


陈述句的强调句型It is/was+被强调部分(通常是主语、宾语或状语)+that/who(当强调主语且主语指人)+其他部分。一般疑问句的强调句型:is/was it+被强调部分(通常是主语、宾语或状语)+that/who(当强调主语且主语指人)+其他部分。


1、强调句的陈述句句型为:It is /was+被强调的部分+that/who引导的从句+原句其他部分。尼们可以看下面例句来体会理解:

2、强调句的一般疑问句型:Is / Was +it+被强调的部分+that/ who/ whom引导的从句+原句其他的部分。

3、强调句的特殊疑问句型:特殊疑问词(When /Where/ Why/ Who/ What/ How )+is/ was +it +that从句+原句的其他部分。

4、强调句例句:针对I met Li Ming at the railway station yesterday.句子进行强调。

强调主语:It was I that (who) met Li Ming at the railway station yesterday.

强调宾语:It was Li Ming that I met at the railway station yesterday.

强调地点状语:It was at the railway station that I met Li Ming yesterday.

强调时间状语:It was yesterday that I met Li Ming at the railway station.





例:Dishonest he is!他的确不诚实!


例:It was the headmaster who opened the door for me.



例:The baby is generally healthy,but every now and then she does catch a cold.



例:He drank it to the very last drop.


5.用“...and that”,“...and those”,“not...too much”,“否定加否定”等结构表示强调

例:They fulfilled the task,and that in a few days.


6.用短语“in every way”,“in no way”,“by all means”,“by no means”,“only too”,“all too”,“but too”,“in heaven”,“in the world”,“in hell”,“on earth”,“under the sun”等表示强调

例:His behaviour was in every way perfect.



例:Red Army fought a battle on this very spot.



例:I myself will see her off at the station.




eg.You are the very person I'm looking for.


Red Army fought a battle on this very spot.


Not a single person has been in the office this afternoon.



e.g.I myself will see her off at the station.


You can do it well yourself.



e.g.The baby is generally healthy,but every now and then she does catch a cold.


Do be quiet.I told you I had a headache.


4.用“...and that”,“...and those”,等结构表示强调。

e.g.They fulfilled the task,and that in a few days.


I gave her some presents,and those the day before yesterday.



e.g.There is no reason why this new immigrant should not have the same success.


A man can never have too many ties.


I can't thank you too much.


A mother can never be patient enough with her child.

