

  1. What you said surprised me. (你说的话让我很惊讶。)
  2. Whether she will come or not is still uncertain. (她是否会来还不确定。)
  3. That he is a genius is beyond doubt. (他是个天才是毫无疑问的。)
  4. If you don't like it, you can leave. (如果你不喜欢它,你可以走。)
  5. Whether he passed the exam or not is unknown. (他是否通过了考试还不知道。)
  6. How she managed to do it is a mystery. (她是如何做到的,真是个谜。)
  7. That he was late again annoyed me. (他又迟到了,让我很生气。)
  8. If he comes, we will go to the park. (如果他来了,我们就去公园。)
  9. Whether they will succeed or not remains to be seen. (他们是否会成功还有待观察。)
  10. How much money you make is none of my business. (你赚多少钱不关我的事。)
  11. That he is a liar is obvious. (他是个骗子是显而易见的。)
  12. If I had known, I would have come earlier. (如果我早知道,我就早点来了。)
  13. What he said made me angry. (他说的话让我生气。)
  14. Whether it will rain or not is uncertain. (天会不会下雨还不确定。)
  15. How to solve the problem is still a mystery. (如何解决这个问题还是个谜。)
  16. That she loves him is obvious to everyone. (她爱他是显而易见的。)
  17. If you study hard, you will pass the exam. (如果你努力学习,你就能通过考试。)
  18. What she did was impressive. (她做的事令人印象深刻。)
  19. Whether they will win or not depends on their performance. (他们是否能赢取胜利取决于他们的表现。)
  20. How he managed to escape is a mystery. (他是怎么逃脱的,真是个谜。)
  21. That he is guilty is beyond doubt. (他有罪是毫无疑问的。)
  22. If you don't hurry, you will miss the bus. (如果你不赶快,你会错过公交车。)
  23. What he said is not true. (他说的话不是真的。)
  24. Whether she likes it or not is her own business. (她喜不喜欢这个都是她自己的事。)
  25. How much it costs is not important. (它花费多少钱并不重要。)
  26. That he is a good person is obvious to everyone. (他是个好人,每个人都看得出来。)
  27. If you need help, just ask me. (如果你需要帮助,就问我。)
  28. Whether he will come or not is still uncertain. (他是否会来还不确定。)
  29. What you said is not important. (你说的话不重要。)
  30. How she managed to finish it on time is still a mystery. (她是如何及时完成的,还是个谜。)
  31. That he is a criminal is beyond doubt. (他是个罪犯是毫无疑问的。)
  32. If you work hard, you will achieve success. (如果你努力工作,你会获得成功。)
  33. What she said made me happy. (她说的话让我很开心。)
  34. Whether he will win or not depends on his performance. (他是否会赢取胜利取决于他的表现。)
  35. How he managed to do it is still a mystery. (他是如何做到的,还是个谜。)
  36. That he is innocent is obvious to everyone. (他是无辜的,每个人都看得出来。)
  37. If you don't understand, I can explain it to you. (如果你不懂,我可以给你解释一下。)
  38. Whether it will snow or not is uncertain. (天会不会下雪还不确定。)
  39. What he did was wrong. (他做的事是错误的。)
  40. How much time you spend on it is up to you. (你花多少时间在这上面是你自己的事。)
  41. That he is a hero is beyond doubt. (他是个英雄是毫无疑问的。)
  42. If you eat too much, you will get fat. (如果你吃太多,你会变胖。)
  43. What she wrote was very interesting. (她写的东西很有趣。)
  44. Whether he will be successful or not depends on his efforts. (他是否会成功取决于他的努力。)
  45. How he managed to survive is still a mystery. (他是如何幸存下来的,还是个谜。)
  46. That he is a liar is obvious to everyone. (他是个骗子是显而易见的。)
  47. If you don't have time, you can do it later. (如果你没时间,你可以晚些时候再做。)
  48. What she said is true. (她说的是真的。)
  49. Whether it is right or wrong is up to you to decide. (它是对还是错,由你来决定。)
  50. How much he knows about it is unclear. (他对这个了解多少还不明确。)
  51. That he is a hypocrite is beyond doubt. (他是个伪君子是毫无疑问的。)
