


Since the outbreak of an infectious disease in wuhan in December 2019, our living habits have changed.
At this particular time, we usually go out as little as possible, isolated. If we go out, we must wear protective masks to prevent ourselves from getting infected. In addition, we should keep good healthy habits and keep our body clean.





SARS in 2008 must have been known to all, a terrible plague, for which many fresh lives have left this beautiful world. Novel coronavirus has been introduced this year, and the Chinese people are facing a huge crisis. I hope it will be eliminated as soon as possible. Let the haze over the land of China disperse as soon as possible, let the spring breeze blow all over the land, and people return to a better life.


At the beginning of the epidemic, it was seen from the TV news network that there were several cases of virus infected people in Wuhan. I didn't care much. I thought that Wuhan was so far away from us, and the virus couldn't live, so we lived and went to school as usual, and everything was calm.

可是我错了,它开始肆虐起来,从原来的几例,上升到几十例几百例、几千例,而且武汉的很多人因为新年团聚而返回自己的家乡,病毒便被携带着开始扩散, 其它 地方也开始出现,形势十分危急,我们开始感到十分焦急,每天不停地看新闻,刷微信,不知如何是好。很快,病毒感染者从最初的几例,变成了一万四千多例,而且还有两万例的疑似病例,这是一个多么庞大又惊人的数字呀!真是吓死人了!

But I was wrong. It began to rage, from the original cases to dozens, hundreds and thousands. Many people in Wuhan returned to their hometown because of the reunion in the new year. The virus began to spread, and other places began to appear. The situation was very urgent. We began to feel very anxious. We kept reading the news and brushing wechat everyday. We didn't know what it was OK. Soon, the number of people infected with the virus has changed from the first few to more than 14000, and there are 20000 suspected cases. What a huge and amazing number! What a terror! ***

春节 期间,我们在刷抖音时,看到很多医生和护士,为了不让家人担心,以出差为借口,奋不顾身地奔向抗击病毒的最前线,很多国家也伸出援手向中国捐献了口罩和生化服,特别是巴基斯坦向中国捐献了三十万个口罩,八百套生化服,感谢他们,为了人民,前仆后继,奋勇逆行!

China tiktok, regardless of personal danger, was a great force in China. During the Spring Festival, we saw many doctors and nurses in the Spring Festival. In order not to worry about their families, they rushed to the forefront of fighting against viruses on the basis of business travel. Many countries also helped to hand over masks and biochemical clothes to China. Especially Pakistan donated three hundred thousand masks and eight hundred biochemical suits to China. Next, go retrograde!

网络上,令人感动的抗击病毒的 事迹 太多太多,常常让我眼含热泪。一则报道说,有很多护士姐姐,为了更好的照顾病人,剪去了她们心爱的长发。还有许多照片上,医护人员卸下防护口罩后,脸上被勒出了深深的痕迹,一位医生阿姨的鼻梁上都有了淤血,真是令人心疼啊!还有一位医生背着家人奔赴抗击新冠病毒最前线,他坚定而勇敢地写下:“不计报酬!不论生死!”的豪言壮语,铮铮铁骨,令人肃然起敬!

On the Internet, there are so many touching anti-virus stories that often make my eyes full of tears. One report said that there were many nurses and sisters who cut their beloved long hair in order to take better care of the patients. There are many photos, after the medical staff took off the protective mask, the face was left with deep traces, a doctor's aunt had congestion on the bridge of the nose, which is really distressing! Another doctor, carrying his family to the forefront of the fight against the new coronavirus, wrote firmly and bravely: "no pay! Life or death! " The heroic words, clank, people respect!

最近这几天,我和家人一直呆在家里,不出门,不乱跑,不给祖国母亲添乱,因为不添乱就是对控制疫情最大的帮助,所以我在家里宅着。虽然无聊到快要长草了,但是我们一想到那些抗战一线的医护人员,就会觉得我们是多么幸福。真心希望疫情早点过去。虽然疫苗还没有研究出来,但是国家已经公布了多种防护 方法 ,而且医生们已经开始分离病毒,进入疫苗研究阶段,希望她们早日成功,来帮助染病的人,尽快扫除疫情。

In recent days, my family and I have been staying at home, not going out, not running around, not adding chaos to our mother country, because not adding chaos is the biggest help to control the epidemic, so I stay at home. Although bored to grow grass, but we think of those medical staff in the front line of the Anti Japanese War, we will feel how happy we are. I sincerely hope the epidemic will pass soon. Although the vaccine has not yet been developed, the country has published a variety of protective methods, and doctors have begun to isolate the virus and enter the vaccine research stage, hoping that they can succeed as soon as possible to help people infected with the disease and eliminate the epidemic as soon as possible.


This epidemic situation, the whole country, United, I firmly believe that as long as Wuhan refueling! Go China! We are sure to win in the end!



This rat Spring Festival is as warm as before, but it's so different.


At this time of the Spring Festival last year, maybe I was following my family, happily huddled in the crowd of Yujie in the Southern Song Dynasty, eating sugar gourd, and competing with my sister for sugar man. In the crowd, the tourists from all over the world are beaming with joy.


