


第一个选D因为前面有He said ,是过去式,又有since,所以是过去完成时

什么时候用过去完成式 英语

2011年全国中考英语八大时态试题汇编之三现在完成时和过去完成时现在完成时:【2011福建泉州】1. —Dad, I ________ the station for minutes, but nobody came to meet me. —Don’t worry. I’ll go to meet you soon. A. arrived at B. have been at C. will reach 【2011云南八市】2. —________ you ever _________ Dali? —Never. But I am going there this vacation. A. Do…go to B. Have…been to C. Have…gone to D. Will…go to 【2011北京】3. My aunt is a writer. She ____ more than ten books since 1980. A. writes B. wrote C. has written D. will write 【2011广东清远】4. Echo _____ for half a month. She’ll come hack in two months. A. left B leave C. has left D. has been away 【2011广西百色】5.The Smiths came to Shanghai in 2008,they__ there for three years since then. A. live B. lived C. have lived D. will live 【2011广西桂林】6. — Have you ever been to Nanning? — Yes, _______ . A. I was B. I do C. I am D. I have 【2011河北省】7. I my homework, I guess I can't join you. A. don't finish B. didn't finish C. haven't finished D. won't finish 【2011?河南省】8. —Excuse me, where is Mr. Brown's office? —Sorry, I don't know. I _____ here for only a few days. A. work B. worked C. have worked D. will work 【2011黑龙江绥化市】9.—Where is Bob? —He ______to Harbin for a meeting. A. went B. has been C. has gone 【2011江苏徐州】10. — Are you going to the bank, Laura? —No, I ______ to the bank already. A. have been B. have gone C. am going D. had been 【2011呼和浩特】11. ----Oh, you are here. I’m looking for you all the morning. ? ----To the library. A. Where have you gone B. Where will you go C. Where are you going D. Where have you been? 【2011四川资阳】12. So far this year, many new houses ________ in Wenchuan with the help of the government. A. build B. are built C. will build D. have been built 【2011天津】13. My grandmother ______ a lot of changes in Tianjin since she came here. A.sees B. can see C. will see D. has seen 【2011贵州毕节】14.I many new friends since I came here. A.make B.made C.will make D.have made 【2011福建莆田】15. Mrs. Weng came back from France in 2010. She _____ there for four years. A. works B. worked C. has worked 【2011贵州贵阳】16. "Where's your brother, Jane?" "He's not in Guiyang these days. He________ Beijing.' A. has gone to B. has been to C. had been to


