




  I 询问姓名、年龄:name,How old

  1. ----What’s your name? ----你叫什么名字?

  ----My name is ________. ----我叫……。

  2. ----What’s his name? ----他的名字是什么?

  ----His name is Mike. ----他的名字是麦克。

  3. ----What’s her name? ----她的名字是什么?

  ----Her name is Chen Jie.----她的名字是陈婕。

  4. ----How old are you? ----你几岁了?

  ----I’m 12. ----我十二岁。

  5. ----How old is he/she? ----他/她几岁了?

  ----He/She is 23. ----他/她23岁。

  II 询问颜色:colour

  1. ----What colour is it? ----它是什么颜色的?

  ----It’s yellow and white. ----黄白相间。

  2. ----What colour are they? ----它们是什么颜色的?

  ----They’re green. ----绿色的。

  III 询问时间或日期:When

  1. ----What time is it now? ----现在几点钟?

  ----It’s nine o’clock.. It’s time for English class. ----九点。该上英语课了。

  (----It’s eight o’clock. It’s time to go to bed.) (----八点。该上床睡觉了。)

  2. ----What day is it today? ----今天星期几?

  ----It’s Monday. ----星期一。

  ----What do we have on Mondays? ----我们星期一上哪些课?

  ----We have Chinese, English, math … ----语文、英语、数学……

  3. ----When is your birthday? ----你的生日是什么时候?

  ----It’s October 1st, our National Day. ----十月一日.国庆节。

  4. ----When do you do morning exercises? ----你们什么时候做早锻炼?

  ----I usually do morning exercises at 8:30. ----我们通常8:30做早锻炼。

  IV 询问方位或地方:Where

  1. ----Where is my toy car? ----我的玩具汽车在哪儿?

  ----It’s here, under the chair. ----在这儿.在椅子下面。

  2. ----Where is the canteen? ----餐厅在哪儿?

  ----It’s on the first floor. ----在一楼。

  3. ----Where are the keys? ----钥匙在哪儿?

  ----They’re in the door. ----在门上。

  4. ----Excuse me. Where is the library, please? ----对不起.请问图书馆在哪儿?

  ----It’s near the post office. ----在邮局附近。

  5. ----Where are you from? ----你从哪儿来?

  ----I’m from China. ----我从中国来。

  6. ----Where does the rain come from? ----雨是从哪儿来的?

  ----It comes from the clouds. ----它是从云层里来的。

  V 询问数量或价钱:How many , How much

  1. ----How many kites can you see? ----你可以看见几只风筝?

  ----I can see 12. ----我可以看见十二只风筝。

  2. ----How many crayons do you have? ----你有多少支彩笔?

  ----I have 16. ----我有十六支。

  3. ----How many people are there in your family? ----你家有几口人?

  ----Three. ----三人。

  4. ----How much is this dress? ----这条连衣裙多少钱?

  ----It’s ninety-nine yuan. ----九十九元。

  5. ----How much are these apples? ----这些苹果多少钱?

  ----They’re thirty-five yuan. ----三十五元。

  VI “How”问句:How tall, How heavy, How long

  1. ----How tall are you? ----你有多高?

  ----I’m 160 cm tall. I’m taller than you. ----我有160公分。我比你高。

  2. ----How heavy are you? ----你有多重?

  ----I’m 48 kg. You’re heavier than me. ----我有48公斤。你比我重。

  3. ----How do you go to school? ----你怎么上学?

  ----Usually I go to school on foot. Sometimes I go by bike. ---我通常步行上学。有时候骑自行车。

  4. ----How can I get to Zhongshan Park? ----我怎么到中山公园去?

  ----You can go by the No. 15 bus. ----你可以乘坐15路公汽。

  (----Go straight for five minutes. Then turn left. It’s on the left.) ----直走五分钟。然后左转。公园就在左边。

  5. How long 有多长?

  VII询问身体状况或情绪:feel, matter

  1. ----How do you feel? ----你感觉如何?

  ----I feel sick. ----我觉得不舒服。

  ----How does Chen Jie feel? ----陈洁感觉如何?

  ----She’s tired. ----她很疲倦。

  2. ----What’s the matter? ----怎么了?

  ----My throat is sore. / I have a sore throat.   ----我的喉咙疼。

  3. ----How are you, Sarah? You look so happy. ----你好吗.莎拉?你看起来这么伤心。

  ----I failed the math test. ----我的数学考试没有通过。

  V I I 询问想吃的东西:would like

  1. ----What would you like for breakfast / lunch / dinner ? ----你早餐/中餐/晚餐想吃点什么?

  ----I’d like some bread and milk / rice and soup. ----我想吃面包和牛奶/米饭和汤。

  2. ----What’s for breakfast / lunch / dinner? ----早餐/中餐/晚餐吃什么?

  ----Hamburgers and orange juice. ----汉堡包和橙汁。

  VII I 询问天气状况:weather

  1. ----What’s the weather like in Beijing? ----北京的天气如何?

