


As a chienese,I'm very pride myself on the popularity of Chinese learnig,more and more foreigners' learning chinese it reflcets our ecomomic development in a sense.Take America as an example,From kindergartens to a high schools,There is a rapid rise in interesting among American pupils to study the chinese language.On the other hand,over two hundred Confucius institutes have been set up in 69 countries,from TV we can see many foreinger take part in learn Chinese activetives……


Boys and girls,
Nice to meet you! Today I'm very pleased to introduce to you my mother language, Chinese.
As we all know, Chinese has the most speakers all over the world, because China has the largest population in the world. What's more, it is also one of the official laguages of the United Nations.
The reason why Chinese is so widely used lies in its standard written style, and we also have our formal spoken Chinese known to others as PuTongHua.
Apart from all these, Chinese has many other advantages. That's why more and more people all over the world are beginning to learn to speak Chinese. And I think that is also a proof of our country's development. As a Chinese, I'm proud of my country!
That's all I want to say. By the way, if you want to learn Chinese, I'm glad to help you! Thank you very much for your listening!





There are four key points to study Chinese:listening,speaking,reading and writing.


Firstly, we should be brave to talk with others in Chinese. By doing this,we canimprove ore talking and listening skill.


Secondly,we should try to listen to all kinds of Chinese programmes as much aspossible. In this way,we can gradually improve our pronunciation.


Thirdly,we should often read Chinese books. When we come across a new word. We should guess its meaning through the contest first. Then look it up in the dictionary to have a check. I think it is a good way of reading.


Fourthly,we should practice our writing skills. Whenever we have any idea,we should get the pen and write it down at once. It is very important to our study.


Chinese way and using the Chinese grammar. As long as we listen,speak,read and write more,we are sure to make remarkable progress!




vt. 学习;得知;认识到

vi. 学习;获悉


He is learning to play the piano.



n. 书写;写作技能;著书立说,写作的职业;作品,著作;文字;笔迹

v. 书写;写作(write 的现在分词)


She began writing poetry in her teens. 



The Charm of Chinese Language-汉语的魅力
Chinese Language faces some challenges. As compared with English and other Latin based languages, Chinese is less popular and more difficuh for computer word processing. Some college students, wondering whether it is still one of the best languages in the world, neglect Chinese study.
Extensive research has revealed that Chinese possesses many advantages over other languages. Written Chinese is based on a set of ideogram characters. From a simple word one may obtain a wealth of information about its hidden meaning, evolution history and related phrases. Historians can decipher the damaged ancient characters carved on ox hones but no such achievement could be obtained with Latin-based languages. To express a given idea, the Chinese version is always the shortest, most accurate and most effective.
Moreover, Chinese kids learn Chinese by memorizing patterns or funny pictures which stimulate curiosity and imagination. It is well recognized that human brains work well with patterns and pattern recognition in turn promotes brain development. What's more, Chinese is also easy to learn. Many foreigners speak Chinese fluently after a few years of learning. Recently, several word processing programs have been successfully developed for Chinese language and turned out to be better than those designed for English.
Chinese is the crystallization of the splendid culture developed continuously for over 5,000 years. Many treasures remain to be explored. As China grows stronger, more and more foreigners will learn Chinese and share the invaluable treasure.


以上就是关于英语作文汉语,关于汉语的英语作文带翻译的全部内容,以及英语作文汉 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2023年01月19日11时58分27秒
下一篇 2023年01月19日12时06分24秒


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