


  英语日常口语在语音、词汇、句法及冗余信息四个方面有自己的特点,是构成真实听力的重要部分。下面是我带来的一问一答日常英语 句子 ,欢迎阅读!
  Dialogue A

  (A. C. :Airline Clerk)

  A. C. :Ticket,please.A window or aisle seat, sir?

  Visitor:A window seat,please.Also,I'd like a seat in the smoking section.

  A. C. :Please put your bags on the scale.

  Visitor:What's the weight limit?

  A. C. :Forty-four pounds.

  Visitor:I hope my bags aren't overweight.

  A. C. :No,you're O. K. .

  Visitor:May I carry this satchel?

  A. C. :Yes,sir.But,please attach this claim tag.

  Visitor:All right.

  A. C. :Your boarding pass,sir.

  Visitor:What gate?

  A. C. :Gate twelve.


  A. C. : Have a good flight,sir.

  Dialogue B

  Dancy:I have two pieces of baggage to check in.

  Agent: Fine. Just a minute,please. Your baggage is a little bit overweight. It's two kilos.

  Dancy:May I take something out of it? There's an over coat I can carry by hand.

  Agent: As you like. Do you have any hand baggage?

  Dancy:I don't have any. But my wife has a handbag.

  Agent:That's O. K. .These are your baggage checks. Which would you like to have,aisleseats or window seats?You don't smoke,do you?

  Dancy:We'd like to have one window seat definitely,in thenon smoking section.

  Agent:O. K. . Here are your boarding passes. Please go and have a seat in the satellite hall.
  Dialogue A

  Linhua:Excuse me,officer. Can you help me?


  Linhua:Can you tell me how to get to Manhattan?

  Policeman:You can take the subway.

  Linhua:Oh,I just can't figure out the subway system at all.

  As soon as I get underground I lose my sense of direction.

  Policeman:But it's easy to get to Manhattan from here by the subway. You take the uptown R train and get off at 42nd Street.

  Linhua:O. K. ,do you know where the nearest subway station is?

  Policeman:It's over there across the street in front of the cinema.

  Linhua:Thanks a lot.

  Policeman:You're welcome.

  Dialogue B

  (A:Visitor;B:Token man)

  A:Is this right subway to the Rockefeller Center?

  B:Yes,you take the D train on the downtown platform,and go three stops.

  A:How much is the fare?

  B:One dollar and fifteen cents. You give me the money and I'll exchange it for a token.

  A:What should I do with the token?

  B:You put it in the slot at the turnstile and then push the turnstile to get into the platform.

  A:Oh,I see. By the way,how can I get out of the platform after I get off the train?

  B:That's very easy. The exit is always open.

  A:Thank you very much.

  B:My pleasure. Remember,the D train,the downtown platform.

  Dialogue C

  A:How did you enjoy your subway trip yesterday,Yang?

  B:Very much and I found it very funny,too.

  A:Really?When did you take your trip there?

  B:I was down at the Lilan Station at 7∶30. I guess that was a bad time to travel. When a train pulled in I was simply swept in by the rush of people from behind.

  A:Oh,poor you!But did you manage to find a seat?

  B:That was out of the question. The train left the station before I was able to get back my breath. I planned to get off at the Bridge Station for a visit,but I found myself landed at an entirely new one.

  A:So you overrode your station.

  B:That's right,and it took me half an hour to get on a train back.
  Dialogue A

  A:The ship is about to start. Let's go on board.

  B:All right. (passing up the gangway)

  A:Where is our cabin?

  B:Cabin No. 3,the upper deck. It's near amid ship.

  A:Here we are. There're four berths,two upper berths and two lower berths.

  B:Which is your berth?

  A:The upper one.

  B:Let's go for a walk on the deck.

  A:OK. Is there a daily passenger ship to Dalian?


  A:When does this ship 1eave?

  B:Four sharp.

  A:How many days does it take to Dalian?

  B:About two days. It arrives in Dalian at 6∶00p. m. The day after tomorrow. Look!The ship is lifting anchor.

  A:How many ports do we call at on our passage to Dalian?

  B:Two ports.

  A:The ship is going very fast.

  B:Perhaps she makes about 25 knots an hour.

  A:Ah,there is a small boat coming towards us.

  B:And she is signaling to us.

  A:The weather doesn't look very good. look at all those clouds over there.

  B:Yes,the wind is beginning to blow but the radio said the weather would be fine today.

  A:The wind is blowing hard. It's started to rain. There's going to be a storm.

  B:The ship is rolling and pitching now. You look pale. Are you seasick?

  A:I don't feel very good.

  B:I have some tablets for seasickness.

  A:They give me no help at all.

  B:Then we'd better go back to our cabin.

  A:The sea is very rough. I get terribly seasick. I'm afraidI'm going to be sick.

  B:Go to bed and shut your eyes. It will be all right. The storm will be over soon. (The wind is dropping and the clouds are breaking. )

  B:Well,the storm is over,the sea's calming down. How do you feel?

  A:I feel much better now.

  B:I see a red light off our bows.

  A:Is that a light house?