At this time of the Spring Festival last year, maybe I was in my hometown of Longyou. My grandparents were busy living in the yard. The zongzi leaves in my grandma's hands were flying up and down. A few times, they were folded like a "green awning boat". Glutinous rice, soy sauce meat and taro chips were successively clipped into this "green awning boat", and then a red cotton thread was used to wrap them up in a circle and tie them up firmly. Our children are running around the alley in groups, driving the chickens who don't know who they are. They are very happy.

然而今年跟往年不一样。在新型冠状病毒疫情影响下,不能走街串巷,不能走亲访友,国家号召我们不出门,不访友,大街小巷乃至整个城市都少了些烟火气息,小区里静静的,只偶有几只候鸟飞来飞去。农村里很多村道被封了,村民也响应号召,待在的家里。我们的寒假假期也因此延长了许多天,为了不延误我们中小学生的学习进程, 教育 系统、我们学校以及各类培训班开启了线上授课。而我们自己能做的就是锻炼身体、坚持打卡,提高免疫力,妈妈说这也是在为社会做贡献。

This year, however, is not the same as before. Under the novel coronavirus high streets and back lanes, we can not go to the streets and streets, we can not visit relatives and friends. The state calls on us not to go out, not to visit friends, and the streets and alleys and even the whole city are short of fireworks. Many village roads in the countryside have been sealed, and villagers respond to the call and stay at home. Our winter vacation has also been extended for many days. In order not to delay the learning process of our primary and secondary school students, the education system, our school and various training courses have started online teaching. What we can do is to exercise ourselves, to stick to the clock in and to improve our immunity, which my mother said is also contributing to the society.


During the Spring Festival, the city of Wuhan was closed, and the people of the whole country united. Within a few days, the hospitals of huoshenshan and leishenshan were built in Wuhan, where the epidemic broke out, which is worthy of being called the "construction maniac" by other countries in the world. After the letter of invitation was made by medical staff from all over the country, many batches of "regardless of pay, regardless of life and death" rushed to Wuhan. Chinese friends from all over the world continued to donate disaster relief materials to China, and celebrities from large domestic enterprises poured in donations. People all over the country work so hard, and I should give my share! So, under the guidance of my mother, I donated my new year's money on Taobao's "go to Wuhan" to fulfill the obligations of a middle school student.***


What is the cause of such a serious epidemic? I see in the news that the new coronavirus comes from wild animals. It must be because of our wanton plunder and excessive demand for nature, and nature once again warns us. I really want to make a loud appeal to stop damaging the natural environment, hunting wild animals and over exploiting natural resources We really need to think about how to live in peace with nature.


Because the novel coronavirus has become different from this Spring Festival, and has become a foreign minister. May spring come as soon as possible, and all is well!





With the coming of the Spring Festival in 2020, a war of no smoke and no guns has begun.


The wording of "New Coronavirus" has jumped to our eyes. This is the confrontation between life and viruses.


There is such a group of people, they are the rebels in the crowd, they walk firmly to the opposite place, they are the most beautiful rebels, their name is the angel in white.


We are no exception at home. If you want to go out, you must wear a mask. When you come back, you must wash your hands and disinfect. To drink more water, more exercise, eat more fruits and vegetables, keep healthy, improve immunity, do not let the virus easily invade.


A lot of measures have been taken to seal other entrances and exits, leaving only one. The conscientious "security uncle" will take the temperature of everyone who wants to enter the community, and the cleaning aunt will disinfect the elevator every day.


All of this is to not add to the burden of the angels in white.


The most beautiful anti walker, looking forward to no more pain and injury in the world, I hope you, heroes have no place to use.


  新冠肺炎疫情从爆发开始,就一直牵动着全国人民的心绪。而很多平时看起来有点生僻的单词一跃成为英文“热词”。以下是我为大家准备的关于抗击疫情的 英语 作文 ,欢迎大家前来参阅。



  Joint prevention and control of new pneumonia in the name of life responsibility

  临近 春节 ,新型肺炎疫情却不期而至。据国家卫健委披露,截至1月20日24时,已收到国内4省(区、市)累计 报告 新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎确诊病例291例(湖北省270例,北京市5例,广东省14例,上海市2例),另有14省(区、市)累计报告疑似病例54例。

  Near the Spring Festival, the new pneumonia epidemic is unexpected. The novel coronavirus has been reported in 291 provinces (270 cases in Hubei, 5 cases in Beijing, 14 cases in Guangdong, 2 cases in Shanghai) and 4 cases in suspected cases in 24 provinces (districts and municipalities), according to the National Health Protection Committee, as at January 20th, when the new 4 cases were reported.

