介绍家人的英语作文 ,一篇描写家人的英语作文50字



There are five people in my family. There are grandpa, grandma, father, mother and I.
Grandpa is an old teacher. He is retired now. Grandpa is retired, but grandpa sometimes
I also wrote a diary, a composition. My grandfather thought that we would make a difference, and often taught us to be useful people.
Grandma is a farmer, grandma usually hurts me most, knead in my hands afraid I lose, contain in my mouth afraid I to break down.
Father is a teacher, father is very strict with me, dad must be perfect, I was all want me to learn, I was also want to learn, but is learn not go in. I also admire my father, and I often mention my father in many of my compositions. I think my father is the greatest father in the world.
My mother is a farmer. Mom can do a lot of things, such as planting ground, making clothes and doing housework. My mother is busy from morning till night. My mother is the hardest.
Me? I am a naughty little girl, I sometimes very gentle, sometimes very naughty, if someone came to my house, I very obedient, very polite, if no one, I will give the high mountain, is very naughty, very naughty. I live in a happy family, father and grandfather two teachers in coaching lessons for me, a pain in my grandmother, mother to take care of me in the first, I can not happy?

My mother takes care of me all the time, she is around me when I need help. Unlike my father, who is so severe and busy, my mother is very kind, when I make mistakes, she will not angry, she tells me to take care of these mistakes and should not make them next time. I am so thankful to my mother, she sacrifices so many things for me.
My father is a severe person, since I go to school, he always keeps an eye on my study. He keeps contact with my teacher, so as to get to know my newest situation. Sometimes I feel a lot of pressure, I want to do best all the time. But I know my father loves me, he just wants to cultivate me as the excellent student. I will try my best.



my family
There are four people in my family:my grandfa,my father,my mother and me.My grandfa is seventy years old this year.He treats me very well.He is a kind old man.My father is taller than him,he wears a pair of glass.My mother loves me very well.But she is always hard on me.l am the shortest person in my family.l often wear a ile on my face.l love my family!





I live in a family of four with my grandmother. My father. My mother and I are made up. My home is also full of frustration.


My home is full of warmth. One day, my mother suddenly received a phone call from the leader of the unit, saying that she wanted to take part in the knowledge contest of popularizing law. Dad immediately took on the task of buying vegetables, grandma scrambled to cook, I was busy cleaning the table and helped mop the floor. The whole family helped mom. "Dinner!" Dad called. The whole family is looking forward to the table. The sweat on dad's face ran down his neck. "How hot it is! "Dad complained, and finally finished today's work, and the whole family fell asleep.



My family is full of democracy. After a show of hands of the whole family, grandma must do morning exercises and discuss and decide that Dad's "Stinky" temper should be changed. The discussion decided that I could watch TV for an hour every day, and my mother would clean up every morning.


My family is a haven I lost for a while, so that I can regain my self-confidence and strive hard. This time I failed in the exam, how can I account for it when I go home? I wanted to go home was scolded by my father, but unexpectedly, he didn't scold me, but gave me confidence. Dad also said that he wanted me to do well in the exam next time. The whole family cheered me up and encouraged me to cheer up. I am determined to do well in the exam next time and live up to the expectations of my family.


My home is also full of frustration. This is my home, a family of four.




My FamilyI.


have a happy family.There are five people in my family.They are my parents,my grandparents,my sister,and I.



My father and mother are businessmen.And my grandparents are farmers.I'm a primary school student.My sister is four years old.She is lovely.


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