1. Tom and Mary ___________ (come) to China last month.
 2. Mike _________________(not go) to bed until 12 o'clock last night.
 So he ______ (get) up late.
 3. Mary __________ (read) English yesterday morning.
 4. Tom ___________ (begin) to learn Chinese last year.
 5. My mother ________________ (not do) housework yesterday.
 6. There ____________ a telephone call for you just now. (be)
7. -When _______ you _________ (come) to china?  -Last year.
 8. _________ (be) it cold in your city yesterday?
 9. How many people ________ (be) there in your class last term?
  10. There ________ (be) a football match on TV yesterday evening, but I _________ (have) no time to watch it.
完成时1. I_______ already _______ (see) the film. I _________ (see) it last week.
2. ----- _______ he ________(finish) his work today ? ------Not yet .
3. -----_____you _______(be) to Hong Kong ?
----Yes, I ________________ (be) there twice .
4. -----_______ you ever ________(eat ) chocolate sundaes ? ----No, never.
5. My father ____ just ________ (come) back from work. He is tired now.
6. Where’s Li Ming ? He ____________ (go) to the teacher’s office.
7. Shanghai _______ (be) a small town hundreds of years ago. Now it ____ (become) a large city.
8. I _____________ (work) here since I __________ (move) here in 1999.
9. So far I ______________(make) quite a few friends here.
10. ---How long ______ the Smiths ________(stay)here? ---- For two weeks.
11. --- I ___________ (see) the film “Chicken Run”.
--- Where and when ________ you _______ (see) it?
--- Last week.
12. Mary _____ already _______ (have) her supper.
13. I ____________ (not want) to see the film. I ___________ (see) it with my parents. We _________ (see) it last Sunday.
14. ---______ Uncle Wang ______ (mend) the TV yet?
---Yes, he______.
---When _____ he _____ it?
--- Yesterday.
15. ______ you _______ (read) today’s newspaper yet?
16. They _____already_____(do) their homework. But they don’t
know what_____ (do) next.
用动词的适当形式填空 1. We _____________ (paint) the house before we ______________ (move) in. 2. That rich old man _____________ (make) a will before he _____________ (die). 3. They _____________ (study) the map of the country before they ________ (leave). 4. The robbers _____________ (run away ) before the policemen _______ (arrive). 5. I __________ (turn off) all the lights before I ____________ (go) to bed. 6. Paul __________ (go) out with Jane after he __________ (make) a phone call. 7. Tom __________ (say) he ___________ (read) the book twice. 8. Our plan ____________ (fail ) because we _____________ (make) a bad mistake. 9. When the chairman ______________ (finish) speaking, he _____________ (leave)the hall. 10.The Reads __ ______ (have) lunch when I ________________(get) to their house. 11.When I ______________(arrive) at the station, he ____________________(leave). 12..We _______________(learn) about 4000 English words by the end of last term. 13. I waited until he _______________(finish) his homework. 14. We were surprised at what she ________already ______(do) 15.She ____________(not go) to Qingdao because she ________________ (go) there before. 16. He ______________(not tell) you the news yet. 17. He said he _____________already_________(give) the book to the teacher. 18. I ______________(be) to Shanghai before. 19. She told me she _________________(be) to Sanya three times. 20.She _____________(play) the guitar while her sister_______________(sing).


He said that he ___ to Canada a few years ago.
A.had been to B.have been to Cwent D.go(答案为什么是A?)
答案为A : 句子意思:他说,他几年前就去过加拿大
(1)主句为一般过去时态 -----从句用过去式 (条件,主句动作与从句动作同时发生)
(2)主句为一般过去时态 -----从句用过去完成时台 (条件从句动作在主句动词之前发生)
(3)主句为一般过去时态 -----从句用过去将来式 (条件,从句动词在主句动词之后发生)
那这题呢?Have you read this book?——Yes,I___ it two weeks ago.这后面为什么要写read?呢 而不是have read?
Could I clean the bedroom for you ?——No,thanks .I____ it myself.答案是hace cleaned.为什么不能写cleaned?
答案解析:用现在完成时态I have cleaned it 表示房子已经被打扫了,很干净了,不需要再打扫
Have you seen my brother?——Yes,I_____him in the library five minutes ago.这里为什么写met而不是have met?
Running is good for our healthy.这里是动名词做主语我懂··
这个句子都有问题,请改为:Running is good for our health (要填名词啊)
答案解析:动名词running 这里做主语用法,
washing maching 是什么意思?怎么也用动名词?
答案解析:washing +machine 是动名词做定语,修饰后面名词 洗衣服的机器=洗衣机啦
(washing machine 洗衣机) = a machine for washing clothes (用来洗衣服机器)
Swimming poor =游泳池=a poor for swimming 一个用来游泳的池子
特别注意:动名词属于非谓语动词用法,可以做 及物动词宾语,可以做句子主语, 可以做定语
Make sure to go to bed early and get up early every day. 怎么没有变成动名词?
答案解析:这个句子属于 祈使句用法,省略主语,第二人称,后面接了动词不定式做目的状语 ,属于非谓语动词用法
Cut down too many trees is bad for the environment.
也没变 为什么呢?关于这些,希望举例讲解一下
答案解析:这个句子属于 祈使句用法,省略主语,第二人称,

以上就是关于过去完成时和现在完成时的题,英语现在完成时和过去完成时的标志词的全部内容,以及过去完成时和现在完成时的题 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2023年02月08日08时11分32秒
下一篇 2023年02月08日08时14分16秒


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