自己计划一场party英语,英语作文plan a birthday party60字


英语作文plan a birthday party60字

Birthday party ideas for teens are much better if you plan your teenager's party well in advance, say, about 3 weeks before the day of the party itself. This way, you can lessen the stress levels of everybody involved in the party planning especially yourself.
Here are the basic steps in executing your birthday party ideas for teens with less hassle, less stress and less expense.
Choose the Theme
Unless it is a surprise for your teen, you have to actively involve your child in the choosing of the theme. Ultimately, it will be his/her party so his/her opinion should matter. Keep in mind that the party theme will provide a unifying framework upon which all the other aspects of the party - invitations, decorations, food and activities - will be based on. You can choose from many birthday party ideas for teens like a bonfire, luau, spa, makeover, Hollywood, talent show, sports, and decade parties, to name a few.
The important thing about choosing from among many birthday party ideas for teens is that you are both amenable to it. As a parent, you want your child to enjoy his/her party without it degenerating into anything immoral. Plus, it does help to be on the good side of your child's friends' parents on this one.
Determine the Date, Venue and Number of Guests
Your child's birthday party need not necessarily fall on his/her precise birth date. You should also consider factors like schedules of the guests, the kind of food you wish to serve and the preferences of other persons involved in the party planning, to name a few. When you do decide on a definite time and day, stick to it.
As for the venue, it will be dependent on your choice from amongst the kid party ideas. Keep in mind that each venue - indoors or outdoors, in the home or in a rented place - will have its pros and cons so carefully consider each one. And if you do decide on one venue, ensure that backup plans are in place.
Of course, your venue will also be affected by the number of guests you plan to invite. Expectedly, you cannot hold a party in your apartment if the whole class will be invited. Parks and other open spaces are more appropriate for this purpose. And did we mention that it also matters who your guests will be in determining many aspects of your party? For example, if your teen's favorite teachers are invited, then it is a good idea to provide for more grown-up foods than the usual fish and chips.
Plan the Activities
Usually, birthday party ideas for teens will not require as many games as kids' parties simply because teens have minds of their own. However, it is a good idea to ask you teenager the kinds of activities that he/she wants during the party. It can be as simple as dancing to the beat, karaoke singing and pool diving, to name a few.
Once you have set in writing your birthday party ideas for teens, you can then execute it. Expect some bumps along the way but the results should be worth the effort and the cost.
Whenever one hears about a birthday party, so many things flash into mind like balloons, chocolates, candles.... The idea of arranging a birthday party creates a lot of anxiety for parents as there are many things to be considered. Proper planning for the party helps in making it successful. Here we are going to discuss the essential elements of a birthday function.
1) Set your budget: The first and foremost step is to decide on how much you are ready to spend for the party. Usually the first birthdays are celebrated lavishly when compared to other birthdays.
2) Guest List: Based on the first step, decide who all are going to be present in the celebration. Collect the phone numbers or addresses of the invitees. Do not forget your kids' pals for the party as they are the ones who make your child happy. Plan for the necessary arrangements if the guests invited are from far away places.
3) Decide the venue: Select a venue for the birthday party that is within your budget and convenient to all your guests. Also it is preferable if it is near to your home as you can keep a watch on the arrangements on the day of the party.
4) Invitations: Select the invitation cards. They can be prepared with cute photos of the birthday kid on them in addition to good matter. These days e-invitations can also be made. You can also stick to calling the guests through phone or visiting their home to reduce the budget and have a personal touch to invitation.
5) Select the cake: Cake is the most essential part of the birthday party. If your kid is old enough, give him/her a chance to select it from the cake album at the bakery. You can later decide the weight of the cake needed depending on the number of guests.
6) Food : Finalize the items for the food that is to be served at the party. Do not forget to include the birthday kid's favourite dish. After all it is his/her big day. Select the resources for serving the food. Arrange for paper plates, cups, disposable glasses, napkins, tissue papers etc.,
7) Entertainment show: Arrange for a program to entertain kids. A professional can be called for performing a magic show or ventriloquism. To reduce the budget, a pre-informed simple fancy dress competition can be arranged which creates a lot of curiosity among children for the party day.
8)Games at the party: Birthday party games are the heart of the party. Different games can be arranged depending upon the age of the invitee kids and the time available.
9) Give away gifts: These are the items which are distributed to children during party. They include birthday caps, chocolates, masks and bubble makers. They bring in the party mood and make the party colorful.
10) Return Gifts and Prizes for game winners: These gifts make the children remember your party for a long time.
11) Decoration: After deciding the venue, plan for the decoration. This includes balloons, candles, cartoon characters, color papers, and many more. You can leave the job of decorating to a professional. If there are many helpers around you, bring in your creativity and purchase all the necessary items in advance.
12) Photography and video arrangements: Let your child remember your effort for a long time. Make the birthday party memorable by storing it in an album and disc.
13) Music arrangement: Music is the life of any party. Do not forget the happy birthday song. Play the birthday kid's favourite music.


