


  如今 学习英语 的人越来越多,用英语聊天似乎成了一种时尚。下面是我给大家整理的简单英语2人情景对话,供大家参阅!

  简单英语2人对话:likes and dislikes

  A: do you like animals? I really like dogs.

  B: so do i. I don’t like cats.

  A: why? I think cats are ok.

  B: I can’t bear being near cats. They don’t seem to like me either.

  A:I like wild animals. I don’t like spiders and snakes. I think spiders and snakes are disgusting.

  B: I’m fond of snakes. I think they’re great. I agree with you about spiders though. I think spiders are horrible. I think it’s because they have so many legs.

  A; I think bears are wonderful. Pandas are fantastic. I loathe people who kill them for their fur.

  B; I agree. I’m carzy about mice. I think they’re so cute!

  A; really? I don’t see the attraction. I’m afraid of mice.

  简单英语二人对话:likes and dislikes

  A; what do you think of the people in our class? I think most of them are fine.

  B: I think so too. I don’t like mark. He’s so arrogant. I despise arrogant people.

  A: mike is fascinating. I’m fond of people who have something intelligent to say.

  B; carol’s fun to be with. I really look forward to hearing her jokes. What do you think of tom?

  A: he’s all right. I don’t dislike him, but I don’t really like him much either. What do you think of him?

  B: I think he’s ok. He’s very quiet, so it’s hard to know what kind of person he really is.

  A: I’m fond of jane. She’s a very interesting girl. She’s crazy about boy-bands.

  B; really? I’m mad on them too. I should get to know her better. Are you keen on music?

  A: I think that dance music is excellent. I love going to a disco and dancing to the music. I enjoy meeting new people there.

  B; my parents loathe dance music. If I play it at home, they always complain. Are you parents the same?

  A: my mom hates it, but my dad thinks its ok. He doesn’t mind as long as I don’t play the music too loud.

  B; are you hungry? Let’s go and get some pizza. I think pizza is delicious.

  简单英语2人对话:feelings and emotions

  A: hello! How are you today?

  B: hi. I’m feeling very nervous. I just had a test and I’m not sure how well or how badly I did.

  A: it’s not use worrying about it now. you’ve done test and you can’t change any of your answers.

  B: that’s true. I really should go home and prepare for the next test, but I’m feeling tired.

  A: let’s go and get a coffee together. That will help you to wake up again!

  B: ok. I feel like sitting down and having a chat. How have you been recently?

  A; oh, you know me. I’m always happy! If I think I’m getting into a bad mood, I call some friends and socialize or have a chat.

  B: that’s a good idea. I usually just sit at home alone and get increasingly moody.

  A: I hate spending too much time at home. I get bored of it really quickly. I’m always excited about going out to party or other social event and meeting people.

  B: perhaps I’m being too shy. I should go out more too and not spend time worrying about tests!







  Long time no see.



  Yeah! It's great running into you again.



  What have you been up to recently? Pretty busy?



  Yeah, I've been really busy. What about you?



  Same here.




  Do you want to hear something spooky? I met my uncle yesterday.



  Big deal! That’s not very scary. Next you’ll tell me he’s dead.



  He died? ten years ago.



  Stop playing around. You know, I get scared when you start talking like this.



  You big coward! I’m just joking.



  You know, I get spooked from ghost stories and scary movies. The scary movies made my hair stand on end, and keep me awake at night.



  Actually, I wasn’t completely joking. I saw him in a dream last night.



  Maybe you just miss him.



  Yeah, he was a great uncle, very kind to me, when he was alive?.



  Next time try not to scare me too much with your stories. You know it upsets me.



  OK. I promise.




  Kate is getting transfered to another department, and we are all chipping in to buy her a going-away present. Are you in?



  Why? We're only passing acquiantances.



  That's exactly why you should take the chance to know her.



  What's in it for me?



  Gee, do you have one track mind or what?! No wonder I'm your only friend!





  A: Do you think I still fashionable in this dress?

  B: I think so. Blue is still fashionable at the moment.

  A: This style came out last year, though. I like the dress, but I’m not sure whether last year’s fashions will be same this year.

  B: I think this kind of dress will stay in fashion for a few more years. People don’t change fashions every year. It would be too expensive.

  A: Yes. Only the top designer try to tell people to change fashion every year, but only rich people can do it.

  B: There are some real fashion victims who just have to keep totally up-to-date with expensive clothes.

  A: I wish I could be one of those people, but my budget simply doesn’t stretch that far. I have to limit the amount of money I spend on clothes otherwise I would go on a shopping frenzy.

  B: I know what you mean. The situation will be worse if we marry our boyfriends and have children. Then we’ll have even less money to spend on fashionable clothes!


  A: Look at these clothes designed by top fashion designer like Versacci, Calvin Klein, and Vivienne Westwood. What do you think of them?

  B: Well, they look lovely, but they’re not very practical. I mean, would you wear that dress to the office or walking down the street?

  A: I know what you mean. People would stare at you in amazement if you wore something like that in an everyday situation. I suppose only extravagant rich people wear then at cocktail parties.

  B: Maybe. I’m not sure why they have fashion shows like this. Hardly anyone will buy those clothes. The clothes you see are nothing like the ones that ordinary people wear. It seems like a waste of money.

  A: I think that the designers hold these fashion shows for a few reasons. First, it’s just like a big party. They can meet each other and network. The other thing is that it is great advertising. All the journalists and photographers are there. Thirdly, it give them a chance to show what they would like to see people wearing.

  B: You meant it’s an expression of their fantasies?

  A: Yes. I think the designers are saying that these clothes are what they would like to see people wear if those people weren’t concerned with what other people might think. In a way, the designers are saying‘don’t worry about what others think. Wear what you like!