  随着近日确诊病例增加,社会关注度提升,有关各方的防控力度也在提升。1月20日,国家卫健委决定将新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎纳入法定传染病乙类管理,采取甲类传染病的预防、控制 措施 ;同日,武汉成立疫情防控指挥部,指出武汉市要启动战时值班备勤机制,明确将采取更严格的举措,内防扩散、外防输出。21日,指挥部又召开新闻发布会称,武汉所有新型冠状病毒感染患者救治均由政府买单。

  With the increase of confirmed cases in recent days, the degree of social concern has increased, and the prevention and control efforts of all parties concerned have also increased. In January 20th, the novel coronavirus infection was classified into class B management by the National Health Protection Committee, and the prevention and control measures for class A infectious diseases were taken. On the same day, the epidemic prevention command headquarters in Wuhan was established. It was pointed out that Wuhan should launch a wartime duty attendance mechanism, and clearly adopted more stringent measures to prevent proliferation and prevent external output. Novel coronavirus infection in Wuhan was paid by the government, the 21 day, the headquarters also held a news conference.


  In fact, not only the national health and Health Commission and Wuhan local government have taken targeted prevention and control actions, but also many local governments have taken corresponding prevention and control measures. Many places have made it clear that in the future, they will increase the monitoring and screening of new confirmed cases of pneumonia, start the temperature monitoring mechanism in key places such as airports, railway stations, long-distance bus stations, and do a good job in isolation treatment and case treatment, some prohibit the marketing of live birds in an all-round way, some hold scheduling meetings for this purpose, and some aviation, railway and tourism platforms have also introduced free cancellation measures.

更多 关于抗击疫情英语作文 内容欢迎点击进入






  In response to this sudden outbreak, many aspects have indeed been put into action. According to the requirements of the superior joint prevention and control, all localities and departments can continue to work hard on the coordination and cohesion of prevention and control.


  After SARS in 2003, China issued the regulations on emergency response to public health emergencies, which made it clear that emergency response work should follow the principle of prevention first and constant preparation, and implement the principle of unified leadership, hierarchical responsibility, timely response, decisive measures, relying on science and strengthening cooperation. At the same time, there are also prevention and control approaches and hierarchical division of labor for public health emergencies, including the responsibilities of governments at the national level and at the provincial, municipal and county levels.


  It was reported that the local rectification of the South China seafood market, the source of the epidemic, was based on the regulations of the State Council such as the regulations on emergency response to public health emergencies. In view of the spread of the epidemic, it is obvious that all relevant localities should meet the requirements in the table and regulations, take a mirror view of themselves, see that they have endless provisions in the regulations, and follow the regulations, reasonably allocate and coordinate the division of labor among relevant departments, so as to ensure that medical and health institutions, monitoring institutions and scientific research institutions, as well as railways, transportation, etc. perform their respective responsibilities, and their responsibilities can be "the same as To make efforts to achieve better joint defense and control effect.


  At present, the National Health Committee has made clear the categories of new pneumonia according to the degree of harm and epidemic intensity. It is included in the class B management of legal infectious diseases, but the prevention and control measures of class A infectious diseases are required, which undoubtedly shows the importance of this epidemic situation. For the local and department, in terms of the treatment and control means of epidemic prevention and control, it is also necessary to contrast with this important requirement, so the "upgraded" can not follow the rigid standard, let alone be easily downgraded.


  It needs to be clear that, according to Zhong Nanshan, the leader of the high level expert group of the National Health Commission, there is a "human to human" situation in the new pneumonia. The World Health Organization points out that the latest reported infection information indicates that there may be continuous human to human transmission now, and more analysis is needed. In view of the arrival of the peak period of the Spring Festival, the frequent flow of population and the wide contact between people, these flows are often across provinces, and the monitoring and emergency response involve many departments. To prevent "human to human transmission" with greater efforts and more comprehensive measures, it is necessary to coordinate across regions and departments, so as to achieve joint management and coordinated disposal, rather than stop at the prevention and control and governance ideas of block division.


  As some people say, epidemic prevention is also a war in which no smoke of gunpowder can be seen. This will involve management and control, mobilization, monitoring and inspection, science popularization, etc., some of which are likely to be based on the premise of reducing people's convenience. In this situation, we should not only focus on the prevention and control efficiency, but also take action in an orderly and regular way - now that there are relevant regulations, we should do it according to law, straighten out the responsibilities of all parties under the rule framework, ensure the legitimacy and legality of various measures, and achieve a more efficient and reasonable joint prevention and control.


  Such "according to laws and regulations" also puts forward rigid requirements for the government's positive actions. In contrast to the rigid regulations, whether the relevant parties have fulfilled their responsibilities, there is also a benchmark for evaluation.


  In the end, at this time, local governments at all levels need to take a highly responsible attitude towards the life and health of the public, in accordance with the existing laws and regulations on the prevention and control of outbreaks, the efforts to improve the prevention and control will be enhanced, the improvement of the response plan will be improved, and strive to rely on the rule of law and good governance to achieve the victory in the prevention and control of new pneumonia as soon as possible.


以上就是关于过于新冠的英语作文,关于疫情的英语作文_防范疫情的高中英语作文4篇的全部内容,以及过于新冠的英语作文 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2023年02月08日13时26分17秒
下一篇 2023年02月08日13时34分16秒


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