

  1. The cake will be baked by my mom.
  2. The documents will be signed by the manager.
  3. The letter will be written by the secretary.
  4. The car will be washed by the mechanic.
  5. The house will be cleaned by the maid.
  6. The clothes will be ironed by the laundry.
  7. The food will be cooked by the chef.
  8. The package will be delivered by the postman.
  9. The report will be presented by the researcher.
  10. The book will be published by the author.
  11. The presentation will be given by the speaker.
  12. The project will be managed by the team leader.
  13. The question will be answered by the teacher.
  14. The medicine will be prescribed by the doctor.
  15. The appointment will be scheduled by the receptionist.
  16. The message will be transmitted by the messenger.
  17. The design will be created by the artist.
  18. The strategy will be developed by the consultant.
  19. The plan will be implemented by the manager.
  20. The problem will be solved by the expert.
  21. The interview will be conducted by the journalist.
  22. The decision will be made by the committee.
  23. The game will be played by the team.
  24. The movie will be directed by the filmmaker.
  25. The sale will be closed by the salesman.
  26. The event will be organized by the coordinator.
  27. The reservation will be made by the travel agent.
  28. The email will be sent by the sender.
  29. The message will be left by the caller.
  30. The order will be taken by the waiter.
  31. The repair will be done by the technician.
  32. The task will be completed by the employee.
  33. The lesson will be taught by the teacher.
  34. The concert will be performed by the musician.
  35. The speech will be given by the politician.
  36. The investigation will be conducted by the detective.
  37. The survey will be conducted by the researcher.
  38. The test will be taken by the student.
  39. The photos will be taken by the photographer.
  40. The tour will be guided by the tour guide.
  41. The reservation will be confirmed by the hotel staff.
  42. The flight will be delayed by the airline.
  43. The repair will be covered by the warranty.
  44. The payment will be processed by the bank.
  45. The loan will be approved by the lender.
  46. The proposal will be accepted by the client.
  47. The offer will be rejected by the customer.
  48. The feedback will be received by the company.
  49. The complaint will be addressed by the customer service.
  50. The request will be fulfilled by the supplier.
  51. The decision will be influenced by the advisor.
  52. The advice will be given by the mentor.
  53. The recommendation will be provided by the consultant.
  54. The negotiation will be conducted by the lawyer.
  55. The agreement will be signed by the parties.
  56. The deal will be closed by the broker.
  57. The contract will be renewed by the parties.
  58. The policy will be changed by the government.
  59. The law will be enforced by the police.
  60. The regulation will be followed by the company.
  61. The rule will be broken by the student.
  62. The tradition will be continued by the family.
  63. The culture will be preserved by the society.
  64. The environment will be protected by the government.
  65. The resource will be conserved by the organization.
  66. The technology will be developed by the company.
  67. The innovation will be introduced by the inventor.
  68. The product will be launched by the company.
  69. The brand will be promoted by the marketer.
  70. The sales will be increased by the strategy.
  71. The profit will be earned by the company.
  72. The loss will be suffered by the investor.
  73. The risk will be taken by the entrepreneur.
  74. The opportunity will be seized by the competitor.
  75. The challenge will be faced by the athlete.
  76. The goal will be achieved by the player.
  77. The performance will be evaluated by the judge.
  78. The result will be announced by the organizer.
  79. The ranking will be released by the authority.
  80. The record will be broken by the athlete.
  81. The achievement will be recognized by the society.
  82. The honor will be bestowed by the organization.
  83. The award will be presented by the sponsor.
  84. The recognition will be earned by the recipient.
  85. The status will be improved by the effort.
  86. The reputation will be damaged by the scandal.
  87. The image will be enhanced by the campaign.
  88. The relationship will be strengthened by the communication.
  89. The connection will be established by the network.
  90. The community will be built by the members.
  91. The cooperation will be achieved by the partners.
  92. The trust will be gained by the customer.
  93. The loyalty will be earned by the brand.
  94. The support will be provided by the team.
  95. The service will be offered by the company.
  96. The experience will be enhanced by the customer.
  97. The satisfaction will be achieved by the customer.
  98. The loyalty will be retained by the company.
  99. The reputation will be enhanced by the customer.
  100. The success will be achieved by the company.


上一篇 2023年05月31日12时03分59秒
下一篇 2023年05月31日12时05分06秒


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