




(一) 语法一致原则

即主语为单数,谓语用单数,主语为复数,谓语也用复数. 以下为注意事项:

1. 单数主语即使后面带有with , along with, together with, like(象), but (除了),except, besides, as well as, no less than, rather than(而不是), including, in addition to 引导的 短语 , 谓语动词仍用单数.

如: Air as well as water is matter. 空气和水都是物质.

No one except two servants was late for the dinner. 除了两个仆人外, 没有一个人迟来用餐。

2. 用and连接的并列主语,如果主语是同一个人,同一事,同一概念, 谓语动词用单数, 否则用复数. 如:

The poet and writer has come. 那位诗人兼作家来了.(一个人)

A hammer and a saw are useful tools. 锤子和锯都是有用的工具. (两样物)用and连接的成对名词习惯上被看成是一个整体,

如:bread and butter(黄油抹面包), knife and fork(刀叉)等作主语时, 谓语动词用单数。

3. 不定式(短语), 动名词(短语), 或从句作主语时, 谓语动词用单数.


Serving the people is my great happiness.


When we’ll go out for an outing has been decided.


4. 用连接的并列主语被each, every 或no修饰时, 谓语动词用单数.

Every boy and every girl likes to go swimming. 每个男孩和每个女孩都喜欢去 游泳 .

No teacher and no student was absent from the meeting. 没有老师也没有学生开会缺席.

Each man and (each) woman is asked to help. 每个男人和每个女人都被请去帮忙。

5. each of + 复数代词, 谓语动词用单数. 复数代词+each, 谓语动词用单数.

如:Each of us has something to say. 我们每个人都有话要说。

6. 若主语中有more than one 或many a/an , 尽管从意义上看是复数, 但它的谓语动词仍用单数。

但more+复数名词+than one做主语时, 谓语动词仍用复数. 如:

Many a boy likes playing basketball. 许多男生都喜欢打 篮球 .

More than one student was late. 不只一个学生迟到

More persons than one come to help us. 不止一个人来帮助我们。

7. none 做主语时,谓语动词可用单数, 也可用复数; 但在代表不可数的东西时总是看作单数,因而谓语动词要用单数. 如:

None of us are (is) perfect. 人无完人。

None of this worries me. 这事一点不使我着急。

8. 名词如: trousers, scissors, clothes, goods, glasses 等作主语时, 谓语动词必须用复数. 如:

His cloothes are good. 但这些名词前若出现 a pair of , 谓语一般用单数.如:

A pair of glasses is on the desk. 桌上有一副眼镜。

9. 形复意单名词如:news ; 以ics 结尾的学科名称如: physics, mathematics, economics; 国名如: the United States; 报纸名如: the New Times; 书名如: Arabian Night <天方夜谈>; 以及The United Nations<联合国> 等作主语时, 谓语动词用单数。

10. “a +名词+and a half “, “one and a half + 名词”, “the number of + 名词” 等作主语时, 谓语动词要用单数. 如:

Only one and a half apples is left on the table.

注意: one or two + 复数名词作主语, 谓语动词用复数形式, 如:

One or two places have been visited. 参观了一两个地点。



1.主语中有all, half, most, the rest等, 以及”分数或百分数+名词”做主语时,谓语动词单复数取决于连用的名词.如:

The rest of the bikes are on sale today. 剩下的自行车, 今天出售。6

0%of the apple was eaten by little boy. 这个苹果的60%都被这个小男孩吃了。

Most of the apples were rotten. 大部分的苹果都是烂的。

Most of the apple was eaten by a rat. 这个苹果的大部分被老鼠吃了。

2. 不定数量的词组, 如:part of , a lot of , lots of , one of , a number of , plenty of等作主语时, 谓语动词的单复数取决于量词后面名词的数.如:

A part of the textbooks have arrived. 一小部分教科书已运到。

A part of the apple has been eaten up by the pig. 这个苹果的一部分被猪吃光了。

3. 加减乘除用单数.如:Fifteen minus five is ten . 15减去5等于10。

4. 表示时间, 金钱, 距离, 度量等的名词做主语时, 尽管是复数形式, 它们做为一个单一的概念时, 其谓语动词用单数.如:

Ten miles is a good distance. 十英里是一个相当的距离。

5. (1) 通常作复数的集体名词. 包括police , people, cattle 等, 这些集体名词通常用作复数.如:The British police have only very limited powers.