  B:Yes,may be we'll be in port before long.

  A:How long does this ship lie at anchor here?

  B:Half an hour.

  A:It is going to dock. Let's go ashore to buy some local and special products.

  Dialogue B

  (Austin is taking a boat trip to Tasamnia. He and his friendare strolling on the deck. )

  A:Nice day,isn't it?

  B:Yes,it couldn't be better!A sea trip is always enjoyable in fine weather like this.

  A:I hope it will remain fine all the way.

  B:So do I. It can be very rough,though. Is this your first voyage in Australia?

  A:Yes. How long does it take to get to Tasmania?

  B:The ship is making about thirty knots per hour,so we should arrive there within ten hours.

  A:I'm glad it's not very long.

  B:Do you get seasick?

  A:Usually not. But I don't know how I'd fee1 if the ship was pitching and rolling.

  B:In that case,better eat some solid food. Don't drink any liquids.

  A:Is that the best remedy?

  B:That helped me an uncomfortable voyage.

  A:Thank you for your advice. It's a bit chilly,isn't it?

  B:Are you feeling cold?Would you like to come with me tomy cabin for a beer?

  A:Thank you. It's nice of you to invite me.

  B:I hope so.





  At a Wedding

  Mr. Smith:They’re playing the Wedding March. Your eyes are filled with tears。

  Mrs. Smith:I’m very touched and I can’t help bursting into tears at a wedding。

  Mr. Smith:Really? I haven’t seen that at our wedding, but at Jeff and Mary’s。

  Mrs. Smith:Mary looks so beautiful in the wedding gown, and I recall the moment that I was a bride。

  Mr. Smith:You will always be the most beautiful one in the world. What is the bridesmaid’s name?

  Mrs. Smith:Judy. Why are you so interested in her?

  Mr. Smith:Don’t be so sensitive. Just a casual question. I caught you looking at the groomsman。

  Mrs. Smith:He is terribly handsome。

  Mr. Smith:I wonder why he is chosen to be the groomsman and why Mary doesn’t marry him, since he’s much more attractive。

  Mrs. Smith:Why are you so bitter? No one tells worse jokes than you。

  Mr. Smith:The minister is doing a good job. I’m not sure if they’ll be as happy as we are。


  Accepting an Offer

  Bill:Emma, I’d like to start a family with you。

  Emma:Do you mean to marry me?

  Bill:Yes. Am I being too abrupt? I love you truly。

  Emma:Not at all. I’ve been expecting this for a while. I love you truly and whole-heartedly, too。

  Bill:So, is that a “yes”?


  Bill:Oh, Emma, that makes me so happy. I promise you my love, but I can’t promise you wealth, not right now。

  Emma:Honey, as long as you love me, really love me, I won’t care anything。

  Bill:You’re so sweet。

  Emma:I do have a request though。

  Bill:Say it. It’s done。

  Emma:I don’t want to be a housewife. I love my job. We need to share in the housework。

  Bill:That’s not a problem。

  Emma:Oh honey, we’ll be so happy together!


  John:Miss Wang, I’d like to ask you a question if you don’t mind。

  Miss Wang:Sure, John. Go ahead。

  John:This may seem a bit sudden and out of left field, but I’d like us to be more than colleagues。

  Miss Wang:I’ve always thought of you as more than a colleague, John. You’ve always been my friend。

  John:Maybe I’m not making myself clear. I’ll cut right to the quick. You know, I’m single. I hope you would like to marry me。

  Miss Wang:You’re right, Ah…This is a bit unexpected. To tell you the truth, I’ve never thought of you that way before。

  John:Unexpected? Yes. But I’ve had the wish for a long time。

  Miss Wang:John, thank you for the lovely offer but my feelings for you don’t go beyond friendship。

  John:I see. Miss Wang, do forgive me。

  Miss Wang:It doesn’t matter. We are still friends, aren’t we?

  John:Yes, of course.



