


Last term, I started to like comic, pop music. Lots of superstars are my idols. Such as Conan, Jay, Syusuke and so on. But my mum dislikes them. She wants me to study diligently. I have such kind of experience. One day, when I was reading Harry potter with great interest. My mum shouted, "This is a fantastic book, you should do your homework" How depressed I was at that time. So, I always feel uncomfortable when staying with my mum. I think my mum is too serious and too strict with me, and she seldom gives me freedom.(英语作文)
  Today, lots of parents hope their children become talent, if we study without any rest, they will be happy. My mum always talks to me,"It's time to learn English, it's time to read Chinese text book." Our high score will be a great satisfaction to our parents. If we lose the high score in our single examination, they will be angry. Besides this, they are angry at our choices in comic, in music and even our way of speech. Mum, Dad, Do you know, they are not bad things, and they are our happiness.
  If we plan to do something of ourselves, we had better try our parents understand us. If our parents see that we have high sense of responsibility, they will certainly give us the right to do what we want to do.




My English used to be a headache for me. I found it hard to remember the new vocabulary and grammar. It was also a closed book for me, because there were many exceptions to the rules I learned.

It almost made me crazy to say that my English was poor, but I persisted. Fortunately, I had a patient teacher, not scolding me. He kept on with his help and diligent encouragement It seems that my English is no longer improved.

In fact, English is now my strongest subject, which only shows that there is no substitute for hard work.






English vocabulary is the basis for learning English, if not vocabulary, any form of communication out of the question. Vocabulary become less high school students in English learning process encountered a "stumbling block", they often lead to stagnation, or even give up learning English. This is the middle there are many factors, but the most important reason is the lack of proper student learning strategies, not law school. High School Students Learning English Vocabulary main problems is the term used to getting justice, figural out, rote, learn to use separation.


英语作文《my dream》



English grammar used to make me headache. 

It was so difficult for me to remember the grammar of new vocabulary, because there were so many exceptions to the rules I learned, which almost made me crazy. 

Fortunately, I have a patient teacher who encourages me instead of scolding me. 

With his help and encouragement of diligence, my English improved step by step and I no longer seemed to struggle with it. 

In fact, English is now my strongest subject, which shows that there is no substitute for hard work.




以上就是关于英语语法令我头疼作文50字,英语语法对我来说很头疼的英语作文的全部内容,以及英语语法令我头疼作文150字 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2023年01月30日13时55分32秒
下一篇 2023年01月30日13时59分41秒


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