  52. If you don't practice, you won't improve. (如果你不练习,你不会进步。)
  53. What he did impressed me. (他做的事给我留下了深刻的印象。)
  54. Whether he is telling the truth or not is unknown. (他是否在说真话还不知道。)
  55. How he managed to do it without help is still a mystery. (他是如何在没有帮助的情况下做到的,还是个谜。)
  56. That he is a genius is obvious to everyone. (他是个天才,每个人都看得出来。)
  57. If you don't hurry, you will be late. (如果你不赶快,你会迟到。)
  58. What she said was wrong. (她说的是错的。)
  59. Whether he will win or not is uncertain. (他是否会赢还不确定。)
  60. How much it will cost is still unclear. (它会花费多少还不清楚。)
  61. That he is a criminal is obvious. (他是个罪犯是显而易见的。)
  62. If you want to succeed, you have to work hard. (如果你想成功,你必须努力工作。)
  63. What he said was very impressive. (他说的话给我留下了深刻的印象。)
  64. Whether he will come or not is up to him. (他是否会来,由他自己决定。)
  65. How he managed to do it so quickly is still a mystery. (他是如何如此迅速地做到的,还是个谜。)
  66. That he is a liar is beyond doubt. (他是个骗子是毫无疑问的。)
  67. If you don't take action, nothing will change. (如果你不采取行动,什么都不会改变。)
  68. What she did was very kind. (她做的事非常善良。)
  69. Whether he will be successful or not is still unclear. (他是否会成功还不清楚。)
  70. How much he loves her is beyond words. (他爱她有多深,难以言表。)
  71. That he is a good person is obvious. (他是个好人是显而易见的。)
  72. If you don't understand, you can ask for help. (如果你不理解,你可以寻求帮助。)
  73. Whether it is right or wrong is up to debate. (它是对还是错,有争议。)
  74. What she said was very funny. (她说的话很有趣。)
  75. Whether he will accept the offer or not is unknown. (他是否会接受这个提议还不知道。)
  76. How he managed to achieve such success is still a mystery. (他是如何取得如此成功的,还是个谜。)
  77. That he is a hero is beyond doubt. (他是个英雄是毫无疑问的。)
  78. If you don't try, you won't know. (如果你不尝试,你就不会知道。)
  79. What he did was wrong. (他做的事是错的。)
  80. Whether he will come or not depends on the weather. (他是否会来,取决于天气。)
  81. How much it will cost is still uncertain. (它将花费多少还不确定。)
  82. That he is a liar is obvious. (他是个骗子是显而易见的。)
  83. If you don't take care of yourself, you will get sick. (如果你不照顾好自己,你会生病。)
  84. What she said made me think. (她说的话让我思考。)
  85. Whether he will pass the exam or not is up to him. (他是否能通过考试,由他自己决定。)
  86. How he managed to do it is still a mystery. (他是如何做到的,还是个谜。)
  87. That he is a genius is beyond doubt. (他是个天才是毫无疑问的。)
  88. If you don't have enough money, you can borrow from me. (如果你没有足够的钱,你可以向我借。)
  89. What she did was very brave. (她做的事非常勇敢。)
  90. Whether he will win or not is up to fate. (他是否会赢,由命运决定。)
  91. How much he knows about it is still unclear. (他对这个了解多少还不清楚。)
  92. That he is a criminal is obvious. (他是个罪犯是显而易见的。)
  93. If you don't want to do it, you don't have to. (如果你不想做,你就不必做。)
  94. What he said was very inspiring. (他说的话非常鼓舞人心。)
  95. Whether he will be happy or not is up to him. (他是否会幸福,由他自己决定。)
  96. How he managed to do it is still a mystery. (他是如何做到的,还是个谜。)
  97. That he is a good person is beyond doubt. (他是个好人是毫无疑问的。)
  98. If you don't take responsibility, no one else will. (如果你不承担责任,没有人会。)
  99. What she said was very touching. (她说的话非常感人。)
  100. Whether he will come or not remains to be seen. (他是否会来还有待观察。)


上一篇 2023年05月31日10时51分02秒
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