(2) 通常作不可数名词的集体名词. 包括equipment, furniture, clothing, luggage 等.

(3) 可作单数也可作复数的集体名词. 包括 audience, committee, government, family, enemy, group, party, team, public 等.如:

The committee has/have decided to dismiss him. 委员会决定解雇他。

6. the +形容词/过去分词形式”表示一类人或事物, 作主语时, 谓语动词用复数.如:

The injured were saved after the fire.


(三) 就近原则

1. 由here, there, where 等引导的倒装句中, (有时主语不止一个时)谓语动词与靠近它的主语在数上一致.如:

Here comes the bus 公共汽车来了.

Here is a pen and some pieces of paper for you. 给你一支钢笔和几张纸。

Where is your wife and children to stay while you are away? 你不在这儿的时候, 你爱人和孩子在哪儿呆呢?

2. 用连词or, either.... or, neither….nor, not only….but also 等连接的并列主语, 谓语动词与靠近它的主语在数上一致。 如:

Neither the students nor the teacher knows anything about it 学生和老师都不知道这事.

He or you have taken my pen. 他或你拿了我的钢笔。

注意: one of +复数名词+who/that/which 引导的定语从句中, 定语从句的动词为复数。如:

Mary is one of those people who keep pets. 玛丽是 饲养 宠物者之一。

The only one of +复数名词+ who/that./which 引导的定语从句中,定语从句的动词应为单数。

Mary is the only one of those people who keeps pets. 玛丽是一个饲养宠物的人。

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  1. 形式上虽为单数,但意义为复数名词,如the police, people, cattle等作主语时,谓语动词用复数。如:

  Cattle eat grass. 牛吃草。

  注:people 作“民族”解时,其单数形式为people,复数形式为peoples,作主语时,应用语法一致原则。如:

  The Chinese people is a great people. 中华民族是一个伟大的民族。

  56 peoples make up the big family of China. 56个民族构成中国这个大家庭。

  2. 主语是指一类人的“the+形容词(或过去分词)”时,谓语动词通常用复数,这类词有:the brave, the poor, the rich, the blind, the young, the old, the sick, the dead, the deaf and dumb, the oppressed, the injured, the wounded, the unemployed等。另外,像the Chinese, the British, the Irish等表示一个国家或民族的人的总称,作主语时,谓语动词也用复数。如:

  The injured were taken to hospital. 受伤的人都送进了医院。

  The English do not drink much wine. 英国人不喝很多酒。

  3. 形式上为复数,而意义上却是单数的名词,如news, mathematics, physics,politics, economics及以s结尾的.书名、国名等作主语时,谓语动词用单数。如:

