书面表达 英文 ,英语的书面表达是什么意思




书面表达 英文



Dear Jack,
I’m glad to hear that you will come to China this summer holidays. You said in your email that you you would begin to learn Chinese while traveling in China. I think that’s a good idea. I am willing to be your guide and travel with you . What’s more I think I can teach you Chinese. In this way , we can get more about the Chinese traditional culture and Chinese customs. What’s your opinion? If you agree, tell me when you will arrive and I will meet you in the airport. Looking forward to your earliest reply. Yours, Li Hua

书面表达 英文


Dear Wangping, When it comes to talk about reading,as far as I'm concerned,waht you choose are of great importance at first.For example,if you find one book is hard to understand,just put it aside and choose another book instead.Second,we shoud read the books which benefits us,though we are fond of some cartoon books that are more interesting. Third,some books need reading carefully while others don't for a better comprehension.Besides,never be ashamed to ask questions,only remember that anyone that has more konwledge can be your teacher.Last but not the least,always look news words up may be of great help! Yours,Lihua 我赶着给你写的,请采纳(麻烦给好评)(如发现什么错误我会帮 你修改)

书面表达 英文


Second Change Farm, as a Volunteer for our organization our goal is not only to provide you with a rewarding experience, but an enriching one. We treat volunteers as friends and family, while not forgetting that said social events represent our organization as a whole, they represent the animals we wish to provide a chance of a lifetime, but are somewhat chaotic. Please know and understand that our organization continues to learn through each experience, continues to make mistakes in certain situations, and continues to take mental notes on a daily basis to better ourselves as an organization. With that being said, we expect the same from our volunteers

书面表达 英文

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上一篇 2022年05月27日13时40分19秒
下一篇 2022年05月27日13时50分07秒


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