  B: Very philosophical. I think they design these clothes more for publicity. They try to see who can be the most extreme and outrageous, but still stylish.

  A: Come on. All this fashion has reminded me that I want to buy some clothes.


  A: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Holton railway station?

  B: Sure. It’s quite far from here. Don’t worry, though. It’s not difficult to get there.

  A: I think I’m going in the wrong direction, aren’t I ?

  B: Yes. First, you need to turn around. Do you remember passing some traffic lights further up this road?

  A: Yes, I do. They are about two miles away, right?

  B: That’s right. Drive back to the traffic lights and turn right. Follow the road for about a mile, until you see the plaza hotel. It’s a really big hotel. You can’t miss it. Turn left at the hotel.

  A: So, right at the traffic lights two miles up the road, then left at the plaza hotel, a mile along that road. Got it.

  B:Then you just go straight on until you see the station ahead of you.

  A:Ok. Got it. Thanks for your help.

  B: No problem.


  A: Ok, I’ve got an up-to-date map. Let’s check the route from here to the airport.

  B: Where are we? Oh, here we are. So we drive to the A120 and turn left.

  A: No, we turn right. Remember that we are coming from this direction.

  B: Oh yes! Sorry! Then we drive to the M11 motorway.

  A; How far is that?

  B: It’s only seven miles. We turn left to join the motorway and drive south.

  A: According to the map, we get off the M11 at the second junction and join the M25. that’s the motorway that goes around the edge of London.

  B: That’s another 15 miles, so that’s 22 miles total so far.

  A: Then we drive west on the M25. we must be careful to turn in the right direction!

  B: Then we drive on the M25. it turns south. When we reach exit 15, we turn left and go west along the M4.

  A: Then we take the first right to Heathrow Airport. What’s the total distance?

  B: The journey around the M25 is 33 miles and then 3 extra miles to get to the airport. So how many miles is that together?

  A: 22 miles to the M25, 33 miles on the M25, and 3 after that. That’s a total of 58 miles, isn’t it?

  B: It shouldn’t take us very long to cover that distance. Remember that we can go quite fast on the motorways.

  A: We can only go fast on the motorways if there isn’t much traffic. I think we should allow ourselves plenty of time to get there. Being early is much better than being late.


  A: hello, this is rich.

  B: hi, rich. Is jim here?

  a: he’s not in at the moment. Can I take a message?

  B: sure. This is Claire.

  A; does have your telephone number?

  B: no,it’s 3725019281.

  A: 3725015281?

  B: no, it’s 3725019281,it’s a 9,not a 5.

  A: right. I’ll have him call you back.

  B: can you tell him that it’s urgent?

  A; sure can.

  B: thanks a all.

  A: no problem.

  B: bye.

  A: goodbye.






  T: hi, Betty.what's up?


  B: nothing special. how about you? Are you used to the life here in the States?


  T: evertything has been fine for the past several months.


  B: great!


  T: well, I wish someone could talk to me about Western table manners


  B: sounds interesting. Where did you get the idea?


  T: as you know, table manners in China are quite different from those of Westerners.


  B: absolutely. that's because both of us have distinctive cultural features.


  T: for example, in China, it's okay to talk while eating. However, you may regard it as rude.


  B: yes. this must be a huge difference.


  T: can you think of anything else?


  B: sure. We tend to think that the slower on eats, the more polite one seems.


  T: I didn't know that before.


  B: and we never sip or slurp the soup loudly. we quietly like little mouthfuls.


  T: i got it. i'll bear it in mind.


  B: don't worry. i'm sure our etiquette will become a natural part of your behavior as time goes by.


  T: I hope so.



  Chatting Online 网上聊天

  dialogue 1

  Mark: do you have internet in your room?


  Peter: sure, I am a total internet junkie, I can't survive without internet.


  M: really? What do you usually do online?


  P: well, there are a lot of things, like reading news, email, shopping, etc. but mostly I chat online. You could say I'm addicted to online chatting.


  M: I never chatted online before. What's it like.


  P: well, basically it's similar to face-to-face chat, but you type instead of talk. You should try it at least once.


  M: really? Who do you chat with?


  P: to people all over the world! I have a lot of net pals. See, the magic of internet is that it connects people from all over the world. You can chat with someone thousands of miles away as if they were just next to you. But I also use it to chat with my brother in India and other friends abroad.


  M: that's amazing. I will install an online messenger program when I get home.


  P: well, my suggestion for a newbie like you is that don't get lost in the cyberspace. You know internet won't do the filtration for you, so you still need to use your judgement. There are a lot of people on the internet who might try to take advantage of you.


  M: don't worry.



  Emily: OMG! It must be so late where you are. What time is it?


  Brad: just after 2 am.


  E: what's wrong? Can't sleep?


  B: nope, actually I was waiting for you. I have something big to tell you.


  E: really? What is it?


  B: I have an offer to work for a company in your city today?


  E: I can't believe it! Is it real? You're moving here?


  B: I haven't accepted the position yet and with the upcoming holiday I think it's the perfect chance to visit the city and take a good look at the company before deciding. If you have time I think we could get together in person.


  E: just give me the dates and I'll make sure I'm free. You know after all these chatting online, it will be great to meet you in real life. I look forward to seeing you soon!


  B: me too. But I think I am going to bed now. my head is getting heavy. Have a nice day there!


  E: thanks. This is so exciting. Sleep tight and sweet dreams!


  B: talk to you later.



以上就是关于英语简单对话两人十句,四人英语小组情景对话简单的全部内容,以及英语简单对话两人十句 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2023年01月28日10时26分22秒
下一篇 2023年01月28日10时34分22秒


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