  Mathematics is the language of science. 数学是科学语言。

  His “Selected Poems” was first published in 1965. 他的诗歌选集最早是1965年出版的。



  一、以 s 结尾的名词作主语时的主谓一致
  1. 如果以 s 结尾的名词表示的是学科或国家时,句子的谓语动词要用单数形式。如:
  Physics is such a difficult subject that I can’t understand it .
  The United Nations is made up of more than one hundred countries .
  2. 有些以 s 结尾的名词表示两个对称部分组成的事物,如 trousers,shoes,glasses,scissors
等,它们单独作主语时谓语动词要用复数,但如果前面有 a / this pair / sort / kind of
  My shoes are the gifts from my grand - mother .
  This kind of shoes is very popular this summer .
  3. 有些以 s 结尾的名词如 goods (货物),arms (武器),clothes (衣服),thanks
  All the goods were shipped from America .
  All the arms you want have been prepared .
  4. 一些单复数形式相同的以 s 结尾的名词如 means (方法),works (工厂),headquarters
  All the means have been tried to save the patient .
  The quickest means of travel is by plane .
  1. 只能作不可数名词的集体名词如 furniture (家具),machinery (机器),equipment
  The advanced equipment has been offered to the factory .
  All the furniture in my home is made in Hong Kong .
  2. 只能用作复数的集体名词如 people,police,cattle (牲畜)等作主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式。如:
  The working people are brave and great .
  The police were searching the area for two thieves .
  3. 还有一些既可以用作复数又可以用作单数的集体名词,如
  My family is a happy one .
  All my family are fond of taking exercise .
  三、由 and 连接的两个名词作主语时的主谓一致
  1. and 连接的两个名词若表示不同的概念,则谓语动词用复数形式,若表示同一事物或一个整体,则谓语动词用单数形式。如:
  The writer and the singer are going to pay a visit to our school .
  The writer and singer is going to pay a visit to our school .
  War and peace is always the topic for the people all over the
world .
  2. 如果 and 连接的两个名词前有 each,every,no 等词修饰时,谓语动词要用单数形式。如:
  Each girl and each boy has a chance to ask a question .
  No parent and child was late for the sports meeting .
  1. 表示具体数量的名词词组作主语强调整体时,谓语动词用单数形式,如果强调个体则谓语动词用复数形式。如:
  Twenty dollars is not enough to buy this book .
  There are twenty dollars on the desk .
  2. “分数 / 百分数 +of + 名词”作主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式由名词的单复数形式决定。如:
  Two thirds of the students in this school have been admitted to
universities .
  Two thirds of the water has been polluted in this river .
  3. “ all / some / most / none of + 名词”作主语时,谓语动词的单复数由名词的单复数形式决定,但“
none of+ 名词复数”作主语时,谓语动词可以用单数形式也可以用复数形式。如:
  All the leaders were present at the meeting .
  None of your answers is / are right .
  4. “ many a / more than one + 单数名词”作主语时谓语动词用单数形式。如:
  Many a student has passed this difficult exam .
  5. “ a number of + 名词复数”作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式,而“ the number of +
  A number of boy students are football fans .
  The number of the students in this school has been increasing
these years .
  6. “ a / this kind / type / sort 等 + of +
名词”作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式,但“复数名词 +of +a / this kind / type / sort
  This kind of men is dangerous .
  Men of this kind are dangerous .




一. 语法一致;

二. 概念一致(语言内容上一致);

三. 相邻一致(就近原则)。


一. 语法一致;


Serving the people is my great happiness. 


Whether we’ll go depends on the weather. 



as well as/with/along with/like/ together with/ rather than/except but/including/

accompanied by/ plus/besides/in addition to/no less than 等引起的结构跟在主语后


The reading course book, plus its reference books, is helpful to college students. 


The man together with his wife and children sits on the sofa watching TV.



either,  neither,  each one,   the other ,another,somebody ,someone,  something,anyone,  anything,  anybody,everyone,  everything,  everybody,no one,  nothing ,nobody; 例如:

Neither likes the friends of the other. 


Everything around us is matter. 



The bread and butter is served for breakfast. 早饭供应黄油面包。

The bread and the butter are on sale. 正在出售黄油和面包。

5、当one of, a portion of, a series of, a species of, a chain of 结构作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。例如:

One of those students has passed the examination. 


A series of pre-recorded tapes has been prepared for language laboratory use. 


6、由one and a half + 复数名词或the majority of + 名词做主语时,谓语动词视名词的单复数形式而定。例如:

The majority of the damage is easy to repair. 


One and a half students are reading English.


