


  时间不会为了谁而停下它的脚步,如果你不趁着现在的时间记忆 英语 短语 ,它也只会按着自己的节奏持续不断地走下去。下面是我给大家整理了时间英语短语表达,供大家参阅!
  在白天 in the daytime 在傍晚 in the evening 在深夜 at night

  在中午 在拂晓

  at noon at high noon at dawn

  在早上 in the morning 回家前 before going home 课后 after class

  在下午 in the afternoon 天黑后 after dark 的早上,晚上)

  放学后after school

  在...的早(晚)上 on the evening of on a winter morning on Sunday morning (表示在某个特殊一天

  在那时 at that time at that moment 在...岁时 at the age of 在...一生中 in one's life

  在...前夕 on the eve of 在...多岁时 in one's thirties 在...期间

  during the war (stay)

  在...期间(直到...过完) over Christmas (Sunday)

  在...期间(不超过) within an hour (three weeks …) 在治疗中 under treatment 今天 前天


  in no time

  暂时, 一度

  for a time for a little while

  一直地,这一向all this while 最后

  at the end (of)



  昨天 yesterday

  明天 后天


  the day before yesterday

  the day after tomorrow

  一整天 all day long 一整晚 all night long

  不久,过一会儿in a little while 在...末尾 at the end of 有时 sometimes 下班后 after work 从早到晚 从现在起 从明天起

  间或,偶尔 once in a while 在...开头at the beginning of 共三天

  for three days

  有朝一日 sometime

  直迟到中午12点 at 12 noon at the latest

  从那时起 from then on from that time on 从今天起 from today on 再过三天 for another three days

  from morning till night from now on from tomorrow on

  到...时间 by June 20th by the time 两天后 in two days 到目前为止 so far 清晨

  在本周末(月底,年底)以前 一个冬天的下午 5天后


  过一会儿 in a little while 一段时间 some time

  十年前的一个下午 one afternoon ten years ago


  at a time

  before the end of this week (month, year)

  early in the morning five days later

  an afternoon in the winter a winter afternoon


  around 1946 at one time

  the week (month, year)

  英语中表示时间的词语主要分为以下几类:时间点、时间段、动作发生的频度、动作或事件发生的先后。一般可用单个副词来表示,也可以用带有介词in、 at、on和for的短语来表示。此外,一些不带介词的短语也可以用来表示动作(事件)发生(状态持续)的时间。


  1. 表示动作(事件)发生的时间

  这类副词常见的有:ago, before, lately, later (on), now, recently, then, today, tomorrow, tonight, yesterday等。例如:

  1) It’s beginning to rain now! (时间点) 现在开始下雨了!

  2) I haven’t seen her recently. (时间段) 最近我没见到她。

  3) Will you be free tonight? (时间段) 你今晚有空吗?

  4) See you later. (时间点) 回头见。

  2. 表示频度

  这类副词常见的有:always, constantly, continuously, continually, ever, frequently, generally, hardly ever, much, never, normally, occasionally(偶尔), often, periodically(定期地,偶尔), rarely, regularly, repeatedly, seldom(很少), sometimes, usually, now and then(偶尔,有时)等。例如:

  1) Tom is constantly changing her mind. (频度副词constantly)


  2) They do meet now and then, but not regularly. (频度副词regularly)


  3) Mary rarely left her room. (频度副词rarely)


  3. 其他一些表示时间的副词

  主要有:already, early, finally, first, immediately, just, late, long, presently, shortly, since, soon, yet等。例如:

  1) I’ll be back presently(shortly). 我一会儿就回来。

  2) What decision did you finally arrive at? 你们最后做出了什么决定?