What's your first name?
What's your address?
7865 NW Sweet Street
Where do you live?
I live in San Diego.
What's your (tele)phone number?
How old are you?
Twenty-five. I'm twenty-five years old.
When / Where were you born?
I was born in 1961 / Seattle.
Are you married? / What's your marital status?
I'm single.
What do you do? / What's your job?
I'm a librarian.
Where did you go?
I went to a friend's house.
What did you do?
We played video games.
Where were you?
I was in New York for the weekend.
Have you got a car / job / house / etc.?
Yes, I've got a good job.
Have you got any children / friends / books / etc.?
Yes, I've got three children - two boys and a daughter.
Can you play tennis / golf / football / etc.?
Yes, I can play golf.
Can you speak English / French / Japanese / etc.?
No, I can't speak Japanese.
Could you speak English / French / Japanese / etc.?
when you were five / two / fifteen / etc. years old?
Yes, I could speak English when I was five years old.
Introducing Yourself / Saying Hello
How do you do?
How do you do. Pleased to meet you.
How are you?
Fine, thanks. And you?
How can I help you? / May I help you?
Yes. I'm looking for a sweater.
Can I try it on?
Sure, the changing rooms are over there.
How much does it cost? / How much is it?
It's $45.
How would you like to pay?
By credit card.
Can I pay by credit card / check / debit card?
Certainly. We accept all major cards.
Have you got something bigger / smaller / lighter / etc.?
Certainly, we've got a smaller sizes as well.
Asking Something Specific
What's that?
It's a cat!
What time is it?
It's three o'clock.
Can / May I open the window?
Certainly. It's hot in here!
Is there a bank / supermarket / pharmacy / etc. near here?
Yes. There is a bank on the next corner next to the post office.
Where is the nearest bank / supermarket / pharmacy / etc.?
The nearest pharmacy is on 15th street.
Who wrote / invented / painted / etc. the ...?
Hemingway wrote "The Sun Also Rises".
Is there any water / sugar / rice / etc.?
Yes, there's a lot of sugar left.
Are there any apples / sandwiches / books / etc.?
No, there aren't any apples left.
Is this your / his / her / etc. book / ball / house / etc.?
No, I think it's his ball.
Whose is this / that?
It's Jack's.
Questions with 'Like'
What do you like?
I like playing tennis, reading and listening to music.
What does he look like?
He's tall and slim.
What would you like?
I'd like a steak and chips.
What is it like?
It's an interesting country.
What's the weather like?
It's raining at the moment.
Would you like some coffee / tea / food?
Yes, thank you. I'd like some coffee.
Would you like something to drink / eat?
Thank you. Could I have a cup of tea?
Asking for an Opinion
What's it about?
It's about a young boy who encounters adventures.
What do you think about your job / that book / Tim / etc.?
I thought the book was very interesting.
How big / far / difficult / easy is it?
The test was very difficult!
How big / far / difficult / easy are they?
The questions were very easy.
How was it?
It was very interesting.
What are you going to do tomorrow / this evening / next week / etc.?
I'm going to visit some friends next weekend.
Suggestions What shall we do this evening?
Let's go see a film.
Why don't we go out / play tennis / visit friends / etc. this evening?
Yes, that sounds like a good idea.
7865 NW 甜街
我住在 San Diego。
你 (远程) 的电话号码是什么?
你出生的时候 / 在哪里?
我出生于 1961 年 / 西雅图。
我 单身。
你有一辆车、 工作、 房子、 等。?
你有任何儿童 / 朋友 / 书籍 / 等。?
是的我有三个孩子 — — 两个男孩和一个女儿。
你能打网球 / 高尔夫 / 足球 / 等。?
你会讲英语 / 法国 / 日本 / 等。?
你会说英语 / 法国 / 日本 / 等。?
当你在五 / 两 / 十五 / 等年岁吗?
我如何能帮你?/ 也许我帮你吗?
它是 $45。
我可以用信用卡支付 / 检查 / 借记卡吗?
你想有的东西更大、 更小、 更轻、 等。?
它是一只猫 !
现在 几点钟?
这是 3 上午。
可以 / 我可以打开窗户吗?
当然可以。这里很热 !
有没有一家银行 / 超市 / 药学 / 等离这儿近吗?
最近的银行在哪里 / 超市 / 药学 / 等。?
离家最近的药店是 15 街。
是谁写的、 发明、 彩绘、 等等......?
有没有任何的水、 糖、 米、 等。?
有苹果、 三明治、 书籍、 等。?
这是你的 / 他的 / 她 / 等预订 / 球 / 房子等。?
与 '象' 的问题
你想喝杯咖啡 / 茶 / 食物吗?
你想要喝的 / 吃的东西吗?
你怎么看待你的工作 / 这本书 / 蒂姆 / 等。 吗?
它多大、 远、 困难、 容易?
这次测试是非常困难的 !
他们多大、 远、 困难、 容易?
你该怎么办明天 / 晚上 / 下一步本周 / 等。?
为什么不要我们出去打网球 / 拜访朋友 / 等今天晚上?



How are you?
Fine, thank you.
What day is it today?
It's Monday.
How are you doing?
I am doing very well, thanks.
What's your name?
My name is Lucy.
How is your mother?
She is getting better in hospital, thank you.
Which one do you like?
The red one.
Who is Lily?
The girl in blue skirt.
How is your examination?
Just so so.
What is your favourate book?
Jane Eyer.
Who is your idol?
Lu Han.
Which country do you like most?
Do you have any sisters or brothers?
No, I am the only child in my family.
What time is it now?
It's 9:05.
Which question is easy to answer?
The second one.
Do you like math?
Yes, I like math very much.
What is your hobby?
I like playing basketball.
Do you admire him?
Yes, I also want to travel many countries as he did.
When will you go home?
2 hours later maybe.
Where were you born?
Where do you live?
Which flavor do you like best, sour or spicy?
Which city is the capital city of America?
Do you like stay home alone?
No, I like to stay with my friends outside.
What 's wrong with you?
I felt sick this moring.
How old are you?
I am 25 years old.


以上就是关于英语一问一答句子50个,一问一答的句子四年级下册的全部内容,以及英语一问一答句子50个 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2023年01月14日15时31分55秒
下一篇 2023年01月14日15时34分31秒


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