介绍自己新交的朋友英语作文 ,写一篇介绍我和我的朋友的英语作文



你好,我是静姝老师,已经累计提供咨询服务近3000人,累计服务时长超过1200小时! 您的问题我已经看到了,您的问题我已收到了,看完会及时回复,请稍等一会哦~,因为单子太多会依次回答,不会不回答的,请耐心等待!❤
咨询记录 · 回答于2021-10-27
你好,我是静姝老师,已经累计提供咨询服务近3000人,累计服务时长超过1200小时! 您的问题我已经看到了,您的问题我已收到了,看完会及时回复,请稍等一会哦~,因为单子太多会依次回答,不会不回答的,请耐心等待!❤
篇三:介绍新同学 David
David is my new classmate , he comes from the United States . He is 16-year- old , can speak fluent Chinese and very good with each
subject in school , a very kind person , friendly and also rather helpful . He is fond with al sort of sports , plays basketball particularly well just like al Americans because basketbal is one of their favourite sports in the United states . I am not just making a good friend , also are learning a lot more English ever since he had been here . In return , he also improved with his
Chinese as well , which because of my influence too . Therefore we gained benefits from each other . Since now everyone in school start to like him a lot , and really hope that he would be able to stay with us in here for a little bit longer , so that we al can learn more better English from him .
I ' m writing this letter to you to introduce to you a new friend .
His name is Li Hua , a friend of mine who is going to transfer to your school soon .
Li is very good at drawing and computer technologies . He is also very competent in English reading and writing . Unlike me , he is a person of few words , but he is very careful and also has a pioneering spirit . Table tennis is his l favorite sport .
I think the two of you should be able to
get acquainted with each other very
quickly , and become very good friends , just as we did in the junior middle school years .
Miss you and keep in touch , Yours truly ,




That day, when my mother and I came back from the outside and walked to the door of the unit, a strange little girl jumped in front of me. I was stunned.

Before I had time to look at her carefully, she said to me like a fireball: my name is Xie Xinyu. I'm seven years old. My family is going to move here.

Shall we play together? She has a very high voice and courage. It's the first time I've met such a child. I haven't answered whether I want to play with her. She has already taken my hand to play.

She has a pair of big eyes and a round face, but her body is surprisingly thin, and her arms and legs are as thin as bamboo poles. She proudly said that she is so good in figure and jumps Latin. 

Her parents are busy moving, so she has always played in my house since she knew me, and we have become good friends all of a sudden.This is my new friend Xie Xinyu.








I am honest and cheerful, warm and sincere, strong team consciousness, strong sense of time and easy to understand.

I have many good friends, including Wang Yuxiang, Gao tingyue, LAN bin and Li Xinran, my best friend. He is a lively, lovely and cheerful little boy.

He is tall and half a head taller than me. My phone number is 18……And Li Xinran's phone number is 19…… We often talk on the phone and chat.




咨询记录 · 回答于2021-12-14
My dear friends, I have awide range of interests. I likesinging and dancing. At thesame time, I am also verygood at painting. Every dayafter school., I always go tothe school playground toplay basketball for a while


以上就是关于介绍自己新交的朋友英语作文 ,写一篇介绍我和我的朋友的英语作文的全部内容,以及介绍自己新交的朋友英语作文 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2022年05月19日12时35分47秒
下一篇 2022年05月19日12时45分55秒


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