  3) Nancy was up early. 南希很早就起来了。

  4) He has just had an operation. 他刚动过手术。


  句1)中的presently (shortly)(不久,一会儿),强调从现在算起到将来的某一时刻,时间持续很短;句2)中的finally(最终)强调事件的最终结果;句3)中的early(早)表示动作发生的时间比通常所认定的时间早;句4)中的just表示从过去的某个时间算起到现在,时间持续很短。

  二、前面带有介词in, at, on和for表示时间的短语

  1. 带有介词in的时间短语

  in a flash(瞬时), in a lucky hour(在幸运时刻), in an evil hour(在不幸的时刻), in a minute, in a second, in a short time, in a while, in advance(预先), in an instant, in broad day(在大白天), in due course(及时地), in future, in good season(及时地), in no time(马上), in one’s childhood, in one’s spare time, in one’s teens, in one’s youth, in re-cent years, in some cases(有时候), in spring, in the beginning, in the daytime, in the end, in the long run(最后), in the meantime, in the morning, in the past, in this period, in those days, in time等。例如:

  1)He was born in1980. 他生于1980年。

  2)The policeman arrived in time and caught the thief in a flash.


  2. 带有介词on的时间短语

  on a certain day, on Christmas Day, on night shift, on one’s birthday, on schedule(按时), on Sunday, on the moment, on that date, on the eve of, on the following day, on the Monday morning, on the New Year’s Eve, on the point of(正在„„时候),on this day, on this occasion, on time等。例如:

  1) There are varieties of celebrations on Christmas Day.

   圣诞节 那天有多种庆祝活动。

  2) When he heard the bad news, he burst into tears on the moment.


  3) He always arrives on time in time of an appointment.


  3. 带有介词at的时间短语

  at a time(在某时), at a wedding(婚礼), at all times(一直), at any moment, at Christmas, at dark (天黑时), at dawn(在黎明), at daybreak, at dinner-time, at dusk(在黄昏), at first sight, at first, at last, at night, at nightfall, at noon, at present, at six o’clock, at sunrise, at sunset, at that moment, at that time, at the age of, at the beginning of , at the end of, at the last minute, at the moment, at the same time, at the stage(眼下), at the start, at this point(此时), at this sea-son, at times(有时)等。例如:

  1)At that time, Mary earned so little money that she could hardly afford a coat like this. 那时玛丽挣钱很少,几乎买不起这样一件大衣。

  2)At times, Robert is seen to be walking along with a beautiful girl.


  3)At the stage, Tom doesn’t have enough time to write such a long paper.



  句1)中的at that time(那时)表示某种境遇存在的时间段;句2)中的at times(有时)表示事件发生的频度;句3)中的at the stage(眼下)表示离说话前后不久的一段时间。

  4.“介词for + 表示时间的名词短语”表示动作持续或状态存在的时间段:

  for ten seconds, for five minutes, for an hour, for two days, for six months, for a year, for a decade, for a whole century, for a long time, for a short while等。例如:

  1) On hearing the news, Helen stood there for ten seconds without saying a word.


  2) I feel as if I had left school for a whole century.



  just now, so far, last night, right away, the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday, five days ago, five days before, this week, next week, a week ago, a week before, last month, next month, this year, next year, three months ago, this century, last century等。例如:

  1)The old couple haven’t heard from their son so far.


  2) Susan will take the college entrance examination the day after tomorrow.


  3) He said his father had died three years before. 他说他父亲三年前去世了。


  句1)中的so far(到目前为止)是副词短语,表示到现在为止的时间段;句2)中的the day after tomorrow(后天)表示事件将要发生的时间;句3)中的three years before(三年前)表示过去某件事发生的时间,用于间接引语中。选择最合适的选项完成 句子 。
  1. I haven’t seen Anna ______.

