2022有关劳动教育的英语作文 ,六年级小学生英语作文题目



On May Day, my grandfather taught us how to pick beans. He said that we should pick beans in bunches. When picking beans, he grasped the handle with his left hand and picked them with his right hand. We have a competition to pick beans to see who picks fast and who picks more. I picked it in a hurry, thinking: I want to pick it faster than my sister, or I will be laughed at by my brother. We were sweating a lot. After a while, my grandfather said we didn't need to. Our basket is filled with green long beans. The one who gets the most is my grandfather and the one who gets the least is my brother. I'm glad that I'm not the one who gets the least. In the evening, we eat our own beans picked by ourselves from geography, which is sweet in our hearts ī z ī Yes. I think labor is a happy thing. It's really meaningful.


The exam is over, the winter vacation will start.
Winter always in good mood, because the new year is busy, every day so many things to do. In addition, finish the homework every day to do a lot of things, such as: do the housework.
Usually I went to school and they were very tired to prepare me for everything. Holiday at home I like to relieve their usual burden, over the years and I had a big old, to make them feel that I grew up. At home the day I first to sweep the floor, cleaning, washing the dishes is my day will do.
Although I can not cook, but I do do everything in one's power, pick vegetables vegetables, mom and Dad I worked, they were very relieved.
Winter holidays life every day I arranged with. Usually the parents of the school work to get, not to feel their pain and fatigue.
Years ago, cleaning, commonly known as cleaning the room! Will mean a year of unfortunate, unlucky it all away. A new mood to greet the arrival of the new year.
I climbed down the glass wiping, rub the lamp, couplets, do Spring Festival shopping, all the things I can do with my shadow.
Although some tired than usual, but I was very happy, because I can share some of the burden of parents.
I finally arrived at the new year's Eve, drop from so many years or not, often look forward to most is the new year's Eve.
New year's Eve, is the year 's end, after 12 in the evening, will usher in a new year, a new start. New year's Eve is essential to making skin dumplings, mother, father of dumplings, I also help them to pack, but I'm not skilled, packet is very slow, but still look good. But still very happy, this is me so many years to eat the best food dumplings. Because this is our family of three common efforts, and I also involved, so feel very delicious.
In addition to the dumplings, Chinese have the Spring Festival is the most important is that once a year the Spring Festival party, new year's Eve, every family around the television waiting for Spring Festival Gala broadcast, year after year, always enjoy it.
Have the Spring Festival last festival is the Lantern festival.
Lantern Festival is also known as the festival of reunion, one family enjoyable to eat hot hot dumpling, sweet in the mouth of happiness in the heart. Sweet rice balls, indicates the new year one family feeling sweet, round and round.
The Lantern Festival is the Lantern Festival, the evening light, lantern lights everywhere. Everywhere as exceptionally bright and festive. The street wandering appreciate lanterns, one family indescribably happy, plus may at any time drift in snow, commonly known as the lunar January fifteen -- a light snow, the scenery is more beautiful.
After the festival, the Spring Festival is coming to an end to prove. Live life to the fullest, make me very happy.


Today is the five one festival.I was very busy.In the morning ,I visited my grandparent .Then I helped grandmother cleaned her room. In the afternoon ,I went shopping with my mother .we bought many food .In the evening,I watched TV with my father. The Tv show was very funny. I was tired,but happy.


I helped my mother clean the house at home today. I found a bucket, filled the bucket with water, and then, found a mop, put the mop in the water to soak a bubble, take out the water wrung dry, began to mop the floor. It was clean.I'm so happy to help my mother work.

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上一篇 2022年05月24日16时44分28秒
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