1. Firstly / First of all
首先,我们来说一下 "Firstly" / "First of all"。这两个词都可以用来表示在一系列事件中的第一个事件。例如:
- Firstly, I woke up early this morning.
- First of all, I would like to thank everyone for coming.
2. Secondly / Second
接着,我们再说一下 "Secondly" / "Second"。这两个词都可以用来表示在一系列事件中的第二个事件。例如:
- Secondly, I had a cup of coffee for breakfast.
- Second, we need to discuss the budget for this project.
3. Then / Next
然后,我们来说一下 "Then" / "Next"。这两个词都可以用来表示接下来发生的事件。例如:
- I woke up early this morning. Then, I had a cup of coffee for breakfast.
- First, we need to discuss the budget for this project. Next, we will assign tasks to each team member.
4. After that / Afterwards
再然后,我们来说一下 "After that" / "Afterwards"。这两个词都可以用来表示在某个事件之后发生的事件。例如:
- I had a cup of coffee for breakfast. After that, I brushed my teeth and got dressed.
- We finished the project on time. Afterwards, we celebrated with a team lunch.
5. Finally / Last but not least
最后,我们来说一下 "Finally" / "Last but not least"。这两个词都可以用来表示在一系列事件中的最后一个事件。例如:
- I woke up early this morning, had a cup of coffee, brushed my teeth, got dressed, and then finally headed to work.
- We discussed the budget, assigned tasks to each team member, and last but not least, we completed the project on time.