



1、I think she is there.

否:I don't think she is there.

2、He can sing this song and that one.

否:He cannot sing this song or that one.

3、Tom went to school too.

否:Tom didn't go to school either.

4、He has had supper already.

否:He hasn't had supper yet.

5、He had a good rest just now.

否:He didn't have a good rest just now.

6、Let's do it.

否:Don't let's do it.或Let's not do it.

7、He always gets there on time.

否:He never gets there on time.



be 动词根据不同的人称和时态有不同的形式,在一般现在时中是am , is , are可用作联系动词,构成否定式时,一律在其后面加否定词not.

He is reading.——He is not reading. They are from China. ——They are not from China.


情态动词的否定式是在其后面直接加not. 如:

I can swim. ——I can't swim. He can dance. —— He can't dance. You should go to school at seven. ——You shouldn't go to school at seven.


实义动词变否定句时,要借助助动词do , does,在一般现在时中用do或者does其句子结构为:主语+ don't / doesn't+动词原形+其它 。



1、肯定句:She is going to China next month.

否定句:She isn't going to China next month.

2、肯定句:There were some ducks and chickens on the farm too.

否定句:There weren't any ducks or chickens on the farm either.

3、肯定句:I am a teacher.

否定句:I am not a teacher.

4、肯定句:I can play the pianno well.

否定句:I cannot play the pianno well.

5、肯定句:His family will fly to Beijing.

否定句:His family won't fly to Beijing.

6、肯定句:The little boy should go to bed early.

否定句:The little boy shouldn't go to bed early.

7、肯定句:The students often sing songs after school.

否定句:The students don't often sing songs after school.

8、肯定句:The boys runs fast.

否定句:The boys doesn't run fast.

9、肯定句:The king showed his new clothes to us.

否定句:The king didn't show his new clothes to us.

10、肯定句:l am a student.

否定句:l am not a student.

11、肯定句:He is here.

否定句:He isn't here.

12、肯定句:They are going to go fishing this week.

否定句:They are  not going to go fishing this week.

13、肯定句:They are working hard.

否定句:They are not working hard.

14、肯定句:She was a teacher.

否定句:She wasn't a teacher.

15、肯定句:They were very happy.

否定句:They weren't very happy.

16、肯定句:We can dance very well.

否定句:We can not dance very well.

17、肯定句:Tom has something to tell his teacher.

否定句:Tom doesn't have something to tell his teacher.

18、肯定句:My mother does some washing every morning.

否定句:My mother doesn't do some washing every morning.

19、肯定句:Alice likes singing and dancing.

否定句:Alice doesn't like singing and dancing.

20、肯定句:We visited the old man yesterday.

否定句:We didn't visite the old man yesterday.




 I don't know this.否定句式

 No news is good news. 否定词no 

 There is no person smoking here. 


 He went to his office, not to see him. 

 I am sorry for not coming on time. 

 I don't think/believe/suppose/feel/imagine you are right. 


 All the answers are not right 

 All is not gold that glitters.

 I don't know all of them. 

 I can't see everybody/everything. 

 Both of them are not right. 


 None of my friends smoke. 

 I can see nothing/nobody. 

 Neither of them is right. 

 Nothing can be so simple as this. 

(5) 延续否定 

 You didn't see him, neither/nor did I. 

 You don't know, I don't know either. 

 He doesn't know English, let alone/to say nothing of/not to speak of (更不用说) French. 

(6) 半否定句 

 We seldom/hardly/scarcely/barely hear such fine singing. 

 I know little English. I saw few people. 

(7) 双重否定 

 You can't make something out of nothing. 

 What's done cannot be undone. 

 There is no sweet without sweat. 

 No gain without pains. 

 I can't help /keep/ laughing whenever I hear it. 

 No man is so old but (that) he can learn. 


 Everyone is ready except you. 

 He did nothing but play. 

 But for your help, I couldn't do it. 


 I won't do it at all. 

 I can't see it any more. 

 He is no longer a boy.


一般否定句:I don't know this. No news is good news.特指否定:He went to his office, not to see him. I am sorry for not coming on time.部分否定 :否定词加表示全体的词:I don't know all of them.



I don't know this. No news is good news.

There is no person(smoking)/not a person/not any person(smoking)in the house.


He went to his office, not to see him.

I am sorry for not coming on time.

I don't think / believe/suppose / feel / imagine you are right.


All the answers are not right

All is not gold that glitters

I don't know all of them.

I can't see everybody/everything.

Both of them are not right.













以上就是关于英语否定句50个例子,肯定句变否定句的例子的全部内容,以及英语否定句50个例子 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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