I am not unfaithful to you.我对你无比忠诚。


1、陈述句的强调句型:It is/ was + 被强调部分(通常是主语、宾语或状语)+ that/ who(当强调主语且主语指人)+ 其它部分。
e.g. It was yesterday that he met Li Ping.
2、一般疑问句的强调句型:同上,只是把is/ was提到it前面。
e.g. Was it yesterday that he met Li Ping?
3、特殊疑问句的强调句型:被强调部分(通常是疑问代词或疑问副词)+ is/ was + it + that/ who + 其它部分?
e.g. When and where was it that you were born?
4、强调句例句:针对I met Li Ming at the railway station yesterday.句子进行强调。
强调主语:It was I that (who) met Li Ming at the railway station yesterday.
强调宾语:It was Li Ming that I met at the railway station yesterday.
强调地点状语:It was at the railway station that I met Li Ming yesterday.
强调时间状语:It was yesterday that I met Li Ming at the railway station.
5、注意:构成强调句的it本身没有词义;强调句中的连接词一般只用that, who,即使在强调时间状语和地点状语时也如此,that, who不可省略;强调句中的时态只用两种,一般现在时和一般过去时。原句谓语动词是一般过去时、过去完成时和过去进行时,用It was ... ,其余的时态用It is ... 。 ***.cn
(二)not ... until ... 句型的强调句
1、句型为:It is/ was not until + 被强调部分 + that + 其它部分
e.g. 普通句:He didn't go to bed until/ till his wife came back.
强调句:It was not until his wife came back that he went to bed.
2、注意:此句型只用until,不用till。但如果不是强调句型,till, until可通用;因为句型中It is/ was not ... 已经是否定句了,that后面的从句要用肯定句,切勿再用否定句了。
1、It is/ was ... that ... 结构不能强调谓语,如果需要强调谓语时,用助动词do/ does或did。
e.g. Do sit down. 务必请坐。
He did write to you last week. 上周他确实给你写了信。
Do be careful when you cross the street. 过马路时,务必(千万)要小心啊!
2、注意:此种强调只用do/ does和did ,没有别的形式;过去时用did ,后面的谓语动词用原形。
强 调 句
  He does know the place well.他的确很熟悉这个地方。
  Do write to me when you get there.你到那儿后务必给我来信。
  2.用形容词 very,only,single,such, last 等修饰名词或形容词来加强语气:
  That's the very textbook we used last term.这正是我们上学期用过的教材。
  You are the only person here who can speak Chinese.你是这里唯一会讲汉语的人。
  Not a single person has been in the shop this morning.今天上午这个商店里连一个人都没有。
  How dare you buy such expensive jewels?你怎么敢买这么贵的宝石呢?
  He is the last person I want to see in this world! 我最不想看他了!
  3.用in the world,on earth,at all等介词短语可以表达更强的语气(常用于疑问句):
  Where in the world could he be?他到底会在哪儿?
  What on earth is it?它究竟是什么?
  Do you know at all?你到底知不知道?
  How interesting a story it is!这是一个多么有趣的故事啊!
  Oh,what a lie!啊,真是弥天大谎!
  5. 用重复来表示强调:
  Why!why!The cage is empty!啊!啊!箱子是空的。
  They walked for miles and miles.他们走了好多英里。
  On the table were some flowers.桌上摆着一些花。(强调地点)
  Many a time have I climbed that hill.我多次翻过那座山。
  Only in this way,can we solve this problem.只有这样,我们才能解决这个问题。
  7.用强调句型:“It is(was)+被强调的部分+that(who)+原句其它部分”来强调说话人的意愿:
  It was on Monday night that all this happened.所有这一切发生在周一晚上。
  It's me who he blamed.他怪的是我。
  1)If从句+I don't know who/what,etc.does/is/has,etc.;主语部分也可以用nobody does/is/has,etc.或everybody does/is/has,et c.来代替(这里的if从句往往是正话反说,反话正说):
  If he can't do it,I don't know who can.要是他做不了这件事,我不知道还有谁能做。(强调只有他能做)
  If Jim is a coward,everybody is.要是吉姆是个胆小鬼,那么人人都是胆小鬼。(强调吉姆不是胆小鬼)
  2)if从句+it be主句(此用法可看成是第8中强调句型的变形,即把所要强调的内容放在it be的后面,把其它内容放在由if引导的从句中):
  If anyone knew the truth,it was Tom.如果说谁了解事实的真相,那便是汤姆。
  If there is one thing he loves,it is money.如果说世界上还有他爱的东西,那便是金钱。
  It's because of hard work—ten years of hard work.那是因为艰苦的工作--十年艰苦的工作!
  He began the work in late May.他在五月底开始的这项工作。(强调时间)
  1. ---Were all three people in the car injured in the accident?---No,___ only the two passengers who got hurt.
  A. it was B. there is C. it were D. there was
  2. ---Who is making so much noise in the garden? --- ___ the children.
  A. It is B. They are C. That is D . There are
  3. It was ___ she was about to go out ____ the telephone rang.
  A. when ; that B. so; that C. before; then D. when; before
  4. It was ___ he said ___ disappointed me.
  A. what; that B. that; what C. that; when D. it; when
  5.____ that silver is not widely used as a conductor?
  A. Why is B. Is it why C. Why is it D. Why is that
  6.---I can’t find Mr. Smith .Where did you meet him this morning?--- It was in the hotel ___ he stated.
  A. that B which C. the one D. where
  7.It was in the small house ___ was built with stones by his father ___ he spent his childhood.
  A. which; that B, that ;where C, which; which D. that; which
  8.It was ___ it was raining so hard that we had to stay at home all day.
  A. since B .for C. as D. because
  9.Is ____ three hours ____ the boy ___family is poor to come to school on foot?
  A .it ;that; whose B. it; that it takes; whose C. it for ;that it takes; whose D. it; when ;that
  10. his wife left him without saying goodbye.
  A. that B .which C .when D. in which
  11. It is a winter night ___he spent with me last night.
  A. that B. where C. as D .when
  12It is the young man ___ looked for ___ caught the murderer.
  A. that; who B. that; they C. they ;that D they ;which
  13.It was ____ my teacher worked ____ I work hard.
  A. where; that B. where; where C .that; that D. that ;where
  14.It was evening__we reached the little town of Winchester.
  A that B. until C. since D. before
  15.It was until dark ___ he found ___ he thought was the correct way to solve the problem.
  A. that; what B. that; that C. when; what D. when; that
  16.It was until last year that he ___.
  A. left school for a new start
  B .came to realize the importance of learning English.
  C. worked as an English teacher at a middle school
  D .set out to build a new house of his town.
  17.It is the ability to do the job ____ matters ,not where you come from or what you are.
  A. one B. that C .what D. it
  18. I don’t know ____ that you stay here.
  A. how long it is B. how long is it C. it is how long D. is it how long
  19.It was _____ that caused him to serve dinner an hour later than usual.
  A. we being late B. our being late C. we were too late D. because we were late
  20.---what was the party like?---Wonderful. It’s years _____ I enjoyed myself much.
  A. after B. before C .that D. since


以上就是关于英语强调句例句20个翻译,英语中的强调句有哪些的全部内容,以及英语强调句例句20个翻译 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2023年01月21日11时38分35秒
下一篇 2023年01月21日11时42分27秒


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