


Our Class
We’re in the class which is called Class Nine.
Recently,it’s known that Class Nine is pretty of all,we all devoteourselves to studying.That’ s to say,we all are devoted to studying.Forexample,every minutethat belongs to usis made full use of,which soundsimpossible, but we can indeed do , some questions are difficult toanswer,however,we always spare no effort to solve them(as a result),we are not to blame(责备),neither by our dear parents nor by our belovedthe way,our uniforms which sell well on the Internet feel soft,leading toour wonderful performancein which we get changed in the singingc o mp etit io n.
We’ re a united class where we respect each other.Generallyspeaking,girls need looking after,so no matter what happens to them,boysin our class are willing to serve a matter of fact, sweets are often sent togirls by boys.
In our view, every subject is worthy to be studied.We stronglybelieve that hard as we study,we can get our idealfuture andwe’ ll be seen to become better and better.


用一般将来时被动语态写英语作文80词 谢啦

一般将来时的被动语态构成:will+ be + 及物动词的过去分词:
A new hospital will be built in our city.
Many more trees will be planted next year.
The classroom will be cleaned by Lilei tomorrow.
These homework will be finished in ten minutes.
The building will be built in the end of this year.
I think he will be beat in the end.
Thousands of trees be planted on the hill next year.
They will be asked to attend the meeting.
In class you will not be allowed to leave .
This letter will not be posted tomorrow.
These cups be broken by he yesterday.
A horse will not be drawn in a second.
I think i will be killed by you.
This song will be sung tomorrow .
The tenth lesson will be learnt in next week .
Lunch is going to be finished cooking when i e back
He will be sent to America to study when you e back .
答:如果一个动作在将来某个时间发生或持续,且句子的主语又是该动作的承受者,那就要用一般将来时的被动语态.一般将来时中常有tomorrow,next year,in o hours,after three o’clock等时间状语.如:
This building will be finished next year.这幢楼将于明年完工.
A new factory is going to be built in our city.一个新工厂将在我市建成.
My homework is to be finished in ten minutes.我的家庭作业将在10分钟内完成.
a.will/shall+ be done 如:
The new film will be shown next Thursday.这部新电影将在下周四上映.
b.be going to +be done (表示即将发生的被动行为)如:
The sports meeting is going to be held on April 10.运动会将于四月十日举行.
c.be to +be done (表示按计划进行或征求对方意见)如:
The problem is to be discussed at the meeting tomorrow.这个问题将在明天的会上讨论.
d.be about to be done (表示某事即将发生,后不接时间状语)如:
An answer is about to be given to you.马上给你答复.
If I am given enough time,I will go to Japan for my holiday.如果我有足够的时间,我要去日本度假.

How to Plant a Tree 的英语作文 用一般将来时的被动态

How to Plant a Tree
If you want to plant a tree,you should know something about it.First, you will find a palce and dig a hole.Second, you will put the tree seeds or the tree into the hole.Third, you will fill the hole with earth and sure the tree is straight.Finally,you will water the tree.This is the process
of how to plant a tree.



This weekend【用一般将来时】英语作文怎么写

I am going to have a busy weekend. On Saturday, I’m going to do my homework. then, I’m going to buy a book about Harry Potter. It’s my favourite book. I have a lot of posters of Harry Potter. After lunch, I’m going to visit my grandparents and play with my cousins, Denis and and Alice. they are active. Dennis likes singing very much. Alice likes drawing pictures. We often play hide-and-seek together. In the evening, I’ll help my mom clean the house. I like help my mom with the housework. My mom always says I am a good girl. After that, I am going to read the book about Harry Potter. That will be fun.
On Sunday, I am going to the stamp show in Qinghui Gardens. I like collecting stamps. I have got 150 stamps. In the evening, I am going to back school. What about you? What are you going to do on the weekend? Can you tell me, please?

a visit to the zoo 英语作文80词左右全部用一般将来时

On Sunday,Mickey's dad brought him to the zoo.He saw lots of animals there,including his beloved elephants,monkeys,lions,horses,peacocks,and parrots.He was very happy,but when he saw the tigers being caged,he was also feeling sad.He thinks that animals should be living in the nature freely.

初一英语作文 用一般将来时写

A trip to the countryside
My parents and I will go to the countryside this Saturday morning. I'm very excited. We will visit the farm and walk around the countryside in the morning. We will feed the animals and my father will take the pictures of us. At noon, we will have a piic on the ground near the river. So my mother will cook some food, like sandwiches,hamburgers and salad before this Saturday. After that we will play some games on the ground. Then we will go fishing. I enjoy fishing!
I'm looking forward to this exciting trip. I hope that we will have a good time.


How to keep our hair healthy
As is known to all,everyone wants to be beautiful.Keep your hair in a good condition canmake you more beautiful and more popular.
So,you may ask how to keep our hair healthy? There are some easy tips for you.
First,you should wash your hair regularly.Use the shampoo that suits you.Some people have oily hair while some have dry hair.They should use different kind of shampoo.
Second,do not tie your hair too tightly if you have long hair.That is bad for your hair.
In a word,pay some attention to your hair and be the spotlight in the street!


1.will / shall + be + done.如:
The new film will be shown next Thursday.
We shall be punished if we break the rule.
2.be going to + be + done.如:
The problem is going to be discussed at the meeting tomorrow.
3.be to + be + done.如:
The sports meet is to be held on April 10.
If I am given enough time,I will go to Japan for my holiday.

一般将来时被动语态结构是o+be going to+be动词+ved+by+主语对吗



Some old buildings will be put down


I get up at six every day. I dress myself quickly and have breakfast at half past six. After breakfast I go to school.
I have four lessons in the morning and three in the afternoon. I study hard and always help my classmate with their lessons. I have lunch at school. School is over at five.
After supper I read newspapers or watch TV for half an hour. I prepare my lessons between half past seven and nine. I go to bed at nine.
The above is a brief account of my daily life on weekdays.There is no school on Sundays. I usually review my lessons in the morning and call on some friends or to go to see a film in the afternoon.


1.Nowadays,computers are widely used in various fields.
2.Computered with humans,they have some advantages.
3.Much better kinds of computers have been increasingly created in recent thirty years.
4.In the moment, computer could do many dairy works.
5.Many experts in computer consider that computer could think as humans someday.

以上就是关于被动语态英语文章,英语被动语态作文范文的全部内容,以及被动语态英语文章 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2023年02月01日11时22分24秒
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  • 过去完成时和其他时态的结合应用(过去完成进行时)

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  • 你能够列出一些英语语法完成时的例句吗

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