介绍家庭故事的英语作文 ,my family作文带翻译六年级


my family作文带翻译六年级



My family

There are three people in my family. They are my father, mother and me.

My father is an engineer. He is very busy every day. He goes out early and comes back late. My mother is a teacher. She often helps me with my homework and takes care of our home. I like sports best. I often go running with my father.

My home is happy, I love my home.






My family

There are ........ people in my family. They are...................

My ....... is .............. My ........ is .............. I like .......... best...........

My home is happy, I love my home.





,my family作文带翻译六年级图1



I think my family is colorful. It weaves the colorful world of my childhood. From mom's sweet smiles, Dad's tight hugs again and again. I had a sweet world. Now the world is still sweet. Mother's sweet smile and father's tight hug all contain deep love. I am happy and warm in this colorful world.


,my family作文带翻译六年级图2

Let's talk about me first. I'm the little emperor at home. I stretch out my hands for clothes and open my mouth for food. But sometimes it's too naughty, you'll still get punished. I like dancing best, but it doesn't affect my study. I think dancing is really omnipotent.


My mother is an English teacher. She often says that you should study hard, otherwise you can't go to a good university. Every time my mother said this, I didn't understand the question: because I'm still in primary school, there's still a long time to go to college, so don't worry. But my mother said, "don't worry, you have to lay a good foundation now“ It's my mother.


I'm talking about Dad. Dad is always laughing and joking with me all day. He always pinches me, "hits" me, pinches my nose and pinches my ears. He's not like a primary school student? This is my father.


This is my family, a colorful family.



I was born in an ordinary family, but it is very warm. My father is a clerk in a company. And my mother is a housewife. Every weekday morning my father will go to work and goes back in the late afternoon. And my mother will get up early to cook for us and then pick me up to school. Then sometimes she will do some cleaning and sometimes she will do something she likes. She will pick me up after school and then cook the dinner. After dinner, my parents will teach me to finish my homework and then we will watch TV together. At weekend, usually we will go out for family activity. I love my family.
我出世在一个普通而温馨的家庭。我爸爸是一名公司职员。我妈妈是家庭主妇。每天工作日早上我爸爸就会去工作,之后到下午才回来。我妈妈早早地起来给 我们做早餐,然后送我去学校。之后有时她会回家做一些清洁,有时她会做一些她喜欢的事情。放学后她又会来接我,然后做饭。晚饭后,我父母会教我写作业,然 后我们会一起看电视。周末的时候我们通常会出去家庭活动。我爱我家。

,my family作文带翻译六年级图3




I have a happy and warm family. There are: hardworking mother, able father, smart sister, and lovely me.


My father is a worker. He gets up early and works late every day. Sometimes I came back at 12:00 p.m. my father worked so hard every day for my sister and I to study hard. Dad, I will study hard! My mother is a qualified housewife. Every day, my sister and I have to escape my mother's nagging.


,my family作文带翻译六年级图4

When she comes back from work every day, I almost recite the words: have you finished your homework? Let your sister check and check when it is finished, eat quickly, read some books after dinner, go to bed early, get up early tomorrow, don't be late for school Well, if my mother doesn't nag at night, she's going to nag my sister and me out of the cocoon.


My sister is a smart girl. She was admitted to high school last year. But my sister is very fat. You see, she is only 18 years old and has more than 120 kg. Well, no one can help it. However, my sister has designed a weight loss table for herself, such as: getting up in the morning, turning hula hoops for an hour, and not eating meat at noon.


However, my sister couldn't hold on to it for a few days. That night, my sister ate the refrigerator empty and gained a lot of weight. Alas, who will help her? I am the happy fruit of the family. If I am not here, the home will be deserted. Only I am at home will be full of laughter and happiness. Therefore, my father will not let me go out. Alas, I am bored at home all day It's a way! I run out to play quietly. Sometimes I run out when my father is taking a nap. Sometimes when my father is not at home, he doesn't know, ha ha.


This is my family, a family full of happiness. Welcome to my house.


以上就是关于介绍家庭故事的英语作文 ,my family作文带翻译六年级的全部内容,以及介绍家庭故事的英语作文 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2022年05月19日13时05分49秒
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