Invite your friends to join in the party邀请你的朋友们参加聚会

Invite your friends to join in the party I think that it's a good idea.You can buy some candies,some coffee and milk,you can do yourself to the chocolate milk,and some banana milk .邀请你的朋友们参加聚会我想会是个好主意.你可以买一些糖果,一些咖啡和牛奶,你可以自己做些巧克力奶茶,和一些香蕉牛奶.I think will have had more person will like it.我想将会有更多的人喜欢它们.And you also can anize the three to four groups to talk about the history,geography,photography,English,French,Janpanese and so on.并且你也可以组织三四个小组讨论关于历史,地理,摄影,英语,法语,日语等等.You can prepare for some COOKIEs,and sandwiches.你keyi8准备一些饼干,并且一些三明治.I think it will be very interesting,and you can know more people for the group,and improve your history,gergraphy,photography,English and French.我想它将会是有趣的,并且你可以认识更多的人,并且提高你的历史,地理,摄影,英语和法语.But you should be prepare for the topic for English and French.I think it will very interesting.但是,你应该准备关于英语和法语的话题.我想它会是一个有趣的聚会.

派对 英语作文

Good evening,ladies and gentlemen!

Wele to our class and wele to our evening party.First of all,let me say a few words about our class.There are ** students in our class.And most of us are good at Englisg language.All of us think that English is a kind of universal language which is widely used in different fields.With the development of the global economy, it is being more and more important,especially for young people.In our free time,we usually learn English by reading magazines,watching TV,listening to the radio and etc.We take every chance to practise our English.That is why we are here to have an English party with our foreign friends.We are going to show some plays,sing some songs and etc.Of course,most of the programmes will be performed by our clas *** ates and foreign friends,and will be performed in English.Let's enjoy ourselves.HGope everybody have a good time here.

Thank you all.




Yesterday was my birthday. I had a party at home. I invited my friends to my party in the afternoon and I got a lot of presents from them. At the party, my friends all joined together to sing “Happy Birthday” to me, and we

began to eat a big cake. While enjoying the cake, we watched TV and listened to some music. Around 10 o’clock,

the party came to the end. After the very enjoyable time, I realized I turned one year older, and decided to be more independent and active in my future life!





早晨,天刚蒙蒙亮,我就迫不及待地跑到了学校,等待着去常州淹城春秋乐园游玩。一路上,我和同学们有说有笑,不知不觉地就来到了目的地。一进入大门首先映入眼帘的就是一个小型的瀑布,“哗哗”“哗哗”好像天地间就只存下了瀑布声。接着,我们就走到了儿童乐园,里面游玩的项目各种各样,丰富多彩,有 *** 的疯狂马戏团,有精彩,有趣的淹城传奇,有令人晕头转向的转杯派对……首先,我们玩了“疯狂罗盘”。坐在上面,惊险 *** 的游戏开始了。一下子,我们被转到了这一头,一下子又转到了那一头。时不时听到了同学们的尖叫声。然后,我们又玩了“狂野巅峰”。同学们争先恐后地跳了上去,本来我信心满满:“这点小玩意难不倒我。”可上去之后就腿软了,好后悔。开动了,“天哪,这可真是360度旋转啊。”我的心一下子提到了嗓子眼,在上面我一会儿头朝下,一会儿头朝左、右我又玩了“九龙问鼎”。九龙问鼎也是很恐怖的。上去之后,秋千就开始上升,飞快地转着,就感觉鼻涕都冻僵了,风直往袖子口钻,放眼望去,突然人变得像小蚂蚁一样,而高楼大厦则像一个巨人庞大。接着我们又玩了几个游戏。最后,我们依依不舍地离开了春秋乐园。

我计划组织一次英语晚会 翻译成英文

I plan to organize an English evening party.我计划组织一次英语晚会

英语作文plans for winter holiday

I had a great time throughout my May Day Holiday.
  On Monday, I went BBQ with my classmates who threw a celebration party at our middle school principle’s flat. Our parents were invited to the party. Everybody was excited about the holiday. I ate a lot of delicious food at that time.
  On Tuesday, I went visiting my uncle’s family with my parents. We went to celebrate our good time at a fancy restaurant in Shanghai. Later that day, we sang karaoke in my uncle’s house. We stayed for the night.

以上就是关于自己计划一场party英语,英语作文plan a birthday party60字的全部内容,以及自己计划一场party英语 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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