes
Tornadoes detection Tornadoes wind what size is it? Nobody really knows, as tornadoes occur to dissipate the short time, the effect area too small, so the existing detection instrumentation no sensitive enough to a tornado in accurate observation. Relatively speaking, doppler radar was effective and a common observational instruments. Doppler radar alignment tornado issued by microwave beam, microwave signal the tornado crumbs and after heavy rain reflected by radar receiver. If the tornado stays away from radar, reflected back to microwave signal frequency will be the low-frequency, Conversely, if a tornado getting closer to the radar is reflected back to high frequency signals will be direction. This phenomenon has been called the doppler frequency. Receiving signal after, radar operator can through the analysis of the data, and calculates the frequency shift of tornado speed and direction of movement.
Tornadoes harm In 1995 in American Oklahoma adeimantus Moore city in a LiuLong volumes, such as roof heavy objects such blown out of ten miles away. Most debris falls on LiuLong roll channel of the left side, by weight ranged often have a well-defined landing zone. The lighter fragments could fly to more than 300 kilometers outside before landing. Dragon volumes of attack suddenly and violently, produce the wind is the strongest in the ground. In the United States, a tornado annually cause deaths after the thunder. It for building destruction is quite serious, often be devastating. In intense tornadoes, house roof like hang gliding like flying. Once the roof coiled left, other parts of the house will follow destruction. Therefore, building houses, if can strengthen the roof of the firm sex, will help to prevent tornadoes caused heavy loss during transit.



 One possible version: When I was still an 8-year-old boy I saw a terrible tornado with my own eyes. Before the tornado came no one knew anything about it. It arrived quickly and went away quickly too. When it came my family and I were just about to have supper. Suddenly a dark cloud appeared in the sky and we saw a tornado coming. It picked up almost everything in its path. It destroyed several houses in our village and hurt many people. Our house was still there after the tornado but a cat of ours was missing. This made me sad.


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