




  Mature, dynamic and honest.


  Bright and aggressive.


  Energetic, and fashionable


  Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality.


  Positive with bright mind.


  Elegant and with nice personality.


  Active, creative and innovative.


  Young, bright, energetic with strong career ambition.



  outgoing 外向的

  lively 活泼的

  active 主动的

  person-oriented 人际取向的

  shrewd 世故或精明的

  sociable 善交际的

  talkative 多话的

  affectionate 热情的

  easygoing 容易相处的

  leadership 领导型的

  optimistic 乐观的

  venturesome 胆大、好冒险的

  changeable 可改变的

  broad interests 兴趣广泛的

  curious 好奇的

  untraditional 颠覆传统的

  carefree 无忧无虑的

  stable 稳定的

  happy-go-lucky 随遇而安的

  calm 沉着冷静的

  task-oriented 任务取向的

  tough-minded 意志坚强的

  reliable 可靠的

  persevering 坚韧的

  scrupulous 细心的

  self-disciplined 自我严格要求的

  controlled 自律、自制的

  punctual 守时的

  careful 小心谨慎的

  neat 整洁的

  hardworking 努力的

  sober 严谨、沉着的

  conscientious 尽责的

  imaginative 富想象力的

  experimenting 乐于尝试的

  original 具独创性的

  self-sufficient 自立的

  even-tempered 心情平稳的

  unemotional 不情绪化的

  placid/peaceful 平静温和的





  (I tend to drive myself too hard.)


  (I expect others to perform beyond their capacities.)


  (I like to see a job done quickly.)


  retiring 怯生的

  forthright 直率的

  pessimistic 悲观的

  passive 被动的

  unsociable 不擅社交的

  conservative 保守的

  aloof 冷漠的

  sober 严肃的

  unexuberant 缺少活力的

  shy 羞涩的

  quiet 静默的

  reserved 沉默的、孤独的

  conventional 因袭陈规的,刻板守旧的

  narrow interests 兴趣狭隘的

  down-to-earth 讲求实在的

  unanalytical 非分析性的

  unartistic 非艺术性的

  rigid 僵直刻板的

  practical 实际的、现实主义的

  excitable 易激动的

  touchy 易怒的

  irritable 急躁的

  manipulative 好指使人的

  cynical 好批评的、冷嘲热讽的

  suspicious 多疑的

  uncooperative 不合作的

  aggressive 富攻击性的

  vengeful 有仇必报的

  ruthless 冷酷的

  assertive 独断的

  weak-welled 意志薄弱的

  hedonistic 享乐主义的

  lax 散漫的

  undisciplined 混乱无纪律的

  careless 粗心的`

  negligent 马马虎虎

  unreliable 不可信赖的

  aimless 漫无目的

  nervous/tense 紧张的

  anxious 焦虑的

  impulsive 冲动的

  emotional 情绪化的

  apprehensive/worrying 多虑的

  responsive 敏感的

  insecure 有不安全感

  restless 焦躁不安的

  moody 闷闷不乐的

  inadequate 缺乏适应力、不成熟的

  fun-loving 爱好玩乐的



  1.Ambitious attitude essential.


  2.Bright,aggressive applicants.


  3.Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.


  4.Highly-motivated and reliable person.


  5.Strong determination to succeed.


  6.Willing to learn and progress.



  1.Ability to work well with others.


  2.With possessing a great team spirit.


  3.A good team player and I'm great honest to others.


  4.With a strong sense of cooperation.


  5.Enjoying a good relationship among my classmates.



  1.Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality.


  2.Strong leadership skills.


  3.Good people management and communication skills. Team player.


  4.Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit.



  1.The main qualities required are preparedness to work hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health.


  2.Willing to assume responsibilities.


  3.A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.


  4.Able to work under high pressure and time limitation.


  5.Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision.



  1.Ability to work independently,mature and resourceful.


  2.With a pleasant mature attitude.


  3.Open-minded and positive attitude.



















 I am warm and cheerful, friendly to people, honest and modest for people. Hard work, conscientious and responsible, hard work, conscientious and patient. With affinity, easy to be close, good at communicating with people.

