







  1. I will go to bed after I finish this book.
  2. She is studying for her exam, which is next week.
  3. Although it was raining, they still went hiking.
  4. He bought a new car, which is very expensive.
  5. I love to eat pizza, which is my favorite food.
  6. She is a great singer, who has won many awards.
  7. We will leave as soon as the game is over.
  8. He didn't study hard, so he failed the exam.
  9. She is very busy, because she has a lot of work to do.
  10. You can eat anything you want, as long as it is healthy.
  11. He can't swim, although he loves to go to the beach.
  12. She is very talented, which is why she got the job.
  13. They will come to the party, if they have time.
  14. He is very happy, because he passed the test.
  15. Although he is young, he is very talented.
  16. She is very smart, which is why she got the scholarship.
  17. We will go to the movies, if it doesn't rain.
  18. He is very rich, but he is not happy.
  19. She is very kind, because she always helps people.
  20. Although it is cold outside, I am not wearing a coat.
  21. He is very handsome, but he is not very smart.
  22. She is very athletic, which is why she is good at sports.
  23. They will come to the party, unless they are busy.
  24. He is very funny, which is why he has many friends.
  25. Although it was late, we still went to the concert.
  26. She is very popular, because she is always friendly.
  27. We will go to the beach, if it is sunny.
  28. He is very successful, because he works hard.
  29. She is very organized, which is why she is good at her job.
  30. Although he is tired, he is still working.
  31. He is very lazy, so he never does his homework.
  32. She is very talented, although she is young.
  33. They will come to the party, provided that they are invited.
  34. He is very happy, because he got a promotion.
  35. Although it was expensive, he bought the car.
  36. She is very beautiful, but she is not very smart.
  37. He is very strong, which is why he is good at sports.
  38. They will come to the party, whether they are invited or not.
  39. He is very rich, but he is not very happy.
  40. Although it is difficult, I will try my best.
  41. She is very talented, because she practices every day.
  42. We will go to the park, if it is not too crowded.
  43. He is very smart, which is why he got the scholarship.
  44. Although it was raining, we still went for a walk.
  45. She is very kind, because she loves animals.
  46. He is very handsome, but he is not very funny.
  47. She is very athletic, although she is not very tall.
  48. They will come to the party, even if they are late.
  49. He is very successful, but he is not very happy.
  50. Although it was hot, he was wearing a jacket.
  51. She is very popular, because she is always helpful.
  52. We will go to the beach, unless it is raining.
  53. He is very organized, which is why he is good at his job.
  54. Although he is young, he is very talented.
  55. He is very lazy, so he never exercises.
  56. She is very talented, despite her lack of experience.
  57. They will come to the party, if they can find a ride.
  58. He is very happy, because he is in love.
  59. Although it was cold, we still went swimming.
  60. She is very beautiful, but she is not very athletic.
  61. He is very strong, although he is not very tall.
  62. They will come to the party, even though they are tired.
  63. He is very successful, although he works too much.
  64. Although it was difficult, I managed to finish the project.
  65. She is very talented, because she has a natural gift.
  66. We will go to the park, if it is not too hot.
  67. He is very smart, which is why he got the job.
  68. Although it was snowing, they still went skiing.
  69. She is very kind, because she always listens to others.
  70. He is very handsome, but he is not very athletic.
  71. She is very athletic, although she is not very fast.
  72. They will come to the party, unless they have other plans.
  73. He is very happy, because he is going on vacation.
  74. Although it was dark, we still went for a walk.
  75. She is very beautiful, but she is not very funny.
  76. He is very strong, which is why he can lift heavy weights.
  77. They will come to the party, even if it is late.
  78. He is very successful, but he is not very healthy.
  79. Although it was hot, he was wearing a sweater.
  80. She is very popular, because she is always positive.
  81. We will go to the beach, as long as it is not too crowded.
  82. He is very organized, which is why he is always on time.
  83. Although he is young, he is very mature.
  84. She is very talented, despite her lack of confidence.
  85. They will come to the party, if they can find a babysitter.
  86. He is very happy, because he is getting married.
  87. Although it was noisy, we still had a good time.
  88. She is very beautiful, but she is not very intelligent.
  89. He is very strong, although he is not very flexible.
  90. They will come to the party, even though they have to work.
  91. He is very successful, although he is not very creative.
  92. Although it was hot, he was wearing a hat.
  93. She is very popular, because she is always kind.
  94. We will go to the park, if it is not too cold.
  95. He is very smart, which is why he can solve problems easily.
  96. Although it was late, we still went to the party.
  97. She is very athletic, although she is not very graceful.
  98. They will come to the party, unless they are sick.
  99. He is very happy, because he is having a baby.
  100. Although it was busy, we still had a great time.



上一篇 2023年06月01日10时44分25秒
下一篇 2023年06月01日10时45分28秒


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