  ----It’s rainy today. How about New York? ----今天是雨天。纽约呢?

  ----It’s sunny and hot. ----今天是晴天.天气很热。

  X 询问职业、身份或人物:Who , What

  1. ----What’s your father / mother? ----你的父亲 / 母亲是做什么的?

  ----He’s a doctor. / She’s a teacher. ----他是一名医生。/ 她是一名教师。

  2. ----What does you mother / father do? ----你的母亲 / 父亲是做什么的?

  ----She’s a TV reporter. / He’s a teacher. He teaches English.

  3. ----Who’s that man / woman? ----那位男士 / 女士是谁?

  ----He’s my father. / She’s my mother. ----他是我父亲。 / 她是我母亲。

  4, ----Who’s this boy / girl? ----那个男孩儿 / 女孩儿是谁?

  ----He’s my brother. / She’s my sister. ----他是我兄弟。 / 她是我姐妹。

  5. ----Who’s your art teacher? ----你们的美术老师是谁?

  ----Miss Wang. ----王老师。

  ----What’s she like? ----她长什么样儿?

  ----She’s young and thin. ----她很年轻、苗条。

  X I 询问兴趣、喜好:favourite

  1. ----What’s your favourite food / drink? ----你最喜欢的食物 / 饮料是什么?

  ----Fish / orange juice. ----鱼。 / 橙汁。

  2. ----What’s your favourite season? ----你最喜欢的季节是什么?

  ----Winter. ----冬天。

  (----Which season do you like best? (----你最喜欢哪个季节?

  ----Winter.) ----冬天。)

  ----Why do you like winter? ----你为什么喜欢冬天?

  ----Because I can make a snowman. ----因为可以堆雪人。

  3. ----What’s your hobby? ----你的爱好是什么?

  ----I like collecting stamps. ----我喜欢集邮。

  ----What’s his hobby? ----他的爱好是什么?

  ----He likes riding a bike. ----他喜欢骑自行车。

  4. ----Do you like peaches? ----你喜欢吃桃子吗?

  ----Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. ----喜欢。/ 不喜欢。



  打招呼,除Greetings 之外九句最常用的招呼语 。


  How"s everything? 一切都好?

  What"s up? 近况如何?

  What"s new? 有什么新鲜事?

  What"s happening? 在忙什么?


  How are you? 你好吗?


  Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。


  Nice to see you again. 很高兴再见到你。


  How have you been? 你过得怎么样?


  Long time no see. 好久不见。


  说谢谢 除了Thank you。之外…… 九句最常用的道谢语


  Thanks. 谢谢。

  I really appreciate it. 我很感谢。


  You're one in a million. 你真是大好人。

  You're the greatest. 你最棒了。


  Thanks to you (we made it on time。) 都要多谢你(我们才能准时完成)。

  I couldn"t have done it without you. 若是没有你,我不可能做到。


  I"m truly grateful for your help. 我非常感激你的帮助。

  Your help was greatly appreciated. 你的'帮助备受感激。

  I"d like to express my gratitude. 我要表达我的谢忱。


  说再见 除了说Goodbye之外…… 九句最常用的道别语


  Take care. 保重。

  Later. 回头见。

  So long. 再见。

  Until we meet again (next time。) 下次见。


  See you later, (alligator。) 回头见,(鳄鱼。)(英文的部份押韵)


  See you tomorrow (next week, on Monday, etc。)



  Farewell. 再会。


  Adios (西班牙文的“上帝祝福你。”)

  Hasta la vista! 西班牙文的“下次再见。”)



  英语口语对话常用句型 1

  1.I'm an office worker. 我是上班族。

  2.I work for the government. 我在政府机关做事。

  3.I'm happy to meet you. 很高兴见到你。

  4.I like your sense of humor. 我喜欢你的幽默感。

  5.I'm glad to see you again. 很高兴再次见到你。

  6.I'll call you. 我会打电话给你。

  7.I feel like sleeping/ taking a walk. 我想睡/散步。

  8.I want something to eat. 我想吃点东西。

  9.I need your help. 我需要你的帮助。

  10.I would like to talk to you for a minute. 我想和你谈一下。

  11.I have a lot of problems. 我有很多问题。

  12.I hope our dreams come true. 我希望我们的梦想成真。

  13.I'm looking forward to seeing you. 我期望见到你。

  14.I'm supposed to go on a diet / get a raise. 我应该节食/涨工资。

  15.I heard that you're getting married. Congratulations.听说你要结婚了,恭喜!

  16.I see what your mean. 我了解你的意思。

  17.I can't do this. 我不能这么做。

  18.Let me explain why I was late. 让我解释迟到的理由。

  19.Let's have a beer or something. 咱们喝点啤酒什么的。

  20.Where is your office? 你们的办公室在哪?

  21.What is your plan? 你的计划是什么?

  22.When is the store closing? 这家店什么时候结束营业?

  23.Are you sure you can come by at nine? 你肯定你九点能来吗?

  24.Am I allowed to stay out past 10? 我可以十点过后再回家吗?