7、plenty of, half of, a lot of, lots of, heaps of, loads of, scads of等 + 可数与不可数名词做主语时,不可数名词的谓语只用单数,可数名词的谓语视可数名词的单复数而定。例如:

There is plenty of water in the pail. 


There are plenty of eggs in the box. 


8、由more than one (或more than one + 单数名词),many a + 单数名词做主语,谓语动词要用单数形式。例如:

More than one student has passed the examination.


Many a boy learns to swim before he can read. 


9、如果名词词组中心词是“分数或百分数 + of + 名词”,谓语动词的单、复数形式取决于of后的名词或代词的单、复数形式。例如:

Over three-quarters of the land has been reclaimed. 


Two-thirds of the people present are against the plan. 



He is one of the men who were chosen to represent the group.


“Keep cool” is the first of the rules that are to be remembered in an accident. 


二. 概念一致原则:

1、有些集合名词如crowd, family, team, group, government, committee, class, school, union, firm, staff, public等,它们做主语时,谓语动词的数要根据语言内容而定。如果它们作为一个集体单位时,动词用单数形式,如就其中的各个成员来说,则谓语用复数形式。例如:

His family is going to move. 


His family are very well. 


2、有些表示总体意义的名词,形式上是单数,而意义上却是复数,谓语动词要用复数形式,如people, police, militia, cattle, poultry等。例如:

The police are searching for a tall dark man with a beard. 


3、有些名词形式上是复数,而意义上却是单数。如news, means, works.还有许多以-ics结尾的学科名称,如economics, physics, mechanics, politics等,它们做主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。例如:

Politics is a complicated business. 


Here is the news. 

4、用and连接的单数主语,前面有each, every, many a, no等修饰时,谓语动词要用单数形式。复数主语与each连用时,应不受each的影响,谓语动词仍用复数形式。例如:

Every boy and girl is treated in the same way. 


Many a boy and many a girl has seen it. 


The old workers and the young each have their own tools. 



Twenty miles is a long way to walk. 


Three pints isn’t enough to get me drunk.


6、the +形容词作主语时,如主语指的是一类人,谓语动词用复数形式;如果指的是单个人或抽象概念,谓语动词用单数形式。例如:

The departed was a good friend of his. 


The old are playing Beijing Opera there.


三. 就近原则:

相邻一致是指谓语动词的人称和数常常与最近作主语的词语保持一致.常出现在这类句子中的连词有:or, either… or …,neither… nor …,not only… but also …等.例如:

Either I or they are responsible for the result of the matter.


Neither the unkind words nor the unfriendly attitude has caused me any distress.既不是那些不友好的话,也不是那不友好的态度让我沮丧.

Not only he but also all his family are keen on concerts.


Neither his family nor he knows anything about it.






1. 单数主语、单个动词不定式、动名词短语以及句子做主语

2. 形式上是复数,实际上是单数neither, everything

3.  one of, a portion of, a series of, a species of, a chain of 结构作主语


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    本文目录 1.主格代词 2.宾格代词 3.物主代词 4.区别 在英语中,主格、宾格和物主代词是我们常用的代词。虽然它们都可以代替名词,但它们的用法和意义却有所不同。 主格代词 主格代词一般用于句子中作为主语或者表语,代表一个人或物。例如: I love playing basketball.(我喜欢打篮球。) She is a teacher.(她是一名老师。) 常见的主格代词有I、you、he、…

    英语知识 2023年06月29日
  • 不是定语就是状语吗

    在学习英语语法时,我们经常听到"定语"和"状语"这两个术语。那么什么是定语和状语呢?它们有什么区别呢? 首先,定语是用来修饰名词或代词的词或短语。它通常用来描述或限定这个名词或代词的特征或性质。例如,“the red car”中的“red”就是一个定语,用来修饰“car”,表明这辆车是红色的。 而状语则是用来修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子的词或短语。它通常用来描述动作的方式、时间、地点、原因等。…

    英语知识 2023年06月29日