  Hard to study hard, excellent results, top of the list. Excellent in character and learning, for three consecutive years to obtain College scholarships. He served as a member of the student union's external liaison department, a vice minister of the general organization of the Corps, a class life committee and so on. During the process of student's work and going out for sponsorship and business contacts, he greatly improved his work and handling skills. In addition, they also actively participate in extracurricular sports activities, various social practice activities and part-time work, in order to increase their experience and improve their ability. In the work, experience the way of doing things, exercise eloquence and interpersonal skills. He has been awarded the honorary title of "the activists of the summer social practice" and the "Student Association" for two years. In normal school life, many part-time jobs have been done. For example: tutor, telephone interviewers, restaurant waiter, leaflets, questionnaire survey, and also to the factory a summer job, experience a variety of different operational procedures and work methods, exercise become diligent spirit, and from the work to appreciate the fun and dedication. Four years of college career has greatly improved my organization and coordination, management and resilience, enabling me to have good psychological quality, and let me have greater advantages in competition, so that I can go further and further in my career. The title of "excellent college students" and "excellent graduates" has been obtained.


  Personally, I remember when my grandfather often makes me laugh more and more contact with other children, so now I cultivate optimistic personality. In my opinion, nothing is impossible, the most important thing is to be happy. Life is short, there is no reason not their own good.

  I have been given the impression that the sun, cheerful, outgoing, sometimes even careless. But no matter whether others like it or not, I always like my character, because many times, you can not live so tired. A lot of friends have said that I am just like a little child. I have no worries every day, and always laugh at me without pressure. This is the most pleasant comment I have ever heard. When they are not grown up, everyone is simple and simple. When they grow up, they don't have no trouble, but they just learn to hide.

  After all, the person who likes to laugh does not mean that she has no trouble. If you want to say the personality defects, the sentimentality should be counted. I am a sensual and no more sensual person. In fact, for this character, I do not like it. Feeling is a bad habit.

  Remember that a girl has said a word, my tears are the least valuable. Oh, I think so myself. I can't bear to see the old man begging on the roadside. I can't bear to see the dog on the roadside. I will love to go home and see all kinds of small animals bought and sold. I will have an urge to put them out of the cage. Like this, I can not help wet my eyes, this is me, I am easily moved.


  I have a steady and rigorous character and sincere.

  Faithful integrity, principles, said to do, never shirk responsibility; self-control, do things always have a beginning and an end, never give up halfway; willing to learn, a problem not evade, willing to learn modestly from others; confident but not conceited, not self-centered; willing to modest acclaim take attitude, authority; will use 100% of the enthusiasm and energy into work; amiable and easy of approach.

  It is sincere, cheerful, enterprising, adaptable, diligent, hard to study, down to earth, strong team spirit, positive work and serious attitude.


  I'm a little bit out of line, and other people do the answer, and I'm different from them. Do not have to think of second kinds. When others are playing games, if others don't invite me, I don't usually take the initiative to play with them. When others were playing football at noon, I was walking around. It's not good for you to say it's good.

  I don't like football. In my class, I don't like to play football, except for the fat people do not like it! And I'm still a boy! In my life, I like to run and run a long jump. All I like is that you don't like football, basketball, volleyball, badminton, tennis, almost ball. But I can not say that chess is proficient, but it is also a good hand! I have learned without teacher! It's strange that you say it! As long as I like what I like, almost all.

  I also like to listen to sad songs or songs such as the broken bridge and the snow, the city of the sky, the tears of the piano music, and so on! I like helping people very much at ordinary times, but I don't like to show it! Is that good things do not go down! (a little exaggerated, ha!) Usually a little smatter!

  If you want to be a friend with me, please add my friends. Refuse nobody。




My character is complex and changeable. Sometimes I can't even figure out what my character is, but I have a very funny nickname for myself, called "character changeable machine". You may not believe it. Let me tell you about my character.

I am a very lovely girl. I like to play house and doll games with other girls.

I am not only a lovely girl, but also a boy's temper. I sometimes play "war" games with planes and cannons and catch thieves with boys near my home. Although I am either a thief or a captured enemy, I still have a lot of fun.

I also have an adult temper. When I was doing my own business, when an adult asked me something, I explained it solemnly like a little adult. After I finished, those adults praised me as a "little adult". Hearing these words, as soon as I was happy, I threw all my unhappiness out of the sky.







My name is Li Rong , is a Class One Grade Six student of Hongshan elementary school. I like dancing,performing, managing, and singing! The hobbies are much more. I have written a good character, obtains teacher's performance frequently. From the first grade, I has been being various branches group leader. I had obtained many certificates,and have published many articles. Hoped that my performance can make you to satisfy! Hoped that my name can keep in your heart


以上就是关于英语介绍自己性格特征50字,英语自我介绍中的个人性格如何描述的全部内容,以及英语介绍自己性格特征150字 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2023年01月21日08时18分14秒
下一篇 2023年01月21日08时24分57秒


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