  25.The meeting was scheduled for two hours, but it is now over yet. 会议原定了两个小时,不过现在还没有结束。

  26.Tom's birthday is this week. 汤姆的'生日就在这个星期。

  27.Would you care to see it/ sit down for a while? 你要不要看/坐一会呢?

  28.Can you cover for me on Friday/help me/ tell me how to get there? 星期五能不能请你替我个班/你能帮我吗/你能告诉我到那里怎么走吗?

  29.Could you do me a big favor? 能否请你帮我个忙?

  30.He is crazy about Crazy English. 他对疯狂英语很着迷。

  31.Can you imagine how much he paid for that car?你能想象他买那车花了多少钱吗?

  32.Can you believe that I bought a TV for $25?

  33.Did you know he was having an affair/cheating on his wife? 你知道他有外遇了吗?/欺骗他的妻子吗?

  34.Did you hear about the new project? 你知道那个新项目吗?

  35.Do you realize that all of these shirts are half off? 你知道这些衬衫都卖半价了吗?

  36.Are you mind if I take tomorrow off? 你介意我明天请假吗?

  37.I enjoy working with you very much. 我很喜欢和你一起工作。

  38.Did you know that Stone ended up marrying his secretary? 你知道吗?斯通最终和他的秘书结婚了。

  39.Let's get together for lunch. 让我们一起吃顿午餐吧。

  40.How did you do on your test? 你这次考试的结果如何?

  41.Do you think you can come? 你认为你能来吗?

  42.How was your weekend ? 你周末过得怎么样?

  43.Here is my card. 这是我的名片。

  44.He is used to eating out all the time. 他已经习惯在外面吃饭了。

  45.I'm getting a new computer for birthday present. 我得到一台电脑作生日礼物。

  英语口语对话常用句型 2

  Yes. I’m sure. 是的,我肯定。

  Maybe he’s in the teachers’ office. 可能他在老师办公室。

  We’re about the same age, I think. 我想我们大概年龄相仿。

  Yes, you’re right. 是的,你是对的。

  You’re wrong. 你错了。

  I like …very much. 我非常喜欢…。

  I like to draw pictures there. 我喜欢在那儿画画。

  Me too. 我也是。

  Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?

  Yes, a dress for my daughter. 是的,给我女儿买条裙子。

  What do you want, a dress or a skirt? 你想要买什么?连衣裙还是短裙?

  How about the blue one? 这条蓝色的如何?

  How much is it? 多少钱?

  Fifty-nine yuan. 五十九元。

  Excuse me, where’s the cinema? 请问,电影院在哪?

  Where’s the teachers’ office, please? 老师办公室在哪?

  Excuse me, how can I get to the post office? 请问,怎么走才能到达邮局?

  Can you show me the way to the bank, please? 你能告诉我去银行的路怎么走吗?

  It’s over there, near the Bank of China. 就在那儿,中国银行的旁边。

  This way, please. 请这边走。



1) 一般疑问句
Is he a doctor?
Do you the way to the station?
He is a teacher, isn’t he?
It is quite cheap, don’t you think?
3) 特殊疑问句
What is the distance/width/size/population/temperature/fare?
Who is he?
What is he?(干什么的)
What is he like?
How is he?
How do you like him?
What do you think of him?
What ever do you mean by saying this?
He is a doctor or a nurse?
Do you know how old he is?
Tell me if (whether) you like it.
What do you think/say/suppose I should do?



提问方式有:What is the main idea of the passage? What can we learn from this passage? What is the best title for this passage? What is the passage mainly about? What is the speaker talking about? 等等。
这类题要求我们听到文中出现时间、数字时一定要特别敏感,及时做好笔记;另外,文中一旦出现以因果连词(如because, so, due to等)和转折连词(如but, however, though等)引导的句子也要格外留心,这些地方往往就是考点。
对错判断题,这类题常用以下提问方式:Which of the following is true/not true,according to the passage? Which of the following is not mentioned? 等等。
推理推测题,这类题需要对文中的信息进行分析推断,才能作出正确的选择。提问方式有:What can you infer from the passage? What does the speaker think about the problem? What is the speaker most concerned about? How does the writer feel about? 等等。


以上就是关于英语听说常用提问句式,英语打电话常用语句总结的全部内容,以及英语听说常用提问句式 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2023年01月22日11时42分16秒
下一篇 2023年01月22日11时44分57秒


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    英语知识 2023年05月28日
  • 不定式可以和情态动词一起使用吗

    不定式是英语语法中的一种动词形式,它由to加上动词原形组成,例如:to go、to eat等。情态动词则是一种特殊的助动词,例如:can、may、should等。那么,不定式可以和情态动词一起使用吗? 答案是肯定的。实际上,不定式和情态动词经常一起使用,这种组合可以表达出更为复杂和精确的意思。例如: You should try to speak English more often.(你应该尽量多说英语) She can't afford to buy a new car.(她买不起新车) We may decide to postpone the meeting.(我们可能决定推迟会议) …

    英语知识 2023年05月29日