  A. constantly B. recently C. Usually D. finally

  2. You have to hand in your paper ______ Monday morning.

  A. in B. On C. at D. for

  3. He finished the writing part ______ the last minute of the examination.

  A. in B. on C. at D. For

  4. He thought about the question _______ a short while and gave the answer quickly.

  A. in B. on C. at D. For

  5. Stevenson’s girlfriend promised to marry him ________ next year.

  A. in B. on C. at D. /


  1. B。句意:最近我没有见到安娜。分析:本题缺少一个表示动作发生时间的副词,而constantly和usually表示动作或事件发生的频率,finally表示动作或事件发生的顺序。只有recently可表示动作或事件发生的时间,故选B。

  2. B。句意:你必须在周一早晨交论文。分析:“in the morning”是固定短语,其中的介词in不能用其他介词代替。但如果morning前面加上表示一周的任何一天的名词(从Monday到Sunday),其前面的介词要用on。故选B。

  3. C。句意:他在考试的最后一刻完成了写作部分。分析:介词短语at the last minute是固定搭配,其中的介词at不能用其他任何介词代替。

  4. D。句意:他对这个问题稍作思考,便很快给出了答案。分析:“for a short while”是表示时间段的固定短语,意为“一小会儿”,其中介词for不能用其他介词代替。

  5. D。句意:斯蒂文森的女朋友答应明年嫁给他。分析:next year前面一般没有介词,故选D。




In no time:马上,立即;即将

Only a matter of time:只是时间问题,不会太久;

At times:有时; 有时,间或;

As time goes by:时光流逝。随时光推移

Time after time: 不断地;反复;屡次

Time-consuming:费时的; 旷日持久的; 花费大量时间的;

dead time 死区时间 ; 停滞期 ; 时滞 ; 死时间

Time Charter [租赁] 定期租船 ; [租赁] 期租船 ; 期租 ; 定期租船契约

Time deposit [金融] 定期存款 ; 按期存款 ; 定期账户 ; 按期放款

Lead Time 提前期 ; 前置时间 ; 生产周期 ; 备货时间

Bullet Time 子弹时间 ; 闪子弹 ; 快动作 ; 枪弹时间

unix time UNIX时间

Time Warp 时间扭曲 ; 时间分解 ; 时间隧道 ; 时间弯曲

injury time 伤停补时 ; 损伤时间 ; 伤停时间 ; 受伤而不计时

time preference 时间优先 ; 时间偏好 ; [金融] 时间的优先选择 ; 人心理上之时间优先观



英 [taɪm]  美 [taɪm] 

n. 时间;时代;次数;节拍;倍数

vt. 计时;测定…的时间;安排…的速度

adj. 定时的;定期的;分期的

n. (Time)人名;(俄)季梅;(英)泰姆;(罗)蒂梅

[ 过去式 timed 过去分词 timed 现在分词 timing ]


This job absorbs all of my time. 


He trenched on my time. 


We can gain some time if we cut across this field. 


Starting a new business, however small, is a time-consuming exercise.




  a fit of 突发一阵,阵发
  break away (from) 突然离开,脱离;放弃(传统等)
  break off 折断;突然中断或停止
  break out 爆发;突然发生
  burst out 突然说出;突然(哭、笑、叫)起来
  cross one's mind 突然想起;突然从脑海中掠过,想起来
  jump out at 突然出现;一下子吸引住
  on short notice 在很短的时间内(突如其来,无充分的准备时间)
  pop up 突然出现
  spring up 突然出现;迅速生长
  a while back 不久以前,刚才
  at birth 刚出生
  at one time 1.曾经,一度 2.每次,一次
  emerge from 从...出来,出现;曾经一度遭到...
  just now 刚才
  the other day 前几天,最近
  as yet 迄今为止
  at present 现在,目前
  by far 到目前为止;最
  even now 即使在现在
  ever since 从那时起一直到现在
  for the moment 暂时;目前
  for the time being 暂时,眼下
  not yet 尚未(到目前为止某事没有发生)
  on the spot 在现场,当场;立即
  so far 迄今为止;到目前为止
  to date 到目前为止,迄今
  at once 马上,立刻
  in a hurry 匆忙;立即,很快地
  in a little while 不久,立刻
  in a moment 立即,立刻
  in no time 马上,立即
  jump at 急忙接受;立即抓住
  no sooner ... than 一...就...;马上,立即
  right away 立即,马上


以上就是关于英语时间短语归纳,表示时间的英语短语或单词的全部内容,以及英语时间短语归纳 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2023年01月28日14时18分20秒
下一篇 2023年01